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...Peace and stillness are the great remedy for disease.When we can bring peace in our cells, we are cured.
‘‘Q:When one is caught in an illness, how should one pray to the Mother?’’
A:Cure me, O Mother!
I don't want you to be ill and always I am with you to cure you—but you too must want to be cured. Do not torment yourself and always nestle in my arms so as to receive my love and force.<ref></ref>
...Ultimately to put it quite tritely, one can cure only if the disease isn't necessary to the individual's development.
...If this present difficulty is useful ... (it's the body addressing the Lord)..for Your Work—so be it..It [The body] doesn't ask to be cured of the illness! It doesn't ask, it is ready; 'All right,' it says. 'As long as I can keep going, I will keep going. As long as I can last, I will last. But that's not what I'm asking for: I am asking to be cured of my stupidity.' I believe this is it the necessary endurance. <ref></ref> order to be able to cure an illness, one must find out its cause, not its microbe.
In other cases, if the body lacks receptivity... one sees the inner correspondence with the psychological state which has brought about the illness and acts on that. <ref></ref>
...When you are completely cured, it will be an indication of some inner progress.
...If a surrender is to be made, it's to Him. ..."May Your Will be done," ...And one sees that there was absolutely no imperative need to be ill or for the disequilibrium to occur.
==Changing the Attitude==
...These[the] maladies are a creation of the pressure of hostile forces;...The only way is to remain quiet, dissociate yourself and refuse to accept it or make much of it, allow the calm and strength that the Mother has been putting around you to enter your mind and permeate your nervous system...The cure may take time because your nervous system has been long subjected to these influences and, when they are evicted, they return with violence to re-establish their hold. But if you can acquire and keep patience and fortitude and the right consciousness and right attitude with regard to these things, the hold they have will progressively disappear.
...The attitude in the cells changes—not the disorder (!), the disorder changes only because of the cells' reaction, that's what makes it change; but it recurs with clockwork regularity—that's its job. It is the way it's received by the cells, their reaction to it, that brings about the change.
...the Force of spiritual purification which is such an absolutely perfectly constructive force that nothing that's in the least destructive can survive there. direct it on the spot and the adverse force usually runs away immediately...And with that not only is the illness cured, but all possibility of its return is also eliminated. You are cured of the illness once for all, it never comes back. <ref></ref>
...When something happens—an accident or an illness,...they ask for help, a double or a triple dose of energy is sent. If they happen to be receptive, they receive it. This energy is given for two reasons: to restore order out of the disorder caused by the accident or illness, and to impart a transformative force to repair or change the source of the illness or accident.<ref></ref>
...if it[illness] has succeeded in getting through the protection and entering you,...go out of your body, remain above in a way to be able to see the body... and from there, consciously, you pull the Force from above, begin to push these forces into the body...until you see that the body is receiving, that the Force is entering, the disorder is being set right and there is a relaxation in the body itself. Once that is done you can get back and you are cured. …[if]you don't know how to go out of the body,... there is a much easier method, it is to call for help. <ref></ref>
...I used to do it simply like this: breathe in very slowly to the count of 4, then hold for 4 like this...lifting the diaphragm and lowering the head...closing everything and exerting pressure... Then while I held the air, I would make it circulate with the force ...and with the peace as well; and I would concentrate it wherever there was a physical disorder (a pain or something wrong somewhere). It's very effective.
==Role of Supramental Descent==
...The supramental descent is necessary for a dynamic action of the Truth in mind, vital and body. This would imply as a final result the disappearance of the unconsciousness of the body; it would no longer be subject to decay and disease.
...The absolute immunity can only come with the supramental change. …in a supramentalised body immunity from illness would be automatic, inherent in its new nature. <ref></ref>
...The complete immunity from all illness for which our Yoga tries can only come by a total and permanent enlightenment of the below from above resulting in the removal of the psychological roots of ill health—it cannot be done otherwise.
...take a supramental being having the supramental consciousness, if his body gets cancer, it will remain cancer... He may not feel anything, but only if he detaches himself from his body; whereas, for the transformation to be genuine, the body ALSO has to attain a harmony above—above all illnesses and accidents. <ref></ref>
...On one side there is the claim that illness and the rest should be impossible, on the other a violent rejection of the only condition under which these things can become impossible...but that is one reason why it is necessary to transform the human and put something a little more luminous in its place. <ref></ref>
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