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1 byte removed ,  18:15, 19 April 2021
One sits quietly, to begin with; and then, instead of thinking of fifty things, one begins saying to oneself, "Peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, calm, peace!" One imagines peace and calm. One aspires, asks that it may come: "Peace, peace, calm." And then, when something comes and touches one and acts, say quietly, like this, "Peace, peace, peace." One must not look and listen to the thoughts. One must not pay attention to everything that comes. It is as though one were learning how to call a friend: by dint of being called he comes. One makes peace and calm one’s friends and calls them: "Come, peace, peace, peace, peace, come!"
As soon as there is the least sign of discontentment, of annoyance, the vital must be spoken to in this way, "My friend, you are going to keep calm, you are going to do what you are asked to do, otherwise you will have to deal with me." And to the other, the enthusiast who says, "Everything must be done now, immediately", your reply is, "calm yourself a little, your energy is excellent, but it must not be spent in five minutes. We shall need it for a long time, keep it carefully and, as it is wanted, I shall call upon your goodwill. You will show that you are full of goodwill, you will obey, you won't grumble, you will not protest, you will not revolt, you will say 'yes, yes', you will make a little sacrifice when asked, you will say 'yes' whole-heartedly."