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“… humility (is) indispensable for making progress." <ref></ref>
To discover one's weaknesses and imperfections is already a great progress. The first step towards progress is a sincere humility.
Sincerity, humility, perseverance and an insatiable thirst for progress are essential for a happy and fruitful life, and above all, to be convinced that the possibility of progress is limitless. Progress is youth; one can be young at a hundred years.
If we know how to accept these spiritual blows with due humility, we are sure to cover a great distance at a single bound. <ref></ref>
If we know how to accept these spiritual blows with due humility, we are sure to cover a great distance at a single bound. <ref></ref>
===Trust and Surrender===
It is the usual experience that if the humility and resignation are firmly founded in the heart, other things like trust come naturally afterwards.