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<ref>Sri Aurobindo. (2005). The progress to knowledge -god,man and nature. In The life divine II.</ref>
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Expansion and Widening can be viewed from two angles - a growth into a full mental being by expanding the capacities of the mind and universalisation of consciousness.
<ref>Sri Aurobindo. (2005). Out of the sevenfold ignorance towards the sevenfold knowledge. In The life divine II.</ref>
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As the individual has a consciousness of his own, so too there is a universal consciousness, a cosmic Being, a universal Mind, a universal Life, a universal physical conscious Nature. We are unaware of it because we are shut up in our outer physical selves. By the inner awakening and the opening above we become aware of this cosmic consciousness, cosmic Nature and cosmic Self and its movements; our consciousness can widen and become one with it. The forces of universal Nature are always working on us without our knowing how they act or being able to get any general control over their action on us. By becoming conscious of the universal we are able to detect this working and control it.</ref>
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In the process one experiences a delight of existence which is latent in oneself. It is the pressure of the supramental and spiritual worlds which is preparing to develop here the manifest power of the spirit and by it open our being on the physical plane into the freedom and infinity of the super conscient Divine <ref> Sri Aurobindo. (2005). The order of the worlds. In The life divine II.</ref> We are at a decisive hour in the history of the earth. It is preparing for the coming of the superman and because of this the old way of life is losing its value. We must strike out boldly on the path of the future despite its new demands. The pettinesses once tolerable, are tolerable no longer. We must widen ourselves to receive what is going to come. <ref></ref>
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The reasons for universalisation is for developing receptivity, equality and calmness. One can also take a step to be free from ego and ignorance. Absolved in the cosmic wideness, released from ego, his personality reduced to a point of working of the universal Force, himself calm, liberated, deathless in universality, motionless in the Witness Self even while outspread without limit in unending Space and Time, he can enjoy in the world the freedom of the Timeless.
<ref>Sri Aurobindo. (1999). The master of the work. In The synthesis of yoga I.</ref>
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A larger psychic and emotional relation with God and the world, more deep and plastic in its essence, more wide and embracing in its movements, more capable of taking up in its sweep the whole of life, is imperative.
<ref>Sri Aurobindo. (2013). Peace - the basis of the sadhana. In Letters on yoga II.</ref>
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Widen your consciousness to the dimension of the earth and you will have a place for everything.
<ref>The Mother. (2003). 29 September 1954. In Questions and answers (1954).</ref>
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By studying different subjects, learning different languages and traveling can help to expand and widen. It is like the people who cultivate their intelligence, who learn, read, think, compare, study. These people's minds widen and they are much vaster and more understanding than those who live without mental education, with a few petty ideas which sometimes are even contradictory in their consciousness and govern them totally because these are the only ones they have and they think these are unique ideas which should guide their life; these people are altogether narrow and limited whereas those who are trained and have studied—this at least widens their minds and they can see, compare ideas and see that all possible ideas are there in the world and that it is a pettiness, an absurdity to be attached to a limited number of ideas and consider them the exclusive expression of truth.
<ref>The Mother. (2003). 23 February 1955. In Questions and answers (1955).</ref>
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When one is hurt or faces something unpleasant, just visualising the tiny person one is in this tiny earth; all unpleasantness is swept away...if you.. realise your little person which is a second in eternity, not even a second, you know, imperceptible, a fragment of a second in eternity, that the whole world has unrolled before this and will unroll yet, indefinitely—before, behind—and that... well, then suddenly you see the utter ridiculousness of the importance you attach to what happened to you... Truly you feel... to what an extent it is absurd to attach any importance to one's life, to oneself, and to what happen to you. And in the space of three minutes, if you do this properly, all unpleasantness is swept away. Even a very deep pain can be swept away. Simply a concentration like this, and to place oneself in infinity and eternity. Everything goes away. One comes out of it cleansed. One can get rid of all attachments and even, I say, of the deepest sorrows—of everything, in this way—if one knows how to do it in the right way. It immediately takes you out of your little ego. There we are.
<ref>The Mother. (2003). 29 September 1954. In Questions and answers (1954).</ref>
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Naturally, it is to widen and illumine your consciousness—but how to do it? Your own consciousness... to widen and illumine it. And if you could find, each one of you, your psychic and unite with it, all the problems would be solved.
<ref>The Mother. (2003). 8 February 1973. In On education.</ref>
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Universalisation of consciousness can be achieved through aspiration, surrender, oneness and love. But there must be enough aspiration and adhesion in the being to make the expansion of the being, the expansion of consciousness possible... one is so small that it is already quite filled up with all the ordinary little human movements. <ref> The Mother. (2003). 27 June 1956. In Questions and answers 1956.</ref>
