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<span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">In our everyday life, we always look outwards into the appearance of things and get trapped into the surface ignorance and rarely turn inwards to seek self and discover and utilize our potentials. In order to know ourselves and the world completely, we must go behind our exterior and dive deep below our  own mental surface and the physical surface of Nature. And </span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">for this self expansion and exploration , psychological self-observation and analysis is a great and effective tool which supports the turning  of the eye inward and help us in connecting with our inner being and universal laws and processes which stand behind the material front of the universe.</span>
= What =
<span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">The surface/outer mental being observes and passes judgement whereas the inner being (psychic) spontaneously knows and feels in a more direct way by its purity and the divine instinct within it. Mind under the influence of the psychic reveals the movements coming from the higher and the lower nature in oneself. &nbsp;</span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">The pure mind in a witness position that stands detached from the play of the nature, observing it and able to choose.</span>
= How to Observe Oneself? =
== Condition: ==
<div style="color:#000000;">A quiet mind is required for true self-observation and a great amount of inner silence helps in observing the outer action without being involved or moved.</div>
<span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">In the ordinary state, one thinks by habit and is unable to distinguish himself from his thoughts</span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">.There is a complete identification between the movement of thought and the consciousness of the being. </span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">But when one acquires the witness attitude and is able to separate himself from the thoughts, one sees that the thoughts come from outside, from universal Nature, from the mental, </span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">vital or subtle physical worlds etc.</span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;"> </span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">Thoughts are not the essence of mental-being, they are only an activity of mental nature. Being a little aware and observant shows that one is not manufacturing one’s own thoughts, but rather thoughts occur in one’s consciousness. Generally, it is like a thought current passing through the brain and then through the brains of other people. It is a perpetual movement that lacks individuality. Through movements of life and gradually becoming aware of one’s individual sensations, thoughts and ideas, one is able to see that very few thoughts in us are personal. Thoughts lack individuality and one thinks what others are thinking, others think what still others are thinking, and everybody thinks like that in a great mixture, because these are currents, vibrations of thought passing from one to another. </span>
= Three things to be aware of: =
* <div style="color:#000000;"><span style="background-color:transparent;">Be aware of “many voices” within. All are not divine and many may only be a voice of desire</span><span style="background-color:transparent;">. You should be vigilant and be faithful to the Truth and insist on peace, purity, devotion, sincerity. Aspire for a spiritual change of nature and keep the fire of aspiration burning. &nbsp;</span></div>
* <div style="color:#000000;">Be aware of the “escape attitude’’ as man always rushes into external action and looks for reasons to not have time to observe himself and turn inward.</div>
* <div style="color:#000000;">There is “danger of ego” in observing the movements and attaching the sense of ‘I’’to the process of self-observing and not going behind the surface level I.</div>
= Results of Self-observation =
<div style="color:#000000;">If one sincerely observes oneself and put all one’s ignorance, unconsciousness and egoism before a will to change then life becomes infinitely interesting and one can make marvellous &nbsp;and unexpected discoveries about oneself. The process becomes interesting and one begins to find out a lot of small hidden folds one never knew existed within. Once they discovered and light is put upon them, they disappear and one no longer has those reactions and that is how you make progress on the path of self discovery.</div>
= Things to Remember =
