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Basically, when we have reached the end (the "end" which is the beginning of something else), the end of this work of transformation, when it really is the transformation and we are settled in it, maybe we'll remember and derive a special pleasure from remembering having gone through this?... In the "higher spheres" it has always been said that those who have the courage to come for the preparation will have, when it's done, superior assets and of a more intimate and deeper quality than those who will have quietly waited for others to do the work for them. <ref></ref>
We have to struggle on, we need patience, courage, will, trust—but things are no longer "just the way they are." It's the old thing trying to hang on tight—hideous! Hideous. But... it's not like that anymore. It's not like that anymore. <ref></ref>
===A Willing Servitor===