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The consciousness [higher] that is always there in the body is tamasic and obscure and the greater part of it is subconscient. If it opens then there will be an increasing union with the higher consciousness and it will be able to share the experiences and the developments in the mind and vital. <ref></ref>
==Physical ConsciousnessExercise==
==It is very necessary to keep off tamas. <ref></ref> Physical Contact==tamas in its roots can be removed only by the descent and the transformation, but physical exercise and regular activity of the body can always prevent a tamasic condition from prevailing in the body. <ref></ref>
==Physical ExerciseFatigue==
==Physical Fatigue==It may come from receiving more than the physical is ready to assimilate. It may be due to the passivity taking the form of inertia ; inertia brings the consciousness down towards the ordinary physical level which is soon fatigued and prone to tamas. It may be due to mere overstrain of the body - not giving it enough sleep or repose. <ref>,p55,p56</ref>
==Physical Mind==
That part of the mind which is concerned with the physical things only ; it depends on the sense-mind, sees only objects, external actions, draws its ideas from the data given by external things, infers from them only and knows no other Truth until it is enlightened from above.
The true thinking mind does not belong to the physical, it is a separate power. <ref></ref>
==Physical Opening==
