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1 byte added ,  13:49, 1 October 2018
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<div style="color:#000000;">When the fear is deeply rooted, one needs to grip it hard and pull it out, which hurts the surface nature, but if one can have the courage and focus on one’s light, it is possible. One needs to be vigilant and not allow it to come back. <ref></ref></div>
<div style="color:#000000;">Progress can be really slow but through courage and faith one can fight the adverse forces and expand the consciousness.</div>
<span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">When one lacks the trust in the divine, they solely depend on themselves. This path can be difficult as one’s trust still lies in ego’s personal independence and there is a refusal to surrender. <ref></ref></span>
<div style="color:#000000;">Mind and vital are mixed up on the surface of the consciousness, but they are quite separate forces in themselves. As one is able to separate them, their distinct action can be understood and used in overcoming fear. Mind can accept the Divine more easily while the vital is unconvinced and obstinately goes on in search of desire, passion and attraction to the ordinary life. Then, mind under the influence of the soul can be &nbsp;used to govern the vital. </div>
