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* By concentration of our whole being on one status of itself, we can become whatever we choose; we can become, for instance, even if we were before a mass of weaknesses and fear, a mass instead of strength and courage, or we can become all a great purity, holiness and peace or a single universal soul of Love; but we ought, it is said, to use this power to become not even these things, high as they may be in comparison with what we now are, but rather to become that which is above all things and free from all action and attributes, the pure and absolute Being. All else, all other concentration can only be valuable for preparation, for previous steps, for a gradual training of the dissolute and self-dissipating thought, will and being towards their grand and unique object. <ref>Sri Aurobindo. sabcl/20/concentration</ref>
=How to develop concentrationDevelop Concentration= should concentrate on what you want to develop, not on what you want to destroy.<ref>The Mother. cwm/17/23-june-1935</ref>