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== The Need for Education ==
<span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">It's indispensable for you to have a frame in which you can learn how to form yourself. If you did your work of individualisation, of total formations, by yourself, all alone in a corner, nothing at all would be asked of you. But you don't do it, you wouldn't do it, there's </span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">not a single child who would do it, he wouldn't even know how to do it, where to begin. If a child were not taught how to live, he could not live, he wouldn't know how to do anything, anything. I don't want to speak about disgusting details, but even the most elementary things he would not do properly if he were not taught how to do them. Therefore, one must, step by step... That is to say, if everyone had to go through the whole experience needed for the formations of an individuality, he would be long dead before having begun to live! This is the contribution—accumulated through centuries—of those who have had the experience and tell you, "Well, if you want to go quickly, to know in a few years what has been learnt through centuries, do this!" Read, learn, study and then, in the material field, you will be taught to do this in this way, that in that way, this again in this way (gestures). Once you know a little, you can find your own method, if you have the genius for it! But first one must stand on one's own feet and know how to walk. It is very difficult to learn it all alone. It's like that for everyone. One must form oneself. Therefore, one needs education. </span>[<u></28-july-1954#p59]u>
<div style="color:#007cd5;">(The Mother; 28 July, 1954)</div>
<span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">An individualised mind is something extremely rare, which comes only after a long education; </span>[<u></20-february-1957#p6]u><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#007cd5;"> </span>
<div style="color:#007cd5;">(The Mother; 20 February, 1957)</div>
