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The aim of this page is to read the works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother and apply it in our lives. We read through various topics to delve deeper in each of them. Here is what The Mother says about how to read the works of Sri Aurobindo.
[[File:Japanese-cherry-trees-IE_header''“It is not by books that Sri Aurobindo ought to be studied but by subjects—what he has said on the Divine, on Unity, on religion, on evolution, on education, on self perfection, on supermind, etc.jpg]], etc.” ''
''“If you want to know what Sri Aurobindo has said on a given subject, you must at least read all he has written on that subject. You will then see that he seems to have said the most contradictory things. But when one has read everything and understood a little, one sees that all the contradictions complement one another and are organised and unified in an integral synthesis.”
=The education of a human being should begin at birth and continue throughout his life.=
Education to be complete must have five principal aspects corresponding to the five principal activities of the human being the physical, the vital the mental, the psychic and the spiritual. Usually, these phases of education follow chronologically the growth of the individual; this, however, does not mean that one of them should replace another, but that all must continue, completing one another until the end of his life.
The three foundational principles of Integral Education:
1. Nothing can be taught - The teacher in Integral Education is a helper and guide who shows the child how to acquire knowledge by helping him to seek it from within.
2. The mind has to be consulted in its own growth - The child blossoms according to his own nature and not according to the image set by the parent or teacher.
3. To work from the near to the far - Education begins from understanding the immediate realms and gradually moving to ideas and images alien to the physical surroundings.
==Completed Modules==
[[Physical Education Summary | Physical Education Overview]]
[[Food Summary | Food]]
[[Illness Summary | Illness]]
[[Sleep and Dreams Summary | Sleep and Dreams]]
[[Laziness Summary | Laziness]]
[[Prenatal Education Summary | Prenatal Education]]
[[Cellular Transformation Summary | Cellular Transformation]]
[[Health and Healing Summary | Health and Healing]]
[[Cells Summary | Cells]]
[[Sex Summary | Sex]]
[[Healing Summary | Healing]]
[[Refining of Senses Summary | Refining of Senses]]
[[Suffering Summary | Suffering]]
[[Silence Summary | Silence]]
[[Attention Summary | Attention]]
[[Speech Summary | Speech]]
[[Courage Summary | Courage]]
[[Devotion/Bhakti Summary | Devotion/Bhakti]]
[[Honesty Summary | Honesty]]
[[Unifying One's Being Summary | Unifying One's Being]]
[[Offering ]]
[[Rejection Summary | Rejection]]
[[Stillness Summary | Stillness]]
[[Meditation Summary | Meditation]]
[[Receptivity Summary | Receptivity]]
[[Symbols/Forms Spiritual Significance Summary | Symbols/Forms Spiritual Significance]]
== <small>'''Related websites from Purnam for living integrally'''</small> ==
Purnam Centre of Integrality which is the home of this website is a space for transformative learning journeys. Transformative learning journey is a life-long process and that makes everyone a learner throughout life. Please visit the website for a deeper understanding.
Website catered to practice integral education. How do we put into practice the the truths we find in the compilations posted here? The answer is in the link below.
'''== [[Related Books/and Publications]] ==''' * [ The Gunas-eBook] 
*[[Psychic Education - Some Insights from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother]]
* [ Four Aspects of Divine Shakti]  * [ The Divine Shakti]  * [ Maheshwari]  * [ Mahakali]  * [ Mahalakshmi]  * [ Mahasaraawati]  == '''<small>Related links for compilations based on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother's writings</small>''' ==
'''==This website is a work in progress=='''
*[[Not reviewed|Modules to be Reviewed]]