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<center>My breath runs in a subtle rhythmic stream;
    It fills my members with a might divine: <ref></ref></center>
=How to Do Pranayama?= done by various regulations of the breathing, starting from equality of respiration and inspiration and extending to the most diverse rhythmic regulations of both with an interval of inholding of the breath. In the end the keeping in of the breath, which has first to be done with some effort, and even its cessation become as easy and seem as natural as the constant taking in and throwing out which is its normal action. <ref></ref>
==Breathing Exercises==
The time varies. ..inhale through the left nostril for let's say 4 seconds, then ... hold your breath for 16 seconds, raising the diaphragm and closing all the openings; after 16 seconds ... exhale for 8 seconds through the other nostril.<ref></ref>
You can achieve excellent control of the heart. But I never practiced it violently, never strained myself. I think holding for 16 is too long. I used to do it simply like this:
breathe in very slowly to the count of 4, then hold for 4 .., lifting the diaphragm and lowering the head.., closing everything and exerting pressure (this is an almost instantaneous cure for hiccups—it's handy!). Then while I held the air, I would make it circulate with the force (because it contained force, you see) and with the peace as well; and I would concentrate it wherever there was a physical disorder (a pain or something wrong somewhere). It's very effective. The way I did it was: inhale, hold, exhale and empty—you are completely empty. It's very useful; very handy for underwater swimmers, for instance! <ref></ref>
I [Mother]had trouble breathing in slowly enough—that's a bit hard. I began with 4 and eventually managed to do 12. I did 12-12-12-12. It took me months to reach that, it can't be done quickly. To breathe in very slowly and hold all that air isn't easy.<ref></ref>'s not at all dangerous, ..don't overdo it...some people practice pranayama with the idea of gaining "powers." That idea of gaining powers fouls it up more than it simply as a help to your progress, there's no danger.<ref></ref>
But instead of doing equal amounts of time, it might be better to do less for inhaling and more for holding the breath. The holding part is extremely interesting! When the air is inside, let's say you have a headache or a sore throat or a pain in your arm, anything—then you take the air….and direct it to the unwell part... very, very helpful and pleasant and interesting. You see the force go to the spot, settle in and stay there, all sorts of things. <ref></ref>
Gasping is obviously a sign of something wrong—for the breathing in Pranayam must be perfectly unimpeded and regular. It is better either to stop the Pranayam or to find out somebody who is practised in the method and take instructions from him what to do.
=Other Method of Regulating the Pranic Energy=