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=What is Detachment?=
Detachment means that one stands back from them, does not identify oneself with them or get upset or troubled because they are there, but rather looks on them as something foreign to one's true consciousness and true self, rejects them and calls in the Mother's Force into these movements to eliminate them and bring the true consciousness and its movements there. The firm will of rejection must be there, the pressure to get rid of them, but not any wrestling or struggle.
A state Detachment means standing back with part of detachment: "If I have the consciousness and observing what is being done without being involved in it, I . It is to have it; if the soul free from craving and attachment. It is to be rid of "I don't, I don't-ness" and "my-ness", there comes a moment when, if your state is quite sincere so as to live in the one Self and you really need something (it must not be a fancy or a desire or a caprice but a true need), automatically act in the thing comes to youone Self. <ref></ref><ref></ref>
=Why Practice Detachment?= Detachment is the beginning of mastery, but for complete mastery there should be no reactions at all. When there is something within undisturbed by the reactions that means the inner being is free and master of itself. <ref></ref> Through detachment, one becomes a spectator of one’s actions. One does not flow with the emotions and reactions but stays above it. For example, if one you identifies oneself with a movement of anger and one’s whole being becomes one angry vibration, blind and precipitate, oblivious of everything else. It is only when one can stand back, remain detached in the midst of the passionate turmoil that one is able to see the process with a knowing eye. <ref></ref> The pratice of detachment will make one live in a consciousness above above pain and pleasure, suffering and happiness, enthusiasm and depression. Hence one tastes the delight of the divine consciousness. <ref>,p7,p8,p9,p10</ref> Detachment allows to reach a level of perfection, where nothing interferes with the freedom of the soul or draws it away from its urge towards the Self or its poise in the Self.<ref><?ref>=How to Practice Detachment?= To be rid able to organise and carry out everything with utmost care and attention and yet remain free from all desire and attachment.<ref> "I-ness" death-and "my-ness" so as the-four-methods-of-conquering-it#p9,p10</ref> Simply this attitude: when a thing comes to you, to take it, use it; when for one reason or another it goes away, to let it go and not regret it. Not to refuse it when it comes, to know how to adapt yourself and not to regret it when it goes.<ref></ref> A moment comes when one must absolutely separate oneself from all this [darkness and stupidity and wrong movements], because only when one has separated oneself and become quite conscious that one is there that one is THAT, only then can one come down again to change it all. Not to forsake it, but to live be its master.<ref> /agenda/04/november-20-1963#p77</ref> When one wants to detach oneself from something, from a certain movement or activity or state of consciousness, this is the most effective method; one steps back a little, watches the thing like that, as one would watch a scene in a play, and one Self doesn't intervene. And a moment later, the thing doesn't concern you any longer, it is something which takes place outside you.<ref></ref> Witness means an observer, someone who looks on and does not act himself. So, when the mind is very quiet, one can withdraw a little in this way from circumstances and look at things as though he were a witness, a spectator, and not participating in the one Self; action himself. This gives you a great detachment, a great quietude, and also a very precise see of the value of things, because it cuts the attachment to reject action. <ref></ref> One can get rid of all attachments by realising that we are so little in the egoism eternity of refusing things. What we give so much importance to is not even a second in eternity. We must move out of the “I-ness” and “My-ness” and widen ourselves.<ref></ref> ==Detachment in Daily Life== For so long as we work through with attachment to the result, the sacrifice is offered not to the Divine, but to our ego. <ref> individual centre -annihilation-of -ego#p2</ref> But for one who follows the universal Being as well as path of action create in himself this complete detachment from the egoism fruit of serving action, to act because this is what must be done, to do it in the individual mind best possible way, and life not to be anxious about the consequences, to leave the consequences to a Will higher than his own. <ref></ref> To become indifferent to the attraction of outer objects. This non-attachment liberates the inner being into peace and body to the exclusion true consciousness. It is only when one sees the Divine in all things that objects get a value for the Yoga, but even then not for their own sake or as objects of desire, but for the sake of othersthe Divine within and as a means of the divine work and manifestation.<ref>https</ref>
The sign of freedom It is not by abstaining from food that you can make a spiritual progress. It is by being free, not only from all attachment is that one has no craving and can do without all desire and preoccupation with food, but even from all need for it; by being in the state in which all these things without feeling anything for are so foreign to your consciousness that or disappointment at their loss or absence or hankering or wish to they have themno place there.<ref></ref>
To be free One must arrive at a complete separation of one’s consciousness from all attachment does not mean running away from all occasion for attachment. All these people who assert their asceticism, not only run away but warn others not to try! This seems so obvious to me. When you need to run away from a thing in order not to experience it, it means that you are not above it, you are still on feelings of the same level. Anything that suppresses, diminishes or lessens cannot bring freedom. Freedom has to be experienced in the whole body and its acceptance of life illness and in all sensations. As a matter of fact I have made a whole series of studies on the subject, on the purely physical plane.... In order to be above all possible error, we tend to eliminate any occasion for error. For example, if you do not want to say any useless words, you stop speaking; people who take a vow of silence imagine from that this is control of speech—it is not true! It is only eliminating separated consciousness act upon the occasion for speech and therefore for saying useless thingsbody. It is the same thing with food: eating only what is necessary. In the transitional state we have reached, we no longer want to lead this entirely animal life based on material exchange and food; but it would be foolish to believe so that we have reached a state where the body these things can subsist entirely without food—nevertheless there is already a great difference, since they are trying to find the essential nutrients in things in order to lessen the volumebe got rid of or at least neutralised. But the natural tendency is to fast—it is a mistake!<ref>,p9,p10,p11p106</ref>
=Why Practice Detachment?=