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Leave all care to the Divine's Grace, including your progress, and you will be in peace. <ref></ref>
=How to Receive Divine Grace=
==Be Worthy of the Divine Grace==
Who is worthy or unworthy in front of the Divine Grace?
All are children of the one and the same Mother.
Her love is equally spread over all of them.
But to each one She gives according to his nature and receptivity. <ref></ref>
==Open to the Divine Grace==
If you become aware that it is only the Grace which can do that, that the situation in which you find yourself, from there the Grace alone can pull you out, can give you the solution and the strength to come out of it, then, quite naturally an intense aspiration awakes in you, a consciousness which is translated into an opening. If you call, aspire, and if you hope to get an answer, you will quite naturally open yourself to the Grace. <ref></ref>
==Faith and Trust in the Divine Grace==
The Grace is always there ready to act but you must let it work and not resist its action. The one condition required is faith. <ref></ref>
==Invoke the Divine Grace==
''Does the intervention of the Grace come through a call?''
When one calls? I think so. Anyway, not exclusively and solely. But certainly, yes, if one has faith in the Grace and an aspiration and if one does what a little child would when it runs to its mother and says: "Mamma, give me this", if one calls with that simplicity, if one turns to the Grace and says "Give me this", I believe it listens. <ref></ref>
==Be Aware of the Works of Grace==
People are not aware of the workings of Grace except when there has been some danger, that is, when there has been the beginning of an accident or the accident has taken place and they have escaped it. Then they become aware. But never are they aware that if, for instance, a journey or anything whatever, passes without any accident, it is an infinitely higher Grace. That is, the harmony is established in such a way that nothing can happen. But that seems to them quite natural. When people are ill and get well quickly, they are full of gratitude; but never do they think of being grateful when they are well; and yet that is a much greater miracle! <ref></ref>
==Be Grateful to the Divine Grace==
The best possible way is to allow the Divine Grace to work in you, never to oppose it, never to be ungrateful and turn against it—but to follow it always to the goal of Light and Peace and unity and Ananda. <ref></ref>
=How to Walk the Path of Sadhana=