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= Why do we need Perfection? =
==For OnenessDiscovering the Truth== For the awakened individual the realisation of his truth of being and his inner liberation and perfection must be his primary seeking,—first, because that is the call of the Spirit within him, but also because it is only by liberation and perfection and realisation of the truth of being that man can arrive at truth of living. A perfected community also can exist only by the perfection of its individuals, and perfection can come only by the discovery and affirmation in life by each of his own spiritual being and the discovery by all of their spiritual unity and a resultant life unity. There can be no real perfection for us except by our inner self and truth of spiritual existence taking up all truth of the instrumental existence into itself and giving to it oneness, integration, harmony. As our only real freedom is the discovery and disengagement of the spiritual Reality within us, so our only means of true perfection is the sovereignty and self-effectuation of the spiritual Reality in all the elements of our nature. <ref></ref>
His physical being will be one with all material NatureThere is a Reality, his vital being with the life a truth of the universe, his mind with the cosmic mind, his spiritual knowledge all existence which is greater and more abiding than all its formations and manifestations; to find that truth and will with the divine knowledge Reality and will both live in itself and as it pours itself through these channels, his spirit with achieve the one spirit in all beings. All the variety most perfect manifestation and formation possible of cosmic existence will it, must be changed to him in that unity and revealed in the secret of perfection whether of individual or communal being. This Reality is there within each thing and gives to each of its formations its spiritual significance. For in this spiritual bliss power of being and value of being he will be one with That which . The universe is a manifestation of the origin Reality, and continent and inhabitant and spirit and constituting power there is a truth of the universal existence, a Power of cosmic being, an all existence-self or world-spirit. This will be Humanity is a formation or manifestation of the Reality in the highest reach universe, and there is a truth and self of humanity, a human spirit, a destiny of self-perfectionhuman life.<ref></ref>
So long as he remains in the world-existence, this perfection must radiate out from him,—for that is the necessity of his oneness with the universe and its beings,—in an influence and action which help all around who are capable of it to rise to or advance towards the same perfection, and for the rest in an influence and action which help, as only the self-ruler and master man can help, in leading the human race forward spiritually towards this consummation and towards some image of a greater divine truth in their personal and communal existence. He becomes a light and power of the Truth to which he has climbed and a means for others’ ascension.
==For Progress==
==Discovering the TruthFor Oneness==
For the awakened individual the realisation of his truth of His physical being and his inner liberation and perfection must will be one with all material Nature, his primary seeking,—first, because that is vital being with the call life of the Spirit within himuniverse, but also because it is only by liberation and perfection and realisation of his mind with the truth of being that man can arrive at truth of living. A perfected community also can exist only by the perfection of its individualscosmic mind, and perfection can come only by the discovery and affirmation in life by each of his own spiritual being knowledge and will with the discovery by all of their spiritual unity divine knowledge and a resultant life unity. There can be no real perfection for us except by our inner self and truth of spiritual existence taking up all truth of the instrumental existence into will both in itself and giving to as it onenesspours itself through these channels, integration, harmony. As our only real freedom is his spirit with the discovery and disengagement of the spiritual Reality within us, so our only means of true perfection is the sovereignty and self-effectuation of the spiritual Reality one spirit in all the elements of our naturebeings. <ref> the-divine-life#p37</ref> There is a Reality, a truth variety of all cosmic existence which is greater and more abiding than all its formations and manifestations; will be changed to find him in that truth and Reality unity and live revealed in it, achieve the most perfect manifestation and formation possible of it, must be the secret of perfection whether of individual or communal beingits spiritual significance. This Reality is there within each thing For in this spiritual bliss and gives to each of its formations its power of being and value of being. The universe he will be one with That which is a manifestation of the Reality, origin and continent and inhabitant and spirit and there is a truth constituting power of all existence. This will be the universal existence, a Power highest reach of cosmic being, an all-self or world-spirit. Humanity is a formation or manifestation of the Reality in the universe, and there is a truth and self of humanity, a human spirit, a destiny of human lifeperfection. <ref></ref>
So long as he remains in the world-existence, this perfection must radiate out from him,—for that is the necessity of his oneness with the universe and its beings,—in an influence and action which help all around who are capable of it to rise to or advance towards the same perfection, and for the rest in an influence and action which help, as only the self-ruler and master man can help, in leading the human race forward spiritually towards this consummation and towards some image of a greater divine truth in their personal and communal existence. He becomes a light and power of the Truth to which he has climbed and a means for others’ ascension.