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= Why Purify =
Purification and calm are the first needs in the Yoga. One may have a great wealth of experiences of that kind (worlds, visions, voices etc.) without them, but these experiences occurring in an unpurified and troubled consciousness are usually full of disorder and mixture. <ref></ref>
The world will be made better only in proportion as we make ourselves better. The ills that humanity suffers from - collectively and individually - stem from the errors that lie at the roots of our ignorant nature. <ref></ref> Thus, purification of our nature is central to making the world better.
We are the deforming intermediary between the purity of the animal and divine purity of the gods. <ref></ref> Thus, the process of purification is central to our evolution.
Purification and calm are the first needs in the Yoga. One may have a great wealth of experiences of that kind (worlds, visions, voices etc.) without them, but these experiences occurring in an unpurified and troubled consciousness are usually full of disorder and mixture. <ref></ref>
importance of purity also comes through when one sees how with inner liberation, total sincerity and perfect purity, all sufferings ends because they will no longer be required for the progress of consciousness. <ref></ref>
'''Purification in and Traditional Yoga'''
From a yogic perspective, purification is of utmost importance. All yoga proceeds in its methods by three principles of practice - purification, concentration and consummation. <ref></ref>
