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Human beings always suffer because of egoistic causes, humanly... So, always at the root of human sorrow there is a turning back upon oneself, more or less conscious, more or less ...acknowledged, but it is always that. Even when one weeps over another's misery, there is always a mixture.
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All disorders, all suffering is falsehood.
Thus it can be said that illnesses are falsehoods of the body...
… an illness is only a wrong attitude taken by some part of the body.
===Role of Medical Science and Medicine===
Medical Science has been more a curse to mankind than a blessing. It has broken the force of epidemics and unveiled a marvellous surgery; but, also, it has weakened the natural health of man and multiplied individual diseases; it has implanted fear and dependence in the mind and body; it has taught our health to repose not on natural soundness but a rickety and distasteful crutch compact from the mineral and vegetable kingdoms.
Drugs often cure the body when they do not merely trouble or poison it, but only if their physical attack on the disease is supported by the force of the spirit; if that force can be made to work freely, drugs are superfluous.
The doctor aims a drug at a disease; sometimes it hits, sometimes misses. The misses are left out of account, the hits treasured up, reckoned and systematised into a science.
Medical Science to the human body is like a great Power which enfeebles a smaller State by its protection or like a benevolent robber who knocks his victim flat and riddles him with wounds in order that he may devote his life to healing and serving the shattered body.
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The chief role of the doctor is, by various means, to induce the body to recover its trust in the Supreme Grace. <ref></ref>
In most cases the use of medicines—within reasonable limits, that is, when one doesn't poison oneself by taking medicines—is simply to help the body to have confidence. It is the body which heals itself. When it wants to be cured, it is cured. And this is something very widely recognised now; even the most traditional doctors tell you, “Yes, our medicines help, but it is not the medicines which cure, it is the body which decides to be cured.” <ref> </ref>
In every case, it is the Force that cures.