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What Is Illness?

...illnesses are falsehoods of the body… [1]

...any discomfort, any disease is a falsehood… [2]

...falsehood in the body is a falsehood in the consciousness The falsity of the consciousness naturally has material consequences... and that's what illness is!... [3]

...An illness every case it's a disequilibrium in the being: a disequilibrium between various functionings, a disequilibrium between forces… [4]

...Illness is always a lapse into unconsciousness through the incapacity to sustain the movement of transformation... [5]

...It's [ illness is] the EXACT measure of what in Matter resists the divine Influence—the exact measure, down to the atom. [6]

All disease is a means towards some new joy of health....

[Based on Aphorism<135>] All disease is a means towards some new joy of health, all evil and pain a tuning of Nature for some more intense bliss and good, all death an opening on widest immortality. Why and how this should be so, is God's secret which only the soul purified of egoism can penetrate.] [7]

An epidemic is a collective illness and comes from a collective impurity… [8]

...An illness which comes in the ordinary course as the result of physical causes—even though adverse universal forces are the first cause—is an ordinary illness… [9]

...One [illness]brought by the forces hostile to Yoga to upset the system and prevent or disturb progress—without any adequate physical reason—is a hostile attack.. [10]

...No two illnesses are alike, though labels are group them; but in fact every person is ill in his own way, and his way depends on what he is, on his state of consciousness and the life he leads. [11] or illness is... a choice of every minute... [12]

All life is the play of universal forces...most people...undergo the play of the forces.Your illnesses, depressions etc. are the repeated play of such forces… [13]

What Illness Is Not?

Means of Transformation

Illness must not be accepted as a means of transformation; it rather indicates certain difficulties encountered by the force of transformation especially in the vital and the body… [14]


...You are given an illness purposely to make you progress? Surely it is not like that...You must never think that the Divine has purposely sent an illness, for that would truly be a very wicked Divine!... [15]

To make people ill in order to improve or perfect them is not Mother's method… [16]


...The child must be taught as early as possible...that he does not become more interesting by being ill, but rather the contrary...Children should therefore be taught that to be ill is a sign of weakness and inferiority, not of some virtue or sacrifice. [17]

...illness is a thing to be eliminated, not accepted or enjoyed... [18] have not to accept illness as the Divine Will, but rather look upon it as an imperfection of the body… [19]

Result of the Divine Force

...The Divine Force cannot by its descent be the cause of madness any more than it can be of apoplexy or any other physical illness… [20]

Whatever force is sent is for cure. Increase of illness or physical suffering is not the result of the force. [21]

...I find it difficult to believe that illness and deterioration of the body is the natural and general result of the practice of Yoga or that that practice is the cause of an inevitable breakdown of health...It is more rational to conclude that both Yogis and non-Yogis fall ill and die from natural causes and by the same dispensation of Nature… [22]

Imperfection in Other Parts

As for the question about the illness, perfection in the physical plane is indeed part of the ideal of the Yoga, but may have a certain perfection on other planes without having immunity in the body. [23] ...the outer expression of a disorder, such as swollen legs or a malfunctioning liver—...a functional disorder…. IT IN NO WAY CHANGES THE BODY'S TRUE CONSCIOUSNESS. Although we are in the habit of thinking that the body is very disturbed when it's ill, when something is going wrong, it's not so. It isn't disturbed in the way we understand it. [24]


There is no such thing as an incurable illness in reality—for what the doctors call such is only an illness for which they have not yet been able to discover a physical remedy… [25]

What Is the Cause?

It's the realm that's... beyond the subtle physical, and it's the realm in which formations of illness MATERIALIZE... [26]

...all disorders...and all diseases are the result of DOUBT in the cells...they doubt the Divine Presence in them, they doubt their being divine in their very essence, and this doubt is the cause of all disorders [27]

...the cause of disease is psychic, that is to say, subjective and the direction should be towards curing the inner causes much more than patching up by physical means… [28]

In its lowest parts (vital-material) it is the agent of pain, physical illness etc. [29]


It [fear] is more dangerous than the worst disease. [30]

If there is one mental disorder which can bring about all illnesses, it is fear. [31]

...fear always brings what one fears. If you fear an accident, this acts like a magnet drawing the accident towards you...And the same thing holds for illness... [32]

In fact, ninety per cent of illnesses are the result of the subconscient fear of the body.In the ordinary consciousness of the body there is a more or less hidden anxiety about the consequences of the slightest physical disturbance...this anxiety is a lack of confidence in the Divine's Grace,the unmistakable sign that the consecration is not complete and perfect. [33]

If you have fear or apprehension of illness in your vital, that is the first thing to be thrown away, as it helps the illnesses to come in. [34]

...they say they're ill, and so they are afraid. It's not true! They are afraid first, and then they fall ill. They constantly live with a sort of apprehension: "Oh, what's going to happen?" So something happens! ...The poor body feels that's what is expected of it, and it obeys! [35]

...a fear in the cells—is fear which opens the door to all contagion... [36]

Diseases are just that...The two things together: possession and fear,... And a sense of helplessness in all that. The possession by an idea and a helplessness to reject it... And then a sort of fearfulness that is translated in us by, "Oh, it's going to be that way... oh, it's going to be a disease...." [37]

The real disease is fear. Throw the fear away and the disease will go. [38]


In the subconscient there is an obscure mind full of obstinate Sanskaras [imprints or habits], ...habitual reactions formed by our past, an obscure vital...a most obscure material which governs... with the condition of the body. It is largely responsible for our illnesses… [39]

The subconscient is the of death and disease and ...of... Ignorance... [40]

...subconscient ...remains submerged and obscurely at work below our conscious nature...into which past impressions and all that is rejected from the surface mind sink and remain there dormant and can surge up in sleep or in any absence of the mind,…forms of automatic vital reaction or impulse, forms of physical abnormality or nervous perturbance, forms of morbidity, disease, unbalance... [41]

If things in you are thrown out, they often do not go altogether but take refuge in this[the] environmental atmosphere and from there try to get in again or they go to a distance outside but linger on the outskirts or even perhaps far off, waiting till they get an opportunity to attempt entrance. [42] The suggestions that create illness or unhealthy conditions of the physical being come usually through the subconscient... [43]

When the physical consciousness is being changed, the chief resistance comes from the subconscient. It is constantly maintaining or bringing back the inertia, weakness, obscurity,...or the illnesses, dullnesses, pains, incapabilities to which the body-nature is prone. [44]

Forces of Disintegration

They[there] are forces of disintegration...this is the origin of germs and microbes. Therefore most microbes have behind them a bad will ...The microbe is a very material expression of something living in a subtle physical world... [45]

The possibilities of illness are always there in your body and around you; you ...succumb to an illness ...due to a "depression of the vital force"...the depression...comes from some disharmony in the being, from a lack of receptivity to the divine forces. ...this depression...created[creates] ...a "favourable ground" and something takes advantage of it. ...It is this that is the cause of your falling ill and not microbes. [46]

There is nothing that isn't a "microbe" or a "virus"... but it's all the same thing!... For the cells,the problem is...whether to follow the Will for Transformation...or whether to follow the Will for Harmony, which is always pleasant, and is always there, even when outwardly things are decomposing. [47]


The human body has always been in the habit of answering to whatever forces chose to lay hands on it and illness is the price it pays for its inertia and ignorance. [48] All ill-health is due to some inertia or weakness or to some resistance or wrong movement there [in the vital], only it has sometimes a more physical and sometimes a more psychological character... [49]

It's [ illness is] the effect of a combination of three things: bad will (at the worst, a refusal to follow the movement), ignorance of the laws and their consequences, that is, the causes and effects (a complete ignorance); and, of course, a form of inertia—it's all a form of inertia, but the greatest form of inertia is the incapacity to receive and respond. These three things combined are what creates diseases and so on, and the final effect—death. That is, the disintegration of created harmony.[50]

...the body's whole functioning is a discipline, and if there is a part that no longer wants to follow the discipline—out of revolt or incapacity or... for any reason—if it stops following the discipline, you fall ill. [51]


...reaction against the transformative will is what causes... disorders... [52] the body, whatever has trouble adjusting to this new Power creates difficulties, disorders and illnesses. Yet in a flash you sense that if you were totally receptive, you would become formidable. [53]

Your inner condition becomes a cause of illness when there is a resistance ...or when there is some part in you that does not respond to the protection; or even... that almost ...wilfully calls in the adverse forces. It is enough if there is a slight movement of this kind in you; the hostile forces are at once upon you and their attack takes often the form of illness. [54]

This[The] divergence between the progress in the inner being and the inertia of the body often creates a dislocation in the system, and that manifests itself as an illness... [55]

Adverse Forces

Loss of balance produces disorder in the consciousness and the adverse forces use that loss of balance for attacking… [56]

Attacks of illness are attacks of the lower nature or of adverse forces taking advantage of some weakness, opening or response in the nature... [57] is some part of your body or...a fragment of the vital that has gone wrong and wishes to be ill, ...the situation gets complicated if behind this there is an attack, a pressure from adverse forces who really want to harm you. You may have opened the door through spiritual error, through a movement of vanity, of anger, of hatred or of violence; even if it is merely a movement that comes and goes, that can open the door. There are always germs watching and only waiting for an occasion… [58]

...when the mind and consciousness have rejected the attacks, the contrary forces fall on some weak point in the body hoping that by pain or illness they will depress the consciousness and so make it less strong to resist and reject them... [59]

Sometimes it's an altogether INSIGNIFICANT intrusion of falsehood, for some quite insignificant reason—what is commonly labeled a stupidity. This stems from the fact that the adverse forces are always lying in wait, ready to rush in at the least sign of weakness. [60] is some part of your body or... a fragment of the vital that has gone wrong and wishes to be ill, ...the situation gets complicated if behind this there is an attack, a pressure from adverse forces who really want to harm you. You may have opened the door through spiritual error, through a movement of vanity, of anger, of hatred or of violence; even if it is merely a movement that comes and goes, that can open the door. There are always germs watching and only waiting for an occasion… [61]


...the cause of all illnesses, all disorders, all conflicts, here in the material world, is that the two simultaneous movements (one is the movement of Stability—and the other, the movement of transformation), the two movements in the original Consciousness are only one, they are separate,...they don't KNOW how to be in harmony: they can, but they don't know... [62]

Human life and mind are neither in tune with Nature ...nor with Spirit—it [human nature] is disturbed, incoherent, conflicting with itself, without harmony and balance. We can then regard it as diseased, if not itself a disease. [63]

...if you choose and then draw back...always wavering, always doubting, always fearful, you create a disharmony in your being, which not only retards your progress, but can be the origin of all kinds of disturbance in the mind and vital being and discomfort and disease in the body. [64]

The mind with its dogmas, its rigid and arbitrary principles, the vital with its passions, its excesses and dissipations soon destroy the natural balance of the body and create in it fatigue, exhaustion and disease. It must be freed from this tyranny and this can be done only through a constant union with the psychic centre of the being... [65]

In Specific Illnesses

Fever is not a purifying action; it is the sign of an attack on the body and a fight and resistance to the attack… [66]

Insanity is always due to a vital attack, or rather possession although there is often a physical reason as well. Hysteria is due to a pressure from the vital world and there may be momentary possessions also... [67] diseases have much to do with sexual desires—not of course always, but often. [68]

T.B. is the result of a strong psychic-vital depression... [69]

Depression is always the sign of an acute egoism. When you feel that it is coming near, tell yourself: "I am in a state of egoistic illness, I must cure myself of it." [70]

Why Illness Develops?

...each one should find out for himself why he is ill. [71]

...when you take a wrong attitude, it immediately sets off all the disorders... [72]

If the nervous being is...nervous and unstable...excitable, then ...there may even be a wrongly acute creative imagination which brings in disorders into the body that are nervous and not physical... [73]

Depression and discouragement have a very adverse effect; they cut out holes in it[nervous envelope],... render it weak and to hostile attacks... [74]

...passive meditation...leaves the vital and body passive and without defence against inertia, illness etc...The consciousness instead of being concentrated gets widely diffused and loosely extended...Concentration must in the earlier stages be active and dynamic with the consciousness gathered and capable of turning the will in any direction.[75]

The psychical prana interferes in all the higher operations to deform them,... limits thereby the operations of the mind and becomes the link of its dependence on the body and its subjection to fatigue, incapacity, disease, disorder, insanity, the pettiness, the precariousness and even the possible dissolution of the workings of the physical mentality… [76]

Affinity in the Being

...if the illness has succeeded in touching the physical-physical...If it manages to pass through, to enter without one's being aware of it, it means there is some affinity somewhere, and the part of the being which has responded must be convinced. [77]

...the sages say, "Disorder occurs because the nature has decided to be in disorder," it's not so silly. [78]

In the psychological domain, only the patients who do not want to recover, do not recover. Perhaps it is the same for physical diseases... [79]

...people always think that it is not their fault that they are ill, and it is always their fault, and they are very angry when they are told this...And yet it is true. [80]

Disease will always return to the body if the soul is flawed; for the sins of the mind are the secret cause of the sins of the body…

[Based on Aphorism<199> Disease will always return to the body if the soul is flawed; for the sins of the mind are the secret cause of the sins of the body. So too poverty and trouble will always return on man in society, so long as the mind of the race is subjected to egoism.] [81]

Disease is needlessly prolonged and ends in death oftener than is inevitable, because the mind of the patient supports and dwells upon the disease of his body. [82][Based on aphorism<386>]

To Teach a Lesson

...all the so-called illnesses, everything, all the disorders are to make you learn a lesson—as soon as you've learned the lesson, it's over! But then, you are so slow and heavy, you take so much time to realize that it's a lesson that it drags on and on and on. [83]

It is to make you understand that whenever you are ill, something is ill in your being. [84]

...One thinks of curing an illness only because one suffers. If it caused you no unpleasantness, you would never think of being cured of it. So, in the economy of Nature I think that the first purpose of physical suffering was to give you a warning. [85]

Your illness gave you an opportunity to open your eyes towards the need for an inner change. You must take advantage of this and progress. [86]

The illness has come like a test and gone like a purification carrying away all that was standing in the way of the joy of an integral consecration. [87]

...the state of illness was certainly a necessity, often a WILLED necessity the soul in order to go faster on the path—to save time, to gain lives. And if you can, if you have the power to bring that soul into contact with the force that governs its existence and leads it towards progress, towards the Realization, you do a work of quite a superior quality. [88]

Old Habit of Consciousness

...the body consciousness through old habit of consciousness admits the force of illness… [89]

When you are open and in contact with the Divine, the Vibration gives you strength, energy; and if you are quiet enough, it fills you with great joy—and all of this in the cells of the body. You fall back into the ordinary consciousness and straightaway, without anything changing, the SAME thing, the SAME vibration coming from the SAME source turns into a pain, a malaise, a feeling of uncertainty, instability and decrepitude… [90]

In Addictions

...they ...drink wine as one drinks water. They drink it neat, and after some time they become ill. They have cerebral disorders... [91]

...nicotine is a very serious poison. It is a poison that destroys the cells...when one smokes for the first time and it makes one very ill. And this should make you understand that it ought not to be done. Only, people are so stupid that they think it is a weakness and so continue until they get used to the poison. And the body no longer reacts, it allows itself to be destroyed without reacting: you get rid of the reaction. [92]

Role of Suggestions

The feeling of illness is at first only a suggestion; it becomes a reality because your physical consciousness accepts it...It is so with the body consciousness and illness... [93]

When a force is thrown on you or a vibration of illness, it carries to the body this suggestion...—the suggestion comes to the mind in the form, "I am weak, I don't feel well, I am catching a cold." [94] ...If you drink unfiltered water and think, "Now I am drinking impure water", you have every chance of falling sick. And even though such suggestions may not enter through the conscious mind, the whole of your subconscious is there, almost helplessly open to take any kind of suggestion. In life it is the action of the subconscious that has the larger share and it acts a hundred times more powerfully than the conscious parts. The normal human condition is a state filled with apprehensions and fears;...To be free from all fear can come only by steady effort and discipline... [95]

... illnesses try to come from one person to another—they attack, by a suggestion... or otherwise, the nervous being and try to come in. Even if the illness is not contagious, this often happens, but it comes more easily in contagious illnesses. The suggestion or touch has to be thrown off at once. [96]

Something is wrong here or there in the body, a small thing;... If you are unfortunate enough to utter a word about it to anyone, and especially to the instantly becomes an illness…. it's because the cells that are in disorder feel all of a sudden they are very important and very interesting persons!... If they have a movement that isn't harmonious, they exaggerate it—it becomes even less harmonious in order to assert itself more [97]

Role of Vital

...the main obstacle is your own vital movements. ...Quietness of the mind in facing your illness is also necessary—agitation stops the action of the Force. [98]

If you receive a blow in the vital, the body suffers the consequence... illnesses are the result of what happens in the vital: shocks, accidents, fighting, ill-will.... Externally this is translated by an illness. If one knows how it reacts on the physical, one goes to its source and can cure oneself in a few hours. [99]

...there is the vital which...takes a very perverse pleasure in... suffering...sometimes it becomes an occasion for enjoying the illness...all kinds of things which all come from the vital and are all detestable, ...But originally I think that it was this: "Take care!" it's like a danger-signal: "Take care, there's something out of order." [100]

...vital when left to itself often invites illness, it finds it dramatic—thinks it makes it interesting to others, likes to indulge the tamas, etc. etc. [101] ...there is always something in the vital physical which is pleased with becoming more weak and ill so that it can feel and lament its tragic case. [102] Illness in the body is like impurity in the vital,...It may happen that in throwing out the illness (the attacking force) one throws out also something within, some impurity which helped it to come, but that is the result of a Force working within and not of the illness. It is quite possible that an illness or attack can be transferred in this way from one to another and indeed it very commonly happens… [103]

Diseases, accidents, catastrophes, wars, all that, is because the human material consciousness is so small, so narrow that it has a rabid taste for drama. And of course, behind there is the vital being having fun, influences too... all that enjoys an opportunity to delay the divine Work and make things difficult... But the seed of the difficulty is ...extreme pettiness of...the material physical consciousness—which has an absolutely perverse taste for drama... [104] must be very careful and look at oneself with great discrimination to discover the small part in oneself that...takes pleasure in being ill... there are many reasons. There are people who are ill out of spite,...out of hate...through despair, there are people... one is vexed and says: " will see the consequences of what he has done to me! Let it come! I am going to be ill." One does not say it openly to oneself, for one would scold oneself, but there is something somewhere that thinks in that way. [105]

...[if] the illness returns. This means that the cause has not been changed, that the cause is in the vital and is still there; it is only the effect which has been cured. But if one can act simultaneously upon both the cause and the effect, and the cause is sufficiently receptive to consent to change, then one is completely cured, once for all. [106]

How to Prevent Illness?

First, not to want to be ill, and then not to be afraid of illness. You must neither attract it nor tremble. You must not want illness at all. But you must not because of fear not want it; you must not be afraid; you must have a calm certitude and a complete trust in the power of the Grace to shelter you from everything... [107]

We ought to use the divine health in us to cure and prevent diseases... [108][Based on aphorism<394>]

The secret is to emerge from the ego, get out of its prison, unite ourselves with the Divine, merge into Him, not to allow anything to separate us from Him. There is no illness, no disorder which can resist the discovery of this secret and the putting of it into practice, not only in the higher parts of the being but in the cells of the body. [109]

...When people are ill and get well quickly, they are full of gratitude; but never do they think of being grateful when they are well; and yet that is a much greater miracle!...


...For you to be able to do all kinds of things must have a triple equilibrium—mental, vital, physical—and not only in each of the parts, but also in the three parts in their mutual relations.... [111]

...particular Asanas have even an effect in destroying particular diseases,—and with Pranayama maintains perfectly the health of the body... [112] and right auto-suggestion are of great use until the point comes when no suggestion is necessary because the Truth-consciousness acts automatically and produces its natural results. [113] the consciousness becomes more subtle by practice of Yoga, we can come to be aware of the sea of pranic shakti around us,...But until we thus become aware of it, we have to possess a ...necessary a faith, śraddhā, in the power of the mind to lay its will on the state and action of the body, such as those have who heal disease by faith, will or mental action... [114]

...The exercises of Pranayama are the familiar mechanical means of freeing and getting control of the pranic energy...The pranic Shakti can be directed not only upon ourselves, but effectively towards others or on things or happenings for whatever purposes the will dictates. Its effectivity is immense,.. [115]

Having Faith

If people had an absolute faith in the healing power of the Grace, perhaps they would spare themselves quite a few diseases. [116] must be an integral faith and it must be absolute. And it must be of the right kind, not merely a force of mental thought or will, but something more and deeper. The will put forth by the mind sets up opposite reactions and creates a resistance...Mental faith is not sufficient; it must be completed and enforced by a vital and even a physical faith, a faith of the must reach down to the most subconscious, you must fix the faith in the very cells of the body... [117]

There are sadhus...they live in a truly dirty condition—and they are free from all illness. Probably because they have faith...they do not think of their body, they think of the life of their soul. They have no illness... [118]

...Those who are radiant...they may be radiant without it being a spiritual radiance...those who carry in themselves the joy of living, these are in harmony with Nature and, being in harmony with Nature, generally avoid accidents, they are immune from diseases and their life develops pleasantly as far as it is possible in the world as it is... [119]

Being Receptive to the Divine Force

...What has to be done with the body at first is to make it open to the Force, so as to receive strength against illness and fatigue—when they come, there must be the power to react and throw them off and to keep a constant flow of force into the body. If that is done, the rest of the bodily change can wait for its proper time. [120]

Try to keep yourself open to our Force in the body, that is the main thing... [121]

...he[one] must believe firmly that it[illness] must and will go. If he[one] can keep this attitude and open to the true force, the mind and nervous being once strengthened, the illness and weakness will disappear. [122]

...the experience that the Divine ALONE is acting in the body, that He has BECOME the body, yet all the while retaining his character of divine omniscience and was[is] absolutely impossible to have the LEAST disorder in the body, and not only in the body, but IN ALL THE SURROUNDING MATTER...There was[is] a divine harmony in EVERYTHING...So if that[this] is established in a permanent way,...There can no longer be accidents, ...illness,... disorders, and everything should harmonize... [123]

...When the physical disorder comes, one must not be afraid; one must...face it with courage, calmness, confidence, with the certitude that illness is a falsehood and that if one turns entirely, in full confidence, with a complete quietude to the divine Grace, It will settle in these cells as It is established in the depths of the being, and the cells themselves will share in the eternal Truth and Delight. [124]

As the body consciousness becomes more open to the Force (it is always the most difficult and the last to open up entirely), this[the] frequent stress of illness will diminish and disappear.[125]

Strengthening the Nervous Envelope

...illness ...must, before it can affect the physical body, touch another layer of the being...called...the etheric body, the nervous envelope. It is a subtle body and yet almost emanates from the physical body and closely covers it. All communications with the exterior world are made through this medium, and it is this that must be invaded and penetrated first before the body can be affected. If this envelope is absolutely strong and intact, you can... remain quite immune. It is a perfect protection against all possible attacks of illness...It is a very sensitive readily takes in all kinds of suggestions and these can rapidly change and almost remould its condition. [126]

...If one is conscious of the subtle body or with the subtle consciousness, one can stop an illness on its way and prevent it from entering the physical body... [127]

The nervous (vital-physical) being supports the body—if it is calm and strong and solid, then the body is well supported and can withstand illness and weakness or, if illness comes, it will bear and more easily get rid of it. If the nervous being is weak, then it is the opposite... [128]

...if we develop the inward physical consciousness, we become aware of a subtle environmental physical atmosphere and can feel the forces of illness coming towards us through it, feel them even at a distance and, if we have learned how to do it, we can stop them by the will or otherwise... [129]

Rejecting the Suggestion of Illness

The body should reject illness as energetically as we reject falsehood in the mind. [130]

...All illness should be rejected and all suggestions of illness; the Force should be called in to cure by the assent to health and the refusal of assent to the suggestions that bring or prolong its opposite. [131]

...depression is the worst of all illnesses and we must reject it with as much energy as we use to get rid of a disease. [132]

...It can be done easily only when the mind refuses any longer to believe in the suggestions or accept the ideas or feelings that start the circle. [133]

By suggestion [of illness] I do not mean merely thoughts or words. When the hypnotist says, "Sleep", it is a suggestion; but when he says nothing but only puts his silent will to convey sleep or makes movements of his hands over the face, that also is a suggestion. [134]

...your belief in the sanitary precautions you take helps them to work. For your thought is, "Now I am disinfected and safe", and to that extent it makes you safe.


...It is always better not to say, "I will now have no more illness", it attracts the attention of these malevolent powers and they immediately want to prove that they can still disturb the body. Simply when they come, reject them. [136] get a queer sick feeling inside, a cold in the back, a little uneasiness, though the general harmony had been disturbed. Then you must concentrate all the more and with a great strength of will keep the faith that nothing can do you harm, nothing can touch you. This suffices, you can throw off the illness at that moment. But you must do this immediately must not wait five minutes, it must be done at once... [137]

...if the vital mind withdraws its consent, refuses to be dominated by the habitual suggestions and the habitual movements, these[the] recurrences of depression and despair can be made soon to cease...It can be done easily only when the mind refuses any longer to believe in the suggestions or accept the ideas or feelings that start the circle. [138]

These auto-suggestions [of being restored to good health]—it is really faith in a mental form—act both on the subliminal and the subconscient. In the subliminal they set in action the powers of the inner being, the subconscient they silence or block the suggestions of death and illness… [139]

Having Will of Health

...the potent thought and will of health replaces its faith in illness and its consent to illness... [140]

...You must have a very strong will not to be ill. This is the first condition. [141]

Do not love your ill health and the ill health will leave you. [142]

Wake up in yourself a will to conquer. Not a mere will in the mind but a will in the very cells of your body. Without that you can't do anything... [143]

...the body consciousness through old habit of consciousness admits the force of illness...To get rid of that one must awaken a will and consciousness in the body itself that refuses to allow these things to impose themselves upon it… [144]

How to Deal with Illness?

Q: What to do about illness?

A: Be passively confident: let me do it and it is done.’ [145]

...whenever I had an illness...I had a trust, a complete assurance that it had no reality....every time a blow came, I would tell my body, "But what's the use of being ill since you'll just have to get well!" ...And it faded away only little by little... [146]

When the disease came back, I said to myself, 'Very well, this means it must be dealt with in a new way.' [147]

It [the descent of the higher consciousness into the most physical]...becomes more possible to control the functionings of the body and set right anything that is wrong, to deal with illness and pain etc. [148]

...Once the illness has got in, it [the body] can fight and overcome it...But this implies only a defensive power, the power to react against an invading enemy—it is not true freedom. [149]

...But sick people... when I tell them, "Be sincere," I know what I mean: if they REALLY want the Divine, all that must stop. That's all... [150] ...the method is to change the subconscient into the conscient—if each thing that rises to the surface becomes conscious, at that moment it must be changed. There is a more direct method still: it is to enter the subconscient in one's full consciousness and work there... [151]

...when there is an illness ...automatically the cells forget ...their sadhana and everything, and it is only slowly when you get out of the illness that the cells begin to ambition was that the cells should remember when being ill...The first time that the cells remembered, oh, I was very happy. But now, soon as the disorder comes, the cells a little anxious: "Oh, we are so bad that we are still catching illnesses"—that was a period; and then, afterwards there was the impression: "Oh, You want to teach us a lesson, we have something to learn"—that was already much better: a kind of eagerness. And now there is an intense joy and a kind of power; a power that comes, a power of aspiration and a power of realization that comes with the sense: "We are winning a victory, we are winning a new victory...." [152]

...the last stage is that the body should forget it has been ill; that's very important. [153]

...You must put a strong will for getting rid of your illness and you must remain quiet and unperturbed by the results. The two are not contradictory. One should accompany the other… [154]

...a positive silence, which is at the same time a complete immobility—that's very good as an antidote to disorder... [155]

...the most difficult from the yogic point of view is toothache, because it is very close to the brain….Usually in a tooth it is the nerve which has been attacked by the caries, the disease, and which begins to protest with all its strength. So, if you succeed in establishing...immobility, you prevent it from vibrating, you prevent it from protesting… if you do it fairly constantly, with sufficient perseverance, the sick nerve will die and you will not suffer at all any more. Because it was that which was suffering and when it is dead it does not suffer any longer. Try... [156] is possible even to turn the pains of illness like any other pain into a form of pleasure; for pain and pleasure are both of them degradations of an original Ananda and can be reduced into the terms of each other or else sublimated into their original principle of Ananda… [157]

Suppose that as a result of some illness or other, there is some sort of pain at a precise spot...First point: do not stress the pain...Second point... draw the peace into yourself and bring it down into the solar plexus...and from there direct it very calmly...persistently, towards the place where the pain is..., and fix it there...This is not always enough...But if by widening this movement you can add a sort of mental formation...that the only reality is the divine Reality...bring into the cells of the body the consciousness of this sole Reality,...and trusting surrender to the Grace, then I am sure...your suffering will disappear… [158]

These [There] are phenomena of self-identification. Only, they are involuntary... When someone cannot sleep ...his nerves are ill and weakened by excessive agitation, he is told to sit in front of an aquarium... and look at the fish. So he looks at the fish, moving around, coming and going, ...After a while he lives the life of fishes: he comes and goes, swims, glides, plays. And at the end of the hour his nerves are in a perfect state and he is completely restful! [159]

Calling in the Divine Force

Most of them [illnesses] can be got rid of almost at once by faith and calling in the force. Those that are chronic are more difficult, but they too can be got rid of by the same means if persistently used. [160] ...with the call, the concentration and the response ... [the disorder is dissolved]. It's almost a surrender,... the damaged spot opens to the Influence,...(gesture like a flower opening out),...unconditionally—that is the most potent gesture. [161]Q:When I am sympathetic with a sick person my body begins to feel the symptoms of his disease... A:The best way is to call for the Divine Presence of Truth and Harmony, to replace the vibrations of disorder and confusion. [162] ...if you have a pain somewhere... it corresponds to something within,... the contact with the true Force puts things back in order... [163]

...The pains in the body come from the same source as the trouble in the vital nature; ... Remain always quiet and persist in opening yourself. The Force that releases you from the vital trouble, can also remove the disturbance in the nervous part and the physical body… [164]

The only thing I can suggest about diseases is to call down peace. Keep the mind away from the body by whatever means... It is in this state that the Grace acts. And it is the Grace alone that cures... [165] used the[uses the mind]... to make favourable formations—... to give confidence to the body, to tell it that it is just a passing disturbance ...and if it enters a real state of receptivity, the disorder will disappear as easily as it has come, and one can cure oneself in a few seconds—if one knows how to do that, one gets wonderful results. [166]

Overcoming Fear

Not be afraid of falling ill! That's what. [167]

...A strict discipline is needed to cure the body of fear. The cells themselves tremble. It is only by discipline, by yoga that one can overcome this fear... [168] soon as one begins to feel afraid of something [one] is to think of the Divine and then snuggle in his arms or at his feet and leave him entirely responsible for everything that happens, within, outside, everywhere—and immediately the fear disappears... [169]

...the body can bear much more than we think, if no fear or anxiety is added to the pain. If we eliminate the mental factor, the body, left to itself, has neither fear nor apprehension nor anxiety about what is going to happen—no anguish—and it can bear a great deal.

[Based on Aphorism<93> Pain is the touch of our Mother teaching us how to hear and grow in rapture. She has tree stages of her schooling, endurance first, next equality of soul, last ecstasy.] [170]<

...Mental fear—all who have a little control over themselves or any human dignity can eliminate it; vital fear is more subtle and asks for a greater control; as for physical fear, a veritable yoga is necessary to overcome it, for the cells of the body are afraid of everything that is unpleasant, painful,...the cells of the body[they] become anxious, they don't like to be uncomfortable. And then, to overcome that, the control of a conscious will is necessary...It is this kind of trembling of material, physical fear in the cells of the body which aggravates all illnesses. [171]

But you mustn't be afraid. Neither afraid of falling ill, nor of becoming imbecile, nor even... of dying—you must be like this (vast and quiet gesture, like the sea). [172]

Practicing Indifferent Detachment

...The physical mind...makes use of the nervous substance; if we withdraw it from the nervous substance, we no longer feel anything, for that's what gives us the perception of sensation....We know something is wrong, but we no longer suffer from it...this kind of indifferent detachment is the ESSENTIAL condition for the establishment of true Harmony in the most material Matter—the most external, physical Matter

This is the logical consequence... on the cause of illnesses and how to overcome them.


...detachment of the mind must be strengthened by a certain attitude of indifference to the things of the body; we must not care essentially about its or ill-health,...This does not mean that we shall not keep the body in right order so far as we can; we have not to fall into violent asceticisms or a positive neglect of the physical frame. But we have not either to be affected in mind by...discomfort or ill-health or attach the importance which the physical and vital man attaches to the things of the body... [174]

...One step towards it[illness] is to get the inner consciousness separate from the body—to feel that it is not you who are ill but it is only something taking place in the body and not affecting your consciousness. It is then possible to see this separate body consciousness, what it feels, what are its reactions to things, how it works. One can then act on it to change its consciousness and reactions [175]

Only, when one is not very much coddled, when one has a little endurance and decides within himself not to pay too much attention, quite remarkably the pain diminishes… [176]

...the knowledge of the power to cut the connection between the suffering part and the recording brain. ...all this calls for an occult power or a training...without going so far, there is one thing that one can try to do: it is not to concentrate on one's pain,...But[and] if one can turn one's attention away, one no longer suffers. [177]

Re-establishing Harmony

So there are two things you have to do when you have discovered the disorder, big or small—the disharmony. ...the first thing to do is to quieten oneself, bring peace, calm, ... Afterwards you see what is the cause of the disorder...and through the pressure of light and knowledge and spiritual force you re-establish the harmony...if it does not offer any obstinate resistance, you can be cured in a few seconds. [178]

...One must be conscious, conscious of the working of one's organs,...When they begin indulging in unhealthy must tell them: no, it is not like that the work is to be done, it is the other way! Suppose for example, your heart begins to throb madly; then you must make it calm, you tell it that this is not the way to behave, and at the same time (solely to help it) you take in long, very regular rhythmic breaths, that is, the lung becomes the mentor of the heart and teaches it how to work properly... [179]

...The particular place in the body affected by an illness is an index to the nature of the inner disharmony that has taken place. It points to the origin,... It indicates the treatment and the cure. If one could... find out what has been unreceptive, open that part and put the force and the light there, it would be possible to re-establish in a moment the harmony that has been disturbed and the illness would immediately go. [180]

...the intervention of the Vibration of Harmony into the vibration of Disorder, allowing [allows] Disorder to cease. [181]

...we think the body is in good health, that it's balanced, and that "something is introduced from outside, which causes you to fall ill," but it's not like that! We are ALWAYS off balance, the body is always off balance... and it is something else, above, a Will or a Consciousness, that holds it up and makes it work. So if we can call on...that Will for Harmony—and if we can have ...that [the] Flame of aspiration, and make contact, we emerge from so-called illness… [182]

Restoring Order

...if order is restored at the center of disorder, everything follows naturally, without your paying it any special attention. [183]

...That [The] intrusion of Disorder makes itself felt everywhere, it has repercussions everywhere...if you are able to bring to the attacked spot the true Vibration—the Vibration of Order and Harmony—and you stop the Disorder... all the other things are put back in order, as if automatically. [184]

...If you organise everything—your feelings, your thoughts, your impulses, etc,—around the psychic centre which is the inner light, you will see that all inner disorder will change into a luminous order. [185]

...the body itself awakening in its cells, a freedom of the cells themselves, an absolutely new vibration that sets disorders right—even disorders that existed prior to the supramental manifestation. [186]

...the habit of disease can be...minimised and gradually eliminated and in the meantime the power of the mind to set right the disorders of the body whether by conscious manipulation of vital force or by simple mental fiat will immensely increase... [187]

What Are the Obstacles to Cure?

...someone who is ill and BELIEVES in the reality of his illness; the effect of the Action is lessened in proportion to his wrong belief. [188]

Rejecting the Divine Force

...I know cases,... of people who are sick: if they follow the routine of the doctor and medicines and treatment and disease, they get well; if by some mischance (!) they call on the Force and I apply it, the more I apply, the more terrified they are! They feel absolutely unexpected phenomena and they are terrified: "...What's happening to me!" As if it were absolutely catastrophic. The minute the Force comes and they feel just a bit of it,... they resist... they become absolutely restless...That is, the whole system spends its time rejecting and rejecting all that comes. [189]

...instead of using the energy in this way,[to restore and repair] they[humans] immediately throw it out. They start stirring about, reacting, working, speaking ...They can't keep anything. So naturally, since the energy was not sent to be wasted like that but for an inner use, they feel absolutely flat, run down. [190]

Unhealthy Curiosity

...there is the sense of an established harmony among the cells,... And the slightest thing that comes and disturbs that harmony is VERY painful, but at the same time there is the knowledge of what to do to reestablish the harmony instantly;... But if out of curiosity, start asking yourself, "What's that? What effect will it have? What's going to happen?" (what the body calls "the desire to learn"),...that [then] you'll have something very unpleasant ...While if you don't have that unhealthy curiosity ...bring one drop of the Lord on the troubled spot for everything to be fine again. [191]

...when you are able to be truly still, there is ALWAYS a little light—a warm little light, very bright and wonderfully still, behind; as if it were saying, "You only have to will." Then the body's cells panic: "Will, how? How can I? The illness is on me, I am overcome. How can I will? It's AN ILLNESS"—Then something with a general wisdom says, "Calm down...don't remain attached to your illness!..So they consent...They try—immediately, that light comes again...a few seconds and it's over. Then the cells remember: "But how come? I had a pain here..."—pop! It all comes back. And the whole drama unfolds like that, constantly. [192]

How to Cure Illness?

Have faith. There is no disease which cannot be cured by the Divine Grace [193]

...Peace and stillness are the great remedy for disease.When we can bring peace in our cells, we are cured. [194]

‘‘Q:When one is caught in an illness, how should one pray to the Mother?’’ A:Cure me, O Mother! [195]

I don't want you to be ill and always I am with you to cure you—but you too must want to be cured. Do not torment yourself and always nestle in my arms so as to receive my love and force.[196]

...Ultimately to put it quite tritely, one can cure only if the disease isn't necessary to the individual's development. [197]

...If this present difficulty is useful ... (it's the body addressing the Lord)..for Your Work—so be it..It [The body] doesn't ask to be cured of the illness! It doesn't ask, it is ready; 'All right,' it says. 'As long as I can keep going, I will keep going. As long as I can last, I will last. But that's not what I'm asking for: I am asking to be cured of my stupidity.' I believe this is it the necessary endurance. [198] order to be able to cure an illness, one must find out its cause, not its microbe. [199]

...There are two ways of curing an illness spiritually. One...the person is receptive; the force of consciousness is put upon the affected part and its pressure restores order [200]

In other cases, if the body lacks receptivity... one sees the inner correspondence with the psychological state which has brought about the illness and acts on that. [201]

...When you are completely cured, it will be an indication of some inner progress. [202]

But when you have had illness...the body remembers for a very long time. If you want to be completely cured, you must cure this memory in the body, this is absolutely indispensable...When the remembrance is effaced, the body is truly healed. [203]

...all you have to do is this (gesture of stepping back), and there it is. And it is the root cure of disorder. It is anti-disorder. [204]

...the cure for all physical disorders lies in the cells becoming convinced—conscious and convinced—that they are an expression of the Divine, or even that they are divine in their essence. [205]

...most disorders of the body are connected,...If one can strike at their psycho-physical root, one can cure even without knowing the pathological whole of the matter and working through the symptoms is a possibility... [206]


...If a surrender is to be made, it's to Him. ..."May Your Will be done," ...And one sees that there was absolutely no imperative need to be ill or for the disequilibrium to occur. [207]

...that[The] disorganization is what prevents the cohesion necessary for the cells to constitute an individual body, so then you know, "Ah (gesture of dissolution), it'll be the end." Then the cells aspire, there is a sort of central consciousness of the body which aspires intensely, with as complete a surrender as it can make: "Your Will, Lord, Your Will, Your Will...." Then... first there is a peace, then a light, then Harmony—and the disorder has vanished. And once the disorder has vanished, there is instantly IN THE CELLS a sense of living eternity, of living for eternity. [208]

...all ...disorders of the body...suddenly (naturally, the constant state is one of... an intense, continuous, conscious aspiration) ...disappears, not only inside but around ...without the least effort, and it starts...moving within an extraordinary progressive harmony; then, with no apparent reason, without anything having changed in the consciousness and any outer circumstances making a difference, pfft! it reverts to what it was before: disorder, conflict, chaos, things that grate. And then, as you aren't conscious of the why, you don't have the key!...the only recourse is a blissful surrender.. and not a heavy, not an inert surrender: intense, intense! ...That's the only thing.[209]

...if something in the body's working gets disturbed (a pain or disorder, the onset of some illness) and I repeat my mantra in a certain way—still the same words, the same mantra, but said with a certain purpose and above all in a movement of surrender, surrender of the pain, the disorder, and a call, like an opening—it has a marvelous effect. ...And after a while everything is put back in order. [210]

...working according to somebody else's ideas makes or keeps you ill, I do not see why it should be so...If ...doing things in what you consider not the best way, makes you nervous...ill, that is a pity. It would be so much better if you could leave the responsibility of the way of doing things to the Mother and do cheerfully what you have to do. [211]

...congenital diseases can be cured only by an integral transformation of the body itself and we have not reached yet that period in the sadhana; otherwise it is only a so-called "miraculous cure" that can take place and that kind of "miracle" can happen only as the result of an absolute sincerity in the consecration to the Divine and an unshakable faith in the Divine Grace. [212]

Changing the Attitude

...These[the] maladies are a creation of the pressure of hostile forces;...The only way is to remain quiet, dissociate yourself and refuse to accept it or make much of it, allow the calm and strength that the Mother has been putting around you to enter your mind and permeate your nervous system...The cure may take time because your nervous system has been long subjected to these influences and, when they are evicted, they return with violence to re-establish their hold. But if you can acquire and keep patience and fortitude and the right consciousness and right attitude with regard to these things, the hold they have will progressively disappear. [213]

...The attitude in the cells changes—not the disorder (!), the disorder changes only because of the cells' reaction, that's what makes it change; but it recurs with clockwork regularity—that's its job. It is the way it's received by the cells, their reaction to it, that brings about the change. [214]

...all the digestive functions are extremely sensitive to an attitude that is critical, bitter, full of ill-will, to a sour is a vicious circle: the more the digestive function is disturbed, the more unkind ...critical, dissatisfied with life...And there is only one cure: to deliberately drop this attitude,...and to impose upon yourself,...a deliberate attitude of all-comprehending kindness. [215]

...there are many people now who...treat their illnesses by making conscious mental suggestions to the body which counteract the obscure secret suggestions of illness in the subconscient. [216]

Using the Divine Force

To heal [illness] by the true force is obviously the best—provided the body is amenable. It has a consciousness of its own which must be fully enlightened before it gives a full response. [217]

...the Force of spiritual purification which is such an absolutely perfectly constructive force that nothing that's in the least destructive can survive there. direct it on the spot and the adverse force usually runs away immediately...And with that not only is the illness cured, but all possibility of its return is also eliminated. You are cured of the illness once for all, it never comes back. [218]

...When something happens—an accident or an illness,...they ask for help, a double or a triple dose of energy is sent. If they happen to be receptive, they receive it. This energy is given for two reasons: to restore order out of the disorder caused by the accident or illness, and to impart a transformative force to repair or change the source of the illness or accident.[219]

...if it[illness] has succeeded in getting through the protection and entering you,...go out of your body, remain above in a way to be able to see the body... and from there, consciously, you pull the Force from above, begin to push these forces into the body...until you see that the body is receiving, that the Force is entering, the disorder is being set right and there is a relaxation in the body itself. Once that is done you can get back and you are cured. …[if]you don't know how to go out of the body,... there is a much easier method, it is to call for help. [220]

...I used to do it simply like this: breathe in very slowly to the count of 4, then hold for 4 like this...lifting the diaphragm and lowering the head...closing everything and exerting pressure... Then while I held the air, I would make it circulate with the force ...and with the peace as well; and I would concentrate it wherever there was a physical disorder (a pain or something wrong somewhere). It's very effective. [221][sciatica] cannot resist the Force quietly and persistently applied. Other illnesses can resist, but sciatica being entirely tamasic cannot. The application of Force does not yet, probably, come natural to you, so it brings a sense of struggle not of quiet domination, hence the restlessness etc. [222]

Of course it [cancer] can [be cured by Yoga], but on condition of faith or openness or both. Even a mental suggestion can cure cancer [223]


Medicines are a pis aller [a course of action followed as a last resort]that have to be used when something in the consciousness does not respond or responds superficially to the Force. [224] ...if for some reason the body is not able to respond to the Force...then the aid of medical treatment becomes necessary. It is not that the Force ceases to act and leaves all to the medicines,—it will continue to act through the consciousness but take the support of the treatment so as to act directly on the resistance in the body, which responds more readily to physical means in its ordinary consciousness.[225]

Medicine is necessary for our bodies in disease only because our bodies have learned the art of not getting well without medicines. [Based on Aphorism<404> Medicine is necessary for our bodies in disease only because our bodies have learned the art of not getting well without medicines. Even so, one sees often that the moment Nature chooses for recovery is that in which the life is abandoned as hopeless by the doctors.] [226]

Drugs often cure the body when they do not merely trouble or poison it, but only if their physical attack on the disease is supported by the force of the spirit; if that force can be made to work freely, drugs are superfluous. [Aphorism<407>] [227]

Role of Supramental Descent

...The supramental descent is necessary for a dynamic action of the Truth in mind, vital and body. This would imply as a final result the disappearance of the unconsciousness of the body; it would no longer be subject to decay and disease. [228]

...The absolute immunity can only come with the supramental change. …in a supramentalised body immunity from illness would be automatic, inherent in its new nature. [229]

...The complete immunity from all illness for which our Yoga tries can only come by a total and permanent enlightenment of the below from above resulting in the removal of the psychological roots of ill health—it cannot be done otherwise. [230]

...take a supramental being having the supramental consciousness, if his body gets cancer, it will remain cancer... He may not feel anything, but only if he detaches himself from his body; whereas, for the transformation to be genuine, the body ALSO has to attain a harmony above—above all illnesses and accidents. [231]

...On one side there is the claim that illness and the rest should be impossible, on the other a violent rejection of the only condition under which these things can become impossible...but that is one reason why it is necessary to transform the human and put something a little more luminous in its place. [232]

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