meaning and origin of the phrase to go commando Watch any TV show from the Seventies and youre likely to get several close calls. As a result, bacterial infections could surface, leading to some uncomfortable symptoms such as burning, itching, pain and discomfort that you would not wish upon your worst enemy. In the 1970s, shorts lived up to their name. There are several reasons why guys might go commando, from pure comfort to a shortage of clean underwear when laundry day is overdue. install mantel before or after stone veneer. Like many peculiarly creative terms, it has a disputed etymology - from Vietnam war soldiers increasing ventilation to a euphemism for British prostitutes in WW II, called "Piccadilly Commandos." Underwear adds an extra layer of fabric around your privates that can sometimes lead to more sweating. Apparently all one has to do to have a new word or expression enshrined in this two-volume edition of the revered work of lexicography is to script a soon-to-be-forgotten television series or mindless movie, or market a fashionable drug sure to be eclipsed before long by a scientifically superior product. translation missing: en.layout.homepage.mailing_list_text, Sign up to receive 15% off your first order, Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device, Instead of risking unprotected moisture buildup and possible exposure to micro-cuts, it would behoove you to look into some of the new and innovative underwear options, such as a. that are durable, breathable and super comfortable. Why Is It Called Going Commando? The term going commando originated in the 1970s when soldiers returned from the Vietnam war. Gorbachev. You can also support us by signing up to our Mailing List. Like many peculiarly creative terms, it has a disputed etymology - from Vietnam war soldiers increasing ventilation to a euphemism for British prostitutes in WW II, called "Piccadilly Commandos." Men But it's not for the feint-hearted.". I use it as a cautionary tale: You may want male short-shorts to return, but understand that its not just good looking guys like Robbie Benson who will be wearing them. And not wearing underwear means more air can circulate down there, Skin chafing is one of them. Each spring these women gather with the brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon to celebrate The Boxer Rebellion, an evening of drunken revelry in which participants of both sexes wear boxer shorts. The Celts won the majority of the battles from 400BC until 51BC, when Julius Caesar defeated the Gauls. A four word mantra also encapsulates his attitude: "No wedgies, no problems. Slang (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) (typescript) Spring. Student who wears black and listens to avant-garde music I Went Commando for a Along with Ronnie himself and his, "It is time for art to flow into the organisation of life." People tended to go commando in the Seventies a lot more than they do now. Do not go commando in these fabrics, especially if you are prone to infections already. I'm Antonio Centeno, the founder of RMRS. It's the survival show with a survivalist and his wife. Going commando can help increase your fertility. The Freeballers Forum There are several reasons why guys might go commando, from pure comfort to a shortage of clean underwear when laundry day is overdue. It is from Marking the golden anniversary of a brief success, an article by Jim Spencer about the fiftieth anniversary of briefs, published in the Chicago Tribune (Chicago, Illinois) of Tuesday 22nd January 1985: The women in the living room of the Kappa Kappa Gamma house at Northwestern University are all under 50. meaning and origin of the phrase to go commando As time went on, these two tribes eventually came together and, in the 1600s, became what we now call the Scots and formed the country of Scotland. Reddit Whether its a strong personal choice or you are feeling like youre up for a challenge, going commando can be fun or it can be a lesson learned. To vomit Goth. Click here to discover SHEATH and enjoy a special offer on your order! Now, lets imagine this from the side of the Celts, how would you feel if youd destroyed your enemy with low-quality weapons, naked and being outnumbered? These portrait photographs of Russia's ruling Romanovs were taken in 1903 at the Winter Palace in majestic. before washing and natural, and cotton or linen pants can wait a few wears to be washed as well. Reddit: Do you noticed when , she notes that some women prefer to go commando during running, elliptical, spinning, kickboxing, etc., which affords less chafing, less visible lines in tighter workout clothes, and gives a sense of more mobility and flexibility. Wearing tight underwear pushes everything into the torso, where it gets exposed to the bodys heat. In fact, even going commando today can be justified in much the same way as it was thousands of years ago. before washing. Dictionaries were invented for less frivolous duty, like pinning down the meaning of is.. Alcoholic Beverage Control store, Fratosororalingoid. Well, isnt that special? Furthermore, there is evidence that suggests that plants grown in cement blocks do not suffer from BER (blossom-end rot), which c, Growing Tomatoes from Saved Seed: Tips to Achieve Maximum Germination Rate, Seed Saving: Tips for Ensuring Maximum Germination Rate And if an enemy could hold them, it would likely end the battle for them. Can you imagine how they wouldve felt standing across from a group of men, very clearly naked from the waist down, covered in tattoos, and dyed blue? The reduced restrictions that underwear can give you mean going commando feels more comfortable. They do not have breathable qualities and each of these fabrics are a nasty breeding ground for moisture collection that leads to bacterial growth. Well, it is probably no less crazy than parents who wont let their kids go commando at all, but I don't want my son to be caught in an awkward situation - you know kids at school. Is it something worth repeating, or was it just funny once? Diodorus Siculus claimed that the Gauls towered over their counterparts the Mediterranean empires of Greece and Rome. For some men, like entrepreneur Ahmad Elhawi, it's all about comfort. Another reason for the Hot Springs discussionhot sulfur water really helps too. Going commando is definitely a persons's prerogative (ask Jon Hamm), and it's definitely a person's right to keep that kind of information to themselves. Ephemeral, disposable, they served only one purposeto let someone know "I'm here. Ajvarski, Donkey's Ear, Gatherer's Gold, Jimmy Nardello, Lipstick, Melrose, Gypsy F1 hybrid, Mareko Fana, Stocky Red Roaster, Red Wonder, Little Bells and Sirenevyi are all discussed here. Negative racial/anti-Semitic, or religious stereotypes are prohibited. By leaving their underwear at home, they are able to move freely and generally feel more comfortable throughout the day. Are you a secret commando? The famous historian Diodorus Siculus reported in his book Bibliotheca Historica (60BC): Physically, the Celts are terrifying in appearance, with deep sounding and very harsh voices. On average, you can wear a pair of jeans ten times before washing. Connie C. Eble, Professor of English at the University of North Carolina, recorded the phrase in: 5 Reasons Women Go Commando. Going commando can also lead to friction blisters. Boxers leave more to the imagination, Cathy Buss says. Maybelline waste. Going commando may help if you suffer from digestive issues like acid reflux and have typically worn tight shapewear in the past, the Daily Mail reported. Keep reading because we are going to dive into the 5 reasons for women going commando, and the 7 reasons why you should not. To go without underwear M.L.A. ), Funny coincidence. They bared all for comfort, ease of movement, and as a powerplay, giving them the advantage over their enemies. Underwear is designed to support but some men can find it incredibly restrictive. Although a completely normal part of being a woman, your clothing should not have to be compromised when lacking the proper protection between your vulva and your undies. So it stands to reason that they would want to protect what they have, wouldnt it? Yet only one prefers her man in briefs. Beef-a-roni. Going commando is definitely a persons's prerogative (ask Jon Hamm), and it's definitely a person's right to keep that kind of information to themselves. You can reserve this fun little trick for, , or if you are looking for some time sooner, you may opt in for celebrating. M y husband goes commando year round. Instead, their primary weapons were iron swords and spears, and they often used slingshots as their only projectile. Rumptyvump. Join our free Newsletter and get style advice and new content updates sent straight to your inbox! I was not sure how he'd take the commando thing. ", He ditches the underwear in public to be defiant: "I'm a rebel. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('Unit6'); }); Jack Wagner, soap star (General Hospital). According to Philip Freeman, Qualley Professor of Classics at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, the Greeks and the Romans believed the Celts to be terrifying barbarians that won battles against their armies while naked with their swords drawn. 10 Totally Acceptable Times to Go Commando Its the annoying and unfortunately painful result of skin rubbing against your clothing causing rashiness and discomfort. Guys butts look better in boxers, adds Kathleen James. For example, imagine coming home after a long day at the office, taking off your suit, and putting on some gym shorts pure bliss and instant relaxation. He goes commando every second Friday for a very specific reason of convenience: "I own 13 pairs of underwear so I only need to wash once a fortnight! I live in Utah. While many people may go commando to avoid panty lines or because it simply feels good for them not wearing underwear can be a good idea for your vaginal health. Another popular reason for women going commando is to. Well, it is probably no less crazy than parents who wont let their kids go commando at all, but I don't want my son to be caught in an awkward situation - you know kids at school. In my 34 years of a mostly active lifestyle, this concept has literally never crossed my mind. Many lifestyle changes, including not wearing tight underwear or going commando while you sleep, may help prevent these infections from forming. I was sure it would be ok. How unfortunate that the shorts of that time were not up to the challenge of keeping things contained. If youre in the comfort of your own home, its a great way to feel relaxed. Of course, people were pretty comfortable with their bodies back then. BETTER WORKOUTS Many women choose to workout without underwear as a way to keep things breathable down there. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('Unit3'); }); Let me say right off the bat that, while I find nothing pleasant about a guys hairy, freckled upper-thigh and frontal bulge, I realize there are many that do. One more problem with these tight fitting short-shorts is that the pockets become useless. Go commando. She adds: "Fashion rules are meant to be broken so that personal style can develop. Now my boys were known to try sneaking out going commando (at the time I was not keen on them going to school or church without underwear - although I was ok pretty much anywhere else - these days of course, well I dont worry about it to much) so I presume that they dont mind going commando and showering. Its always safe to take care of yourself, and that means practicing good hygiene and choosing the right fabrics when. Especially since they can become infected without even knowing theyre there. The earliest occurrence in the OED dates from 1974: Current U.N.C. Yet only one prefers her man in briefs. Frankly I expected him to say nothing. The keys to the longevity of such a phrase are repetition and its context, Herron says. Wearing tight underwear pushes everything into the torso, where it gets exposed to the bodys heat. These were simple people who lived off the land, had a societal hierarchy, and kept very few possessions. Unfortunately, most men have physiques that could benefit from concealment. So if you are not putting the pieces together and you end up calling the doctor because you smell down there, dont be surprised when its due to going commando. Going panty-less is a big turn-on for most guys, she says. One of the most effective ways to protect your garden from pests is to use natural predators. You mightve heard the saying, A true Scotsman doesnt wear underwear, and traditionally, they wouldnt have done. If you're wearing shorts, it's best to be aware that if you're on a balcony, people below may be able to see more than they planned to.". An Unsightly Mess: Mens Shorts He sleeps in the nude, and hangs in the nude when ever he can. People tended to go commando in the Seventies a lot more than they do now. It's the survival show with a survivalist and his wife. He does not like anything restricting "the boys". Going commando is a phrase that exudes nonchalant authority. "Being locked up in a suit all day isn't fun. Well, tomorrow's the day for my physical exam and I have decided to take all your advice and give it a trycommando is a GO! The slang phrase to go commando means to wear no underpants beneath ones clothing. Wherever it comes from, we all know it means one cheeky thing. That definitely goes back several decades, Sheidlower said. I will post the details of my visit. If we were to choose this option, our free flowing vaginas would be hanging out some of the more common clothing items that we wear, which are A) not absorbant materials and B) mostly synthetic. People tended to go commando in the Seventies a lot more than they do now. At least according to Toby Quinn, founder of sports app Then in Scotland, there were two dominant tribes: the Picts and the Gaelic. But it's not for the feint-hearted.". Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. That flows to other areas of my life. Although it was more efficient, Polybius went on to say that it actually became a disadvantage when it came to facing off against the Romans javelin squad. #3 Its more comfortable. go WebIts fair to say that the biggest reason guys choose to go commando is because it offers a feeling of freedom. Wear underpants or don't that doesn't matter. Some TV viewers may have thought that the writers of Friends invented the expression going commando, to characterize a woman who ventures into public without underwear. There are many types of Celts; those in Europe, especially France, were called the Gauls. I Went Commando for a Going Commando Feels For some, though, it's more than just convenience and comfort. They were wearing bronze helmets to accentuate their height, charging into battle openly and without forethought.. Hey, youre full of hormones, so one could spring up at any given moment. Want to start dressing sharp today? Click here to discover more about our mission here at RMRS. However, on Urban Dictionary (s.v. Discussion of suicide or self-harm is not tolerated and will result in an immediate ban. Going commando can help increase your fertility. When there is a constant, irritating motion of clothing on your skin, painful micro-cuts can develop in the labial or vaginal areas, called Vaginal Fissures. I recently posted a question about going commando to a doctors appointment and got lots of good suggestions and support. Please consider making a donation to our site. Who has time to do washing?" Heck, I want to live a long time so catch it early is my motto. 17 Habits Of Successful People (How To Be A High Value Man), 10 Masculine Clothes You Need To Buy (2023 Outfits Women, Long Hairstyles For Men | Growing, Styling And Product Tips, Top 10 Mens Underwear Brands For Stylish Guys (2023 Edition), Axillary Hair and Body Odor | How Shaving Can Make You Smell Better , Why Scots, Celts & Gauls fought without underwear. Things could get unseemly real fast. Sooner or later, Seals & Croft will show up in a pair, and before too long, even Paul Williams. "Being locked up in a suit all day isn't fun. Its a fun, flirty and exciting moment when youre on a date with your SO and you lean over to whisper that youre not wearing any underwear. could surface, leading to some uncomfortable symptoms such as burning, itching, pain and discomfort that you would not wish upon your worst enemy. 1. Am I insinuating that shoes > underwear? The more you go commando, the more you will have stinky clothes, resulting in less clothing wears per wash. xena-angel. . Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Men don't have many options for business attire and there's not a lot of ventilation happening in a suit. Startling to say the least. People have lived in Scotland for over 12,000 years, and in that time, there have been wars, battles, tribes, kings, and fashion trends. Men A commando is a person who surfs the Internet without wearing underwear. Very good Jim. Here we discuss some of the most popular early sweet pepper varieties, their characteristics, and how they fare in different climates. 10 Totally Acceptable Times to Go Commando Excellence doesn't come from being boring. Is it something worth repeating, or was it just funny once? Researchers at the Integrative Prehistory and Archaeological Science (IPAS) and the Department of Ancient Civilizations of the University of Basell, Switzerland, confirmed that the Celtic people ate cereals like barley and wheat. And war isnt just won on the battlefield. Apparently all one has to do to have a new word or expression enshrined in this two-volume edition of the revered work of lexicography is to script a soon-to-be-forgotten television series or mindless movie, or market a fashionable drug sure to be eclipsed before long by a scientifically superior product. These micro-abrasions are painful splits, cracks and breaks in the delicate skin that you should be protecting. It comes from pushing boundaries and being quirky.". They also hunted and ate meat such as beef, pork, mutton, goat, and dairy products. What's behind it - exhibitionism, laziness or relaxation? . As for you, it really depends on your own comfort level. to their relationship. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. darren barrett actor. xena-angel. Cool points will be awarded for anyone that knows where this photograph comes from. You can expect a range of skin irritations and even some skin damage when opting to go commando. Strange History of Going Commando. Going commando guys go commando Im no fan of the ultra-long baggy shorts of the past couple decades; however, there is a happy medium. he laughs. In my 34 years of a mostly active lifestyle, this concept has literally never crossed my mind. On a slightly more serious note, for Lee, this is about creativity and freedom from society's imposed constraints. Especially if you have been sitting in your pants while panty-less and building up a myriad of female discharges. A show on discovery elaborated on going commando. Hi Reddit, recently I've gone a couple of dates with guys who go commando. Do what you need to do to prepare yourself. BETTER WORKOUTS Many women choose to workout without underwear as a way to keep things breathable down there. Passionate kissing (massive lip action) When there is a constant, irritating motion of clothing on your skin, painful micro-cuts can develop in the labial or vaginal areas, called. You've had a long day at the office wearing a fitted suit, you get home, and decide to go commandofor the evening. SHEATHallows air to circulate around your package keeping it cool and fresh. Maybe it's silly but at least if his pants rip (which does happen) or if someone "pantsed" him he wouldnt be left "hanging out" in front of everyone. Yes I have a dark side, doesnt everyone? Aunt Betsys Cookie Store. On a slightly more serious note, for Lee, this is about creativity and freedom from society's imposed constraints. Theres evidence across Europe of the Celtic knotwork and metalwork that is still admired, even today. what percent of guys go commandoclarence krusen laredo, texas obituary. Well, its time to leave this world of ball exposing short-shorts and return to the present day where mens upper thighs, unpredictable penises, and hairy gonads are kept safely under wraps. A male who makes a females heart beat so fast that her name tag shakes (name tag shaker), Rumptyvump. Like many peculiarly creative terms, it has a disputed etymology - from Vietnam war soldiers increasing ventilation to a euphemism for British prostitutes in WW II, called "Piccadilly Commandos." No advertising or spamming is permitted. Well, yesterday morning I went commando to my physical exam. (LogOut/ People must want to reuse the phrase because of the pleasant associations it will bring. The expression, and tradition, began in the 18th century when the Scottish Military required that their men not wear underwear under their kilts. If a Celt or Gaul were to get injured in battle, they could keep their wounds clean because the fabric from their clothes wouldnt get into the wound keeping it clean. The phrase gained currency in 1996 from its use by Joey (interpreted by Matt LeBlanc born 1967) in an episode of the American television sitcom Friends (1994-2004). In the office? Do you dab? Going commando Not to mention the hygiene factor, which means that you need to look at what mens underwear styles are the right ones for you. Nylon, lycra, polyester and other elastane fabrics found in everyday clothing such as yoga pants and leggings, are petroleum or coal based synthetics. It made it easier for the men to go to the bathroom and not be caught by surprise. The phrase to go commando originated in U.S. university slangapparently at the University of North Carolina. It [is] part of Internet culture. Besides, women have been going commando for years let the guys have some fun with it! This morning I got to the gym. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Gross" Things About Going Commando That Are Actually Some TV viewers may have thought that the writers of Friends invented the expression going commando, to characterize a woman who ventures into public without underwear. It's a feeling of empowerment and liberation. xena-angel. Usually I'm briefs. And if Sharon Stone can do it on film, then why can't men do it down at the shops? (A synonym of to go commando, the phrase to go regimental is said to refer to the Scottish infantry regiments, whose soldiers used to wear no underpants under their kilts.).