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=What is Sincerity?= 2
==Transparent Sincerity== 4
==Sincerity in Relation to Other Qualities== 5
===Aspiration and Sincerity=== 5
===Faith and Sincerity=== 5
===Humility and Sincerity=== 5
===Purity and Sincerity=== 6
=Why Sincerity is Important?= 6
===Aid in Purification=== 8
===Indispensable in the Discovery of the True Individuality=== 9
===To be in Harmony with the Truth of our Being=== 9
===Protection on the Path=== 9
===For Progress=== 10
=How to be Sincere?= 12
==Prerequisite for Developing Sincerity== 13
==Ways for Developing Sincerity== 13
===By Aspiration === 14
===Rejection === 14
===By Constant Effort== 15
===By Psychic Opening=== 16
===Detachment=== 17
==Helpful Practices== 17
===Becoming Conscious=== 18
===Will for Progress=== 20
===Overcoming Weakness=== 20
==How Sincerity is Helpful in Yoga?== 22
==Influence of Lower Forces== 23
==How to Overcome Them?=== 24