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=Psychic Education=
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==Some Insights from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother==
have supernatural, even magical, abilities, it derives from an ancient Greek word meaning
‘soul’ or ‘spirit’, and this is the way in which it is used in the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. They refer to the ‘psychic being’ as the evolving divine personality which is developed around an original divine spark through the experiences of many successive lives.
The psychic is the soul—it is a portion of the Divine that supports the mind, life and body in the evolution. Sri Aurobindo LY -1 CWSA 28 p.60
Sri Aurobindo LY -1 CWSA 28 p.60 The soul is something that comes from the Divine into the evolution and as the psychic being it evolves and assumes different personalities from life to life. Ibid. p. 32
In ''Savitri'', referring to the Supreme Divine Mother, Sri Aurobindo tells us that:
This deeper approach to the inner life was the method used by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in guiding their disciples, and the one which the Mother wished to be used in the Ashram School which she established to carry on their work. I hope that all of you are not only aware of the Mother’s writings on Education, which we find principally in Volume 12 of her Collected Works, but that you are also actively cultivating your familiarity with its inspiring contents. Let us take a brief overview of some of them now.
The first essay is called '''The Science of Living : to know oneself and to control oneself'''. In it the Mother emphasises that:
Education to be complete must have five principal aspects corresponding to the five
The Mother has given similar guidance in the text she prepared for aspiring Aurovilians, where she worded the first paragraph as follows:
<centre>'''To Be a True Aurovilian'''</centre>
1. The first necessity is the inner discovery in order to know what one truly is behind social, moral, cultural, racial and hereditary appearances.