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...One must be conscious, conscious of the working of one's organs,...When they begin indulging in unhealthy must tell them: no, it is not like that the work is to be done, it is the other way! Suppose for example, your heart begins to throb madly; then you must make it calm, you tell it that this is not the way to behave, and at the same time (solely to help it) you take in long, very regular rhythmic breaths, that is, the lung becomes the mentor of the heart and teaches it how to work properly... <ref></ref>
...The particular place in the body affected by an illness is an index to the nature of the inner disharmony that has taken place. It points to the origin,... It indicates the treatment and the cure. If one could... find out what has been unreceptive, open that part and put the force and the light there, it would be possible to re-establish in a moment the harmony that has been disturbed and the illness would immediately go.<ref></ref>
...the intervention of the Vibration of Harmony into the vibration of Disorder, allowing [allows] Disorder to cease.