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Read Summary of '''[[Sex Summary|Sex]]'''
=Sex - a Movement of General Nature=
Those who practise this Yoga can escape from it [sexual thoughts and desires] by a rejection of sexual suggestions aided by the influence of the Divine Power which acts through the Mother, but it is not instantaneous, except in the case of those who have a complete receptivity and an absolute faith. Usually it takes a steady tapasya to get rid of a lifelong habit. <ref></ref>
==Rejection of the Sex-Impulse from the Various Parts of the Being==
=Sex-Indulgence and the Integral Yoga=
Celibacy means first “not marrying”—it can be extended to not having sexual (physical) relations with any woman, though that is not its proper meaning. It is not equivalent to Brahmacharya. Brahmacharya is not binding in ''bhaktimārga '' or ''karmayoga'', but it is necessary for ascetic ''jñānayoga '' as well as for Raja and Hatha yogas. It is also not demanded from Grihastha yogis. In this Yoga the position is that one must overcome sex, otherwise there can be no transformation of the lower vital and physical nature; all physical sexual connection should cease, otherwise one exposes oneself to serious dangers. The sex-push must also be overcome but it is not a fact that there can be no sadhana or no experience before it is entirely overcome, only without that conquest one cannot go to the end and it must be clearly recognised as one of the more serious obstacles and indulgence of it as a cause of considerable disturbance. <ref></ref>
What has this Yoga got to do with sex and sex-contact? I have told you repeatedly that sex has to be got rid of and overcome before there can be siddhi in this Yoga.
==Difference in Transformed Body==
''Q. A transformation without passing through a terrestrial birth?''
''A.''Ah! Excuse me, you must not confuse things. There are two things. There is the possibility of a purely supramental creation on one hand, and the possibility of a progressive transformation of a physical body into a supramental body, or rather of a human body into a superhuman body. Then it would be a progressive transformation which could take a certain number of years, probably a considerable number, and would produce a being who would no longer be a “man” in the animal sense of the word, but would not be the supramental being formed fully outside all animality, for its present origin is necessarily an animal one. So, a transmutation may take place, a transformation that’s enough to liberate the being from this origin, but all the same it wouldn’t be a purely and entirely supramental creation. Sri Aurobindo has said that there will be an intermediary race—a race or perhaps some individuals, we don’t know—an intermediary rung which could serve as a passage or could be perpetuated according to the needs and necessities of creation. But if one starts from a body formed in the same way as human bodies are at present, the result will never be the same as a being formed entirely according to the supramental method and process. It will perhaps be more on the superhuman side in the sense that all animal expression may disappear, but it won’t be able to have the absolute perfection of a body that’s purely supramental in its formation.
''Q. And in this transformed human body will there be a differentiation between man and woman?''
What, what are you saying?
Accepts? What do you mean, “accepts”?
''Q. I mean “descends” in this half-human body—will there be a differentiation?''
''A.''But it is not like that, it is not a bottle into which one pours some liquid! It’s not that!
Are you asking whether the body will keep its masculine or feminine form? Probably this will be left to the choice of the being who enters the house, the occupant…. Does it interest you very much, this difference? (''Laughter'')
4) ''Q. How can a girl overcome her suffering and pain during periods?''
''A.''There are some exercises that make the abdomen strong and improve the circulation. These exercises must be done regularly and continued even after the pains have disappeared. For the grown-up girls, this kind of pain comes almost entirely from sexual desires. If we get rid of the desires we get rid of the pain. There are two ways of getting rid of desires; the first one, the usual one, is through satisfaction (or rather what is called so, because there is no such thing as satisfaction in the domain of desire). That means leading the ordinary human-animal life, marriage, children and all the rest of it. <ref></ref>
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Read more about '''[[Food Sex Compilation|FoodSex]]''' from the works of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo.
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