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Consecration is a process by which one trains the consciousness to give itself to the Divine. <ref></ref>  Consecration becomes in its fullness a devoting of all our being to the Divine; therefore also of all our thoughts and our works.<ref></ref> 
Consecration is the consummation, when the Light has illuminated all the parts of your being, with a central will acting on the feelings, impulses, thoughts, emotions, activities, directing them always towards the Divine and when you move no more from darkness to light or from falsehood to truth or from misery to happiness but from light to more light, from truth to greater truth, from happiness to increasing happiness. <ref></ref>
A turning of the being away from lower things towards the Divine. <ref></ref>
When the psychic being is awake, it begins to take hold of the rest of the being, to influence it and change it so that all may become the true expression of the inner soul. It is this change that is called the inner conversion. There can be no conversion without the awakening of the psychic being.<ref></ref>
This cosmic Force is a Power that works under the conditions of the Ignorance.<ref></ref>
Our nature must house the cosmic Force but not in its lower aspect or in its rajasic or sattwic movement; it must serve the universal Will, but in the light of a greater liberating knowledge. There must be no egoism of any kind in the attitude of the instrument, even when we are fully conscious of the greatness of the Force within us. Every man is knowingly or unknowingly the instrument of a universal Power and, apart from the inner Presence, there is no such essential difference between one action and another, one kind of instrumentation and another as would warrant the folly of an egoistic pride. <ref></ref>
==Cosmic Truth==
The cosmic Truth is the view on things of a cosmic Consciousness in which things are seen in their true essence and their true relation to the Divine and to each other. <ref></ref>  The cosmic Truth is the truth of things as they are at present expressed in the universe. The Divine Truth is independent of the universe, above it and originates it.<ref></ref>