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No change in size ,  15:26, 13 August 2019
...the body can bear much more than we think, if no fear or anxiety is added to the pain. If we eliminate the mental factor, the body, left to itself, has neither fear nor apprehension nor anxiety about what is going to happen—no anguish—and it can bear a great deal.
[Based on Aphorism<93> - Pain is the touch of our Mother teaching us how to hear and grow in rapture. She has tree stages of her schooling, endurance first, next equality of soul, last ecstasy.]<ref></ref>
Mental fear—all who have a little control over themselves or any human dignity can eliminate it; vital fear is more subtle and asks for a greater control; as for physical fear, a veritable yoga is necessary to overcome it, for the cells of the body are afraid of everything that is unpleasant, painful,...the cells of the body[they] become anxious, they don't like to be uncomfortable. And then, to overcome that, the control of a conscious will is necessary...It is this kind of trembling of material, physical fear in the cells of the body which aggravates all illnesses.<ref></ref>
But you mustn't be afraid. Neither afraid of falling ill, nor of becoming imbecile, nor even... of dying—you must be like this (vast and quiet gesture, like the sea). <ref></ref>
==Practicing Indifferent Detachment==