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<span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">… </span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">set them [children]the right example.... </span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">'''Be yourself what you would like them to be.'''</span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;"> </span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">Give them the example of disinterestedness, patience, self-control, constant good humour, the overcoming of one's little personal dislikes, a sort of constant goodwill, an understanding of others' difficulties; and that equality of temper which makes children free from fear, for what makes children deceitful and untruthful, and even cunning, is the fear of being punished. If they feel secure, they will hide nothing and you will then be able to help them to be loyal and honest. Of all things the most important is good example. </span>
<div style="color:#0066cc;"><u></u></div>
<span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">And the truth is that if instead of being shut up in the narrow limits of their little person, they could so </span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">'''widen their consciousness'''</span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;"> </span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">as to be able not only to identify themselves with others in their narrow limits, but to come out of these limits, pass beyond, spread out everywhere, unite with the one Consciousness and become all things, then, at that moment the narrow limits will vanish, but not before. And as long as one senses the narrow limits, one wants to take, for one fears to lose. One spends and wants to replenish. It is due to that, my child. For if one were spread out in all things, if all the vibrations which come and go expressed the need to merge into everything, to widen oneself, grow, not by remaining within one's limits but coming out of them, and finally to be identified with everything, one would no longer have anything to lose for one would have everything. Only, one doesn't know this. And so, as one doesn't know, one can't do it. One tries to take, accumulate, accumulate, accumulate, but that is impossible, one can't accumulate. One must identify oneself. And then, the little bit one gives, one wants to get back: one has a kind thought, one expects some recognition; one gives a little affection, one expects it from others... for one doesn't have the ability to become the kind thought in everything, one doesn't have the ability to be the affection, the tender love in all things. One feels just like that, all cut up and limited, and fears to lose everything, fears to lose what one has because one would be impoverished. On the other hand, if one were able to identify oneself, one would no longer need to pull. The more one spreads out, the more one has. The more one gets identified, the more one becomes. And then, instead of taking, one gives. And the more one gives, the more one grows.</span>[<ref></19-august-1953#p27]ref>
<span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">Naturally, those in whom the mind predominates can lecture their body and provide it with all the necessary reasons to enable it to overcome its fear.</span>[]
<span style="background-color:transparent;color:#0066cc;"><u></u></span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">The time has come for the old habit of governing by fear to be replaced by the government of love.</span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#0066cc;"><u></u></span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">Be very sincere and straightforward, harbour nothing within yourself which you cannot show me without fear, do nothing which you would be ashamed of before me.</span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#0066cc;"><u></u></span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">Do not torment yourself, do not worry; above all try to banish all fear; fear is a dangerous thing which can give importance to something which had none at all. The mere fear of seeing certain symptoms renew themselves is enough to bring about this repetition.</span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#0066cc;"><u></u></span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">It is only fear which hurts, not the "spirits". When people who have left their body appear in front of you, you must not fear―it is generally because they are restless and lack peace―give them a good thought and wish them to be in peace and it will be over.</span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#0066cc;"><u></u></span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">Vital trust in the Divine: full of courage and energy, no longer fears anything.</span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#0066cc;"><u></u></span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">Have the courage to be completely frank with the Divine.</span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#0066cc;"><u></u></span>
<span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">Constantly thinking of the hostile forces and fearing them is a very dangerous weakness.</span>[<ref></adverse-forces#p14]ref>
<span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">Sincerity, courage, discipline, endurance, absolute faith in the Divine work and unshakable trust in the Divine Grace. All this must be accompanied by a sustained, ardent, persevering aspiration and a boundless patience.</span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#0066cc;"><u></u></span>
<span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">You must learn not to identify with your body and treat it as a young child who needs to be convinced that it must not fear.</span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#0066cc;"><u></u></span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">The body must know and be convinced that its essence is divine and that if no obstacle is put in the way of the Divine's working, nothing can harm us. This process must be steadily repeated until all recurrence of fear is stopped. And then even if the illness succeeds in making its appearance, its strength and duration will be considerably diminished until it is definitively conquered.</span>[<ref></fear-and-illness#p5]ref>
<span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">Yes, you should not fear, you should keep an entire faith in the Divine Grace. The second point is to keep your body well-balanced by getting enough sleep—seven hours out of twenty-four—and enough food.</span>[<ref></2-march-1933#p2]ref>
