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Read Summary of '''[[Rejection Summary|Rejection]]'''
=What is Rejection?= 2
==Rejecting What Pulls You Away from the Divine== 2
==Rejection in the Vital== 3
===Fear and Unhappiness=== 4
'''Vital Interchanges''' 4
'''Opinions of Others''' 5
'''Love Between Human Beings''' 5
==Rejection in the Physical== 6
===Restlessness=== 6
===Illness=== 6
=Why should we Reject?= 7
==For Protection From Outside Forces== 7
==For Psychic Opening== 8
==For Peace== 8
==For Equality (Samata)== 9
==For Ananda/Delight== 9
==For Evolution== 10
=How to Reject?= 11
==How Do We Know What is Divine?== 11
==Prerequisites/Preparation== 12
===Consciousness/Awareness=== 12
===Peace=== 12
==Process of Rejection== 13
===Aspiration=== 14
===Will=== 14
===Role of the Psychic=== 16
===Surrender=== 17
==How to Reject In Different Parts of Being?== 18
=== Rejection in the Mental=== 18
===Rejection in the Vital=== 19
''' Detachment from Desire''' 19
'''Bringing Down the Higher Consciousness''' 20
===Rejection in the Physical=== 21
==Helpful Practices== 21
===Rejection of Thoughts=== 23
===Focus ing on the Positive Aspect=== 24
=Common Errors= 28
==Opening to All Forces== 28
==Passive Surrender== 28
==Accepting Ugliness of the Lower Nature== 28
==Repulsion, Dislike, Hatred== 29
==Indulgence== 29
=What is Rejection?=