MLD, I do believe that satan is bound with a chain of some sort. Seems sad, really. Barbara, well done. I learned a long time ago that the first look is not sin its just temptation. Calvinism and dominionism are two different things. 22:20), The Lord Jesus Christ commands all believers to proclaim the gospel throughout the world and to make disciples of all nations. I do have issue with his lies, spending money on mistresses, and exposing his wife to STDs. The4Gospels present Him as Risen, do you trust in, rely on, and cling to this Risen Jesus as your only source of life? David was a man after Gods own heart. Im what you call a baby Christian. Sharon is still a strong and encouraging leader for her firefighting unit despite the sadness of losing her daughter in a car accident involving her son Bode. You got that right, MLD is probably 300 lbs., sitting on a big leather sofa eating popcorn as he writes, with three cats purring around him, while his wife yells from the other room, get off the computer and take the trash out as he answers in a moment, I gotta write one more thing, I have no sympathy for adulterers, may they rot in hell! And then he prays to himself, Thank you God that I am not like that Bob Coy!. But in your praying dont forget those who are at the bottom of the iceberg who are actively involved in their secret sin of choice and will continue to do so as long as theyre not found out and as long as they ignore the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Yes I do. They are the ones truly in need of prayer. (Flores was eventually convicted of sex with the minor.). In every church there were false teachings, traditions of men, worldly compromise, hypocrisy in the leadership and pastors who justified everything. I am sure he showered, put on clean underwear. , : - -, - -. Were there other abuse claims against Coy during the nearly three decades he controlled Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale? If they see him relinquish controlsubmit to leadership he disagrees with, defers his influence to other more healthy leaders etc etc. Lorenzo, Thats, quite honestly, inappropriate, and none of your business. It sure seemed to confuse many when he was with Greg and Chuck at the Harvest Crusade and was present at Chucks memorial. By the way, the dwarfs are for the dwarfs. God can bring restoration- please Lord, help the Coy family. NONE. It was the Catholics then the reformed then the anabaptists to our modern movements of which CC was one, we shall have to wait and see what will be the next movement God raises, hey dont be so sad, CC had a good run, what was that like 50 years? After graduating, he found a career in the entertainment industry. Most of us live in glass houses anyway. It leaves a lot of multi-sites in the dark. ?..he was a FRAUD. They would rather see a family trashed than do what is right by the Lord. Yes, all the more evidence that men are still sinners after they are savedthere is no transformationmen still sin in the same or different areas as before they were saved. I have judged no man here, in fact I am horribly sad that Mr. Coy is going through the crap hes created for himself, his family and his community, not judging, but truly sad. Were the prophecies of Revelation already fulfilled? told you. And my Bible says for God so loved THE WHOLE WORLD Sorry no tulip there! The victim wife of another scandal set up camp at a near by church SO if anyone can recommend a smaller church, please let me know. The Holy Spirit has come to glorify Christ and to apply the saving work of Christ to our hearts. There should be no quick fix restorations. I have witnessed decades of the David example being taught by CC pastors to justify restoration of sexually sinning leaders. <3. When a mocker comes along it is real important for him to be smart and accurate with his mocking. The Gospel is forgiveness and reconciliation. 2nd, I dont believe much that I see quoted on these rapture ready type web sites. It was also difficult to be someone who had discernment there. But apparently, any way you get the crowd is OK. #489 Fidel came to Ft Lauderdale with BC but left to start his own church. Read Daniel 4 v.16 and let seven periods of time pass over him. Or was it because he was caught? The strange thing is that Mark was with Bob for almost the entire 30 years as his #1 right hand man and Mark was a brilliant businessman. Hugh, Crap, another curse? He believes the false gospel of lordship salvation which cannot save. He confessed. Confession is step one. Flynn, one cannot separate doctrine from practice; the two do not exist separately. The PCA is a family of churches that are doctrinally Reformed and governmentally Presbyterian. Did you just take the mark of 666? Ill be blunt. Who is Kassanndra Cantrell? You will always have the tow the line soldier types and they have their place in the body as well but if you want to grow in any aspect of life spiritual or other wise seek out those you respect and let them help you to the next rung a person of good character will be happy to share their life experience to build you up, those that criticize have nothing to offer in the first place. As someone that leans amill and reformed, its all I can do to bite my tongue jeesh. This will certainly be a season of emotional turmoil for CC Fort Lauderdale, as they lose their senior pastor. Problem is it turns into pride and a business instead of a ministry. But let me ask this why dont you listen to what the apostles said about this period? I suspect you are an attendee at CCFL and you are angry, but dont shoot the messenger.. there was a guy who did so once, reluctantly. The children inside the vehicle have no pulse except Diane's son Bryan. The divorce file includes nearly 30 pages of documents related to their finances and settlements. ALL THEY HAVE SAID WAS MORAL FAILURE NOTHING MORE NOTHING LESS. 19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! The one thing Id point out is that like so many other CC he was always preaching about behavior as well as keeping our eyes on Jesus. In my opinion, if he did this [to one victim], it's just a question of how many others are out there. Because, they know where you got your doctrine, and they know going in, all the errors and twists of interpretation. Baker and haggard were false teachers. Some times I come in so late that I just leave again. Do we expose a fraud or recover a brother? I cant tell you how many employees would be afraid to speak up about ANYTHING going on in both the church and the school because they were afraid to lose their job or position! Apologies are step two. Loss off place in church culture. I guess it can happen to anyone to be star struck. BE TRUTHFUL AND HONEST, OR YOULL NEVER EXPERIENCE TRUE HEALING! It hardly makes their convictions garbage.. Carry on. 17 Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house. Ok. we still want to see evidence. Give Mercy and you will find mercy ! Which is typical of todays modern quick moving world! The Calvinist teaching does not coincide with Gods nature and Gods love as revealed in Scripture! Now the Holy Spirit is prompting me to pray for him and all of a sudden, the anger has been replaced by compassion. Gary, if you have an issue you can email me . It went for far less than the first. It cant be, for me and for the entire planet. A day with DC having make-up applied by a makeup artist. I went to and loved this church. Martin Luthers Disciple says: So Gary, why do you bring up the Lutheran thing. you really are a gossip monger. local news and culture, Tim Elfrink Yep pre mil dispies are replacement theologians, Gotta run, me and the wife are clocking out of work and going home. Coy says he was never approached by the police about the allegations. MLD is too old to be tempted. He found work as the entertainment director at the Jolly Trolley, a storefront casino and strip club, where he said he wasted away his early 20s in a haze of sex, coke, and alcohol. Flynn, You are a false teacher you said that your Bible said that the SEVEN YEAR tribulation will be. In 2005, Coy's church rented out Dolphin Stadium on Easter Sunday and drew more than 20,000 people. Finally starting to pray. (RNS) Florida megachurch pastor Bob Coy has resigned from his 20,000-member Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale congregation over a moral failing., A statement on the churchs website reported the news: On April 3, 2014, Bob Coy resigned as Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, effective immediately, after confessing to a moral failing in his life which disqualifies him from continuing his leadership role at the church he has led since its founding in 1985.. Any recent full frontals of his mistresses? A man has been overcome in a trespass, perhaps a series of trespasses. Now he was locked up in jail. The problems you have had our probably gossip and busy bodying. Really? "Our pastor, he committed adultery with more than one woman. The internetbeing able to attend service from your computer also became possible. Loss of friends. Do those people have a right to know? I dont think so! It is no doubt that BC did a lot of good. Have you ever had a hairball? It amazed me that this pastor was able to convince his church that he had done no wrong and that because of his amazing ministry the devil was trying to tear it down. Why do people keep blaming satan and setting up some evil master plan against God? I dont take pleasure in his fall but it appeared inevitable. Barbara first off, that was not the question. Tracked down at the bar on a recent weeknight, the well-dressed ex-pastor looks no different from the days when he preached to thousands of followers. I blame myself somewhat for allowing myself to be afraid of confronting him since I had no physical evidence. Against a power play by Bob [ie. These pastors are lifted up and deified and made into celebrities, so then it becomes Bob Coys church Raul Riess church Greg Lauries church instead of the Church of Jesus Christ, and when these men fall the little gods we had erected fall and then we can hear God say, I am God and I am still on the throne!. With that we end another day of broadcasting. It would be interesting to see how Bob spoke about this topic in his messages. MLD, I didnt realize you were mathematically challenged, and unable to compare scripture with scripture, He will confirm a covenant with many for one seven. In the middle of the seven he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. I also know 2 large donors retracted their pledges. Mark, are you kidding? "God is with us all who learn and grow so much from a man who always reminded us he was human and not one is perfect not even Pastor Bob but God gave him a purpose and he did well by God. Thats a big deal = Bob chose. Moniker perversion sorry for the T trouble. I fight another battle and if you click on my erunner name it will take you to the blog Ive run for six years because of the help of Michael who runs this blog. The article noted that in total at least eight pastors, staffers, and volunteers in Calvary Chapel's network in the U.S. have been charged with abusing children since 2010. That is pretty poor turnout given the news and I wonder how many of the 7500 already knew something was up anyway. What about them? Thats not being victimized, thats being tempted by women who need healing not exploitation. He instructs and guides us into all truth, and seals us for the day of redemption. 2 And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him who was grabbed? Imagine what all those kids at Liberty are thinking now. Paul dealt with this. Lorenzo, You have an obsessive form of projection, as evidenced by your post here, from your viewing of pornography and thinking of other women while youre being intimate with your wife. Payne had taken his case against Fort Lauderdale Police Maj. Eric Brogna to the Broward County State Attorney's Office, but prosecutors declined to press charges. It has nothing to do with the Bible. I lean towards Calvinism but not even close to Dominion-ism. Anything at all? This thread will be closed shortly so I can have an evening to do other things. 'Jesus Revolution' leaves out the tough stuff but gets the music right, Sacked chaplain to appeal after losing employment tribunal case. View the profiles of people named Diane Coy. I must say that in knowing very little about the build up to this story, it appears that the church took much faster action in dismissing Coy than in the case of Mike Kestler. "We are not led by a board of elders.". Isnt it cute when we call it moral failure. 7 The cow and the bear shall graze; their young shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. Kate Forbes: Would a Christian be permitted to lead Scotland. well praying for you. The church should set a mechanism for those that dont know how to deal with their sin to discretely discuss it and decide how to move forward. Being estranged from God and condemned by our sinfulness, our salvation is wholly dependent upon the work of Gods free grace. Someone needs to tell so many of the poor men with ordinary jobs I have known throughout life who cheated anyways that they were breaking a stereotype. I have family and friends who have suffered the destruction of cheating and divorce, and the kids are the ones who are hurt the most. Cant seem to wonder if Pastor Clay knew something and that is why he resigned the end of last year. Hopefully the believers will recover quickly and put their faith in Jesus to find a new place or to remain, but they will need to examine their faith first. I bet the line of women giving interviews is long and loud. Below is a summary of our core beliefs which are developed in more detail in the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Westminster Larger Catechism, and the Westminster Shorter Catechism. Coy became a key endorsement for local Republicans, including conspiracy theorist U.S. Rep. Allen West, whom Calvary hosted as a keynote speaker at a conference to train more than 100 local conservatives to run for office more effectively. Had not thought of that. -- Give, Connect, Learn --Give |'m New | | Events | I believe it was originally 103 until those 2 donors backed out. I agree. I never liked him .he was a smooth talker actor on stage and the bigger he became the bigger and cockier he became. If they were told that , it is no secret where they are. I should not even have put that but I couldnt resist it, him and his 10 million dollar estate. As a matter of fact is your life faultless?..I know mine isnt yet we strive for wholeness in Him. Kempner had a historyand was unrepentantuntil I posted the arrest record. Have you surveyed all men to know that I am the only one. MacArthur isnt a wolf in sheeps clothing, hes just a self-righteous pious a-hole from the pulpit, but at least he tows his own line in his personal life. Whenever we see something like that on a show like this, it causes us to get concerned. So although Bob did at one point attempt to put rots in Pompano God had other plans, much like Noah getting swallowed by the great fish after being thrown off a ship and subsequently deposited in the land where God intended him to go. They are always the main arrows in the enemy quiver that are fiery darts. Doug Sauder, 44, was announced as the new lead pastor to a standing-ovation crowd at a Wednesday evening service. But with false doctrine he said But I have this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and leads My bond-servants astray.. finding out our churches and pastors had failings and unrepentant sin. After his preaching career ended, he landed work managing the Funky Biscuit, a nightclub in Mizner Park in Boca Raton. Hopefully cooler heads prevail. it is entirely an inner journey and it is solely between each individual and Jesus. Also, by that time there were a few millionaires who attended. Coy, who was never charged with a crime, lay low after leaving Calvary but recently turned up at Boca Raton's Funky Biscuit, where he helps manage the club. Michael, how would you feel if you are saying was known and left a cyber carbon print? My prayers are with all concerned. In 2006, gubernatorial candidates Charlie Crist and Tom Gallagher personally pleaded for Coy's endorsement, though he declined. I am not an evangelical or a fundamentalist. I felt the call to stand up for righteousness and expose this pastor after I learned of the many women who suffered the same thing before me and had many people come against me for that, too, which really hurt. Pastor John has always publicly spoken about his sins of adultery, Im not aware of Fidels but I am aware of others, regardless this isnt about the leaders more so than the entire body. Nothing special about me, only the strength the Lord provided. come now and get real it is plain as day, that if you really read the Bible with all your heart you would know that the mark of the beast is a bar code stamped on your forehead. Be strong and have Faith.. Everyone loves u and repentance will heal..prayers to u and your family.