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661 bytes removed ,  11:26, 26 October 2022
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=What is Honesty?= 2
==Honesty in Relation to Other Qualities== 2
===Sincerity=== 2
===Courage=== 3
==Honesty in Parts of the Being== 4
===Physical Being=== 4
===Vital Being=== 4
===Mental Being=== 5
=Why is Honesty Necessary?= 7
==To be Happy== 8
==Victory over Falsehood== 8
=Role of Honesty in Religion= 8
=Role of Honesty in Sadhana= 9
=How to Develop Honesty?= 11
==Prerequisites== 11
==Process of Cultivating Honesty== 12
==Helpful Practices== 13
==How to Inculcate Honesty In Children?== 14
=Common Misunderstandings about Honesty= 15
==Not a Mental Construction== 15
=Reasons for Decrease in Honesty= 16
==More on Honesty== 17
<centre>Be honest towards yourself―(no self-deception). Be sincere towards the Divine―(no bargaining in the surrender)