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= Why is Perseverance Important? =
Without perseverance one never attains anything. <ref></ref> One must know that if a strong urge, a very strong urge to do something comes to them, that means this work has something to do with them and they are capable of doing it. But one can have powers which are so well hidden that one has to dig long before finding them, it’s important not to get discouraged at the first setback. How can one know whether one is capable of doing it or not? By trying. That's the best thing ...for usually when you begin searching for these things the mind comes to give a hundred and one favourable explanations for your not needing to search. It tells you, "Why no, it is not at all your fault; it is this, it is that, it is the circumstances, it is the people, these are things received from outside—all kinds of excellent excuses, which, unless you are very firm in your resolution, make you let go, and then it’s finished—you have to start again from the beginning till the day you decide to perform the operation. When the operation is done it is over, one is free. <ref></ref> <ref></ref> <ref></ref>  For a happy and effective life, the essentials are sincerity, humility, perseverance and an insatiable thirst for progress. Above all, one must be convinced of a limitless possibility of progress. Progress is youth; at a hundred years of age one can be young. <ref></ref> If one wants to take the trouble, one can enlarge his field considerably. But it asks for work, for perseverance, a kind of assiduous effort. <ref></ref> You may not know at every moment what is the best thing to do or how to do it, but you can place your will at the disposal of the Divine to do the best possible, the best thing possible. You will see it will have marvelous results. Do this with consciousness, sincerity, and perseverance and you will find yourself getting along with gigantic strides. <ref></ref> When you want to progress, the difficulty you want to conquer immediately increases tenfold in importance and intensity in your consciousness. There is but to Persevere, that's all. It will pass. <ref></ref>
== For Growth in Yoga ==
For all those who are destined to find their inner being, the truth of their being, there is always at least one moment in life when they were no longer the same, perhaps just like a lightning-flash—but that is enough. It indicates the road one should take, it is the door that opens on this path. And so one must go through the door, and with perseverance and an unfailing steadfastness seek to renew the state which will lead one to something more real and more total. <ref></ref> It takes time, steadfast endeavour, long continued aspiration and a calm perseverance to get anywhere in Yoga; that time you do not give yourself because of these recurrent swingings away from the right attitude. <ref></ref> Persevere in your concentration till you come to the point when you no longer lose the inner contact. <ref></ref> To attain that concentration much effort is necessary; an immediate or even a quick result is rarely possible. But if the inner door has once been opened, you may be sure that it will open again if you know how to persevere. <ref></ref> And if you Persevere, you will see that all of a sudden you are relieved of a mass of meanness and ugliness and obscurity which was preventing you from flowering in the light. <ref></ref> The path of surrender is indeed difficult, but if one perseveres in it with sincerity, there is bound to be some success. <ref></ref> It is not an impossible discipline but it is extremely long and requires an unshakable patience, for it is as if you wanted to build up in you a being, a body; and for that you require first of all the necessary knowledge, but also such a prolonged persistence and perseverance as would discourage many. But it is altogether indispensable if you want to take part in the knowledge of your higher being. <ref></ref>
= How to Cultivate Perseverance? =
