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No change in size ,  03:34, 19 January 2019
The theory of the Mantra mantra is that it is a word of power born out of the secret depths of our being where it has been brooded upon by a deeper consciousness than the mental, framed in the heart and not constructed by the intellect, held in the mind, again concentrated on by the waking mental consciousness and then thrown out silently or vocally - the silent word is perhaps held to be more potent than the spoken - precisely for the work of creation. The Mantra can not only create new subjective states in ourselves, alter our psychical being, reveal knowledge and faculties we did not before possess, can not only produce similar results in other minds than that of the user, but can produce vibrations in the mental and vital atmosphere which result in effects, in actions and even in the production of material forms on the physical plane. <ref></ref>
The function of a Mantra mantra is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness that will prepare it for the realisation of what the mantra symbolises and is supposed indeed to carry within itself. <ref></ref>
When one repeats a Mantra mantra regularly, very often it begins to repeat itself within, which means that it is taken up by the inner being. <ref></ref>
