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The physical opening needs a great quietude which replaces the tamasic inertia of body nature by a true peace. <ref></ref>
beings of the lower vital planes, who are in opposition to the Gods. <ref></ref> They manifest more or less in the physico-vital. <ref></ref>
==Positive and Negative==
The vital beings (possessing men) take a delight in struggle and suffering and disorder ; it is their natural atmosphere. They want besides to get the taste of the physical world without being under the obligation of taking on birth and developing the psychic being and evolving towards the Divine. They wish to remain what they are and yet amuse themselves with the physical world and physical body. <ref></ref>
==PossibilitiesPowers for Realisation== Strength, if it is spiritual, is a power for spiritual realisation; a greater power is sincerity; the greatest power of all is Grace. <ref></ref> ==Prajnana==
==Powers for RealisationPrakrti==
Strength, if it is spiritual, is a power for spiritual realisation; a greater power is sincerity; the greatest power of all is Grace. <ref></ref>==Prana==
