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<span style="color:#000000;">And if you know how to tell yourself a story in this way, and if it is truly beautiful, truly harmonious, truly powerful and well co-ordinated, this story will be realised in your life. (The Mother, 18 April 1956) <ref></ref></span>
<span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">Let beauty be your constant ideal.The beauty of the soul</span>
<span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">The beauty of sentiments</span>
<span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">The beauty of thoughtsThe beauty of the actionThe beauty in the workSo that nothing comes out of your hands which is not an expression of pure and harmonious beauty.</span>
<span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">Spiritual beauty has a contagious power. <ref></ref></span>
<span style="color:#000000;">When a child is full of enthusiasm, never throw cold water on it, never tell him, "You know, life is not like that!" You should always encourage him, tell him, "Yes, at present things are not always like that, they seem ugly, but behind this there is a beauty that is trying to realise itself. This is what you should love and draw towards you, this is what you should make the object of your dreams, of your ambitions." (The Mother, 31 July 1957) <ref></ref></span>
<span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">Copy many beautiful things, but try even more to catch the emotion, the deeper life of things.</span><span style="background-color:transparent;color:#0066cc;"><u><ref></ref></u></span>
<span style="background-color:transparent;color:#000000;">Why do you want to do the details? That is not at all necessary. Painting is not done to copy Nature, but to express an impression, a feeling, an emotion that we experience on seeing the beauty of Nature. It is this that is interesting and it is this that has to be expressed, and it is because you have the possibility of doing this that I encourage you to paint. <ref></ref></span>
