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2 bytes removed ,  14:47, 3 February 2021
For so long as we work with attachment to the result, the sacrifice is offered not to the Divine, but to our ego. <ref></ref>
But for one who follows the path of action ..., to create in himself this complete detachment from the fruit of action, to act because this is what must be done, to do it in the best possible way, and not to be anxious about the consequences, to leave the consequences to a Will higher than his own. <ref></ref>
To become indifferent to the attraction of outer objects. This non-attachment liberates the inner being into peace and the true consciousness. It is only when one sees the Divine in all things that objects get a value for the Yoga, but even then not for their own sake or as objects of desire, but for the sake of the Divine within and as a means of the divine work and manifestation.