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==Mantra In Sri Aurobindo’s Yoga==
As a rule the only mantra used in this sadhana is that of the Mother or of my name and the Mother. The concentration in the heart and the concentration in the head can both be used—each has its own result. The first opens up the psychic being and brings bhakti, love and union with the Mother, her presence within the heart and the action of her Force in the nature. The other opens the mind to self-realisation, to the consciousness of what is above mind, to the ascent of the consciousness out of the body and the descent of the higher consciousness into the body. <ref></ref>
=Why Japa?=
==Effect On The Physical Mind==
Japa, like meditation, is a procedure—apparently the most active and effective procedure—for joining, as much as possible, the Divine Presence to the bodily substance.<ref></ref> When one repeats a mantra regularly, very often it begins to repeat itself within, which means that it is taken up by the inner being. In that way it is more effective. <ref></ref>
What it does, if it is effective, is to open the consciousness and to bring into it the power of that which the mantra represents. <ref></ref> The japa is made precisely to control the physical mind.<ref></ref>
==Japa and Healing==
If something in the body's working gets disturbed (a pain or disorder, the onset of some illness) and repeating the mantra in a certain way… said with a certain purpose and above all in a movement of surrender, surrender of the pain, the disorder, and a call, like an opening—it has a marvelous effect. And after a while everything is put back in order. And simultaneously, of course, the precise knowledge of what lies behind the disorder and what must be done to set it right comes to me. <ref></ref>
==Japa Brings Precision, Solidity==
With those who have no mantra, even if they have a strong habit of meditation or concentration, something around them remains hazy and vague. Whereas the japa imparts to those who practice it a kind of precision, a kind of solidity: an armature. They become galvanized, as it were. <ref></ref>
=How Of Japa?=