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Sincerity consists in making all the elements of the being, all the movements (whether outer or inner), all the parts of the being, all of them, have one single will to belong to the Divine, to live only for the Divine, to will only what the Divine wills, to express only the divine Will, to have no other source of energy than that of the Divine.
Sincerity exacts the unification and harmonisation of the whole being in all its parts and movements around the central Divine Will. <ref></ref>
By perfect sincerity we mean that all our thoughts, feelings, sensations and actions should express nothing but the central Truth of our being. <ref></ref>
Sincerity means to accept the Divine influence only and not that of lower forces.<ref></ref>
Sincerity means to lift all the movements of the being to the level of the highest consciousness and realisation already attained. <ref></ref>
To allow no part of the being to contradict the highest aspiration towards the Divine. <ref></ref>