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=What is Discipline?=
Discipline essentially means to act according to a standard of Truth or a rule or law of action (dharma) or in obedience to a superior authority or to the highest principles discovered by the reason and intelligent will and not according to one's own fancy, vital impulses and desires. Outwardly, we are obliged to submit to a certain discipline to a certain extent, so that there may not be too great a disorder but inwardly we live in a marvellous liberty with no social constraint, no moral constraint, no intellectual constraint, no rule, nothing, nothing but a light which is there.
By inner discipline; you can create your atmosphere by controlling your thoughts, turning them exclusively towards the sadhana, controlling your actions, turning them exclusively towards the sadhana, abolishing all desires and all useless, external, ordinary activities.
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Discipline plays a pivotal role in the functioning of our parts of the being. At the Physical level, the physical should be disciplined, organised enough to be able to express the deep experience, in the movements of each day and each moment, and live integrally it.
