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... the Upanishads speak of jyotir brahma, the Light that is Brahman. Very often the sadhak feels a flow of Light upon him or around him or a flow of Light invading his centres or even his whole being and body, penetrating and illumining every cell and in that Light there grows the spiritual consciousness and one becomes open to all or many of its workings and realisations. Appositely I have a review of a book of Ramdas (of the Vision) before me in which is described such an experience got by the repetition of the Rama mantra, but, if I understand rightly, after a long and rigorous self-discipline. "The mantra having stopped automatically, he beheld a small circular light before his mental vision. This yielded him thrills of delight. This experience having continued for some days, he felt a dazzling light like lightning, flashing before his eyes, which ultimately permeated and absorbed him. Now an inexpressible transport of bliss filled every pore of his physical frame." It does not always come like that—very often it comes by stages or at long intervals, at first, working on the consciousness till it is ready. <ref></ref>
=Effect on the Material Substance=
==Rapport with Divine==
From another, almost identical point of view, it fills the physical atmosphere with the Divine Presence. So time spent in japa is time consecrated to helping the material substance enter into more intimate rapport with the Divine. <ref></ref>
==Perfect Contentment==
But this body feels so strongly that it exists ONLY because the divine Power is in it. And constantly, for the least thing, it has only one remedy (it doesn't think of resting, of not doing this or that, of taking medicine), its sole remedy is to call and call the Supreme—it goes on repeating its mantra. And as soon as it quietly repeats its mantra, it is perfectly content. Perfectly content. <ref></ref>
==Body’s Aspiration for the Mantra==
And it's the body that aspires, the body that says the mantra, the body that wants the light, the body that wants the consciousness—you yourself may be thinking of something else, Tom, Dick or Harry or a book or anything, it doesn't matter. <ref></ref>
==Cells Recognition of Truth==
What's interesting is to follow this kind of change in the consciousness of the cells: there are still many of them with a sense of wonder that the Truth exists. That's the form it takes: a sense of wonder.... "Ah, so that's what it is!" A wonder. A wonder at the existence, the UNIQUE existence of the Lord—a joy! Such an intense joy and a child-like wonder, you know: "Oh, so it's really like that!" And this goes on in one part of the body after another, one group of cells after another. Truly charming. And then, when the mantra comes spontaneously, oh!... There is an adoration: "It's like that, like that! That is true, it is THAT which is true—all the disorder, all the ugliness, all the suffering, all the misery, all of that isn't true! It's not true, it is THAT which is true." And not with words (words trivialize it): with an extraordinary sensation, extraordinary! And then ... it's the beginning of that sort of glorious, marvellous life. It's still at the stage of wonder; that is, something unexpected in its sublimity. <ref></ref>
==Cellular Ecstasy And Shyness ==
Some even (as I have said) spontaneously repeat the mantra. Spontaneously, the mantra goes on and on being repeated, sometimes with a very great intensity; sometimes there is a sort of... (do you know the English word shyness?), a shyness to invoke the Divine, so strongly That is felt. But it melts—it melts in an awareness, a conscious perception of such a Clemency! Unbelievable—unbelievable, unthinkable, it's so wonderful.... (In its very small human manifestation, that's what has become goodness, but that's a distortion.) A marvel! The cells are in ecstasy before this vibration.... But then, you see and hear this CLAMOR of protest, misery, suffering—it's a clamor all over the earth, and that makes the cells feel a little ashamed. <ref></ref>
=Japa And The Physical Mind=