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It is well known that the value of a man is in proportion to his capacity of concentrated attention; the greater the concentration the more exceptional is the result, to the extent that a perfect and unfailing concentrated attention sets the stamp of genius on what is produced. <ref>The Mother. (1949). Concentration and Dispersion. In On Education (Collected Works of the Mother Volume 12). Retrieved from</ref>
The movement that stores up and concentrates is no less needed than the movement that spreads and diffuses.
''13 April 1935''
<ref>The Mother. cwm/14/concentration</ref>
Concentration does not aim for any effect, but is simple and persistent.
Concentration on a precise goal is helpful to development.
The more we concentrate on the goal, the more it blossoms forth and becomes precise.
The Yogi knows by his capacity for a containing or dynamic identity with things and persons and forces.
''11 April 1935''
<ref>The Mother. cwm/14/concentration</ref>
==Three powers of concentration==