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= What is Aesthetic Sense? =
Aesthetic sense is what helps us perceive beauty through our senses or through inner attunement. Art, music, poetry , and nature are a few of the sensory stimulants that have a formative effect on the aesthetic sense of an individual. But that is not all! The aesthetic sense is also evoked when one witnesses witness acts of generosity, truthfulness , and harmony. This is because there is an intrinsic relationship between aesthetics and ethics. In the lower nature, both have the capacity to create opposites such as good - bad, like - dislike or beautiful - ugly as mere reactions of the individual consciousness. However, when one uses their inner senses, one can perceive a sort of universal beauty present in all things.
= Why is it Important to Cultivate an Aesthetic Sense? =
The recognition of beauty gives birth to a sense of wonder and gratitude and wonder by which one is able to accept and enjoy all the experiences on their journey for they are able to of life and see the beauty hidden in all things. This adds joy and delight to the ardour of progress. It brings a refinement in the way we express ourselves and harmony in our surroundings, relationships, and in ourselves.
The development of a sense of beauty is accompanied with by an aspiration to be beautiful and a need for harmony. This becomes the seed for widening one's perspective and prevents us from falling prey to the sectarian, divisive forces that demand our attention and drain our energy.
== Stages of Aesthesis ==