what does off mean in nascar? Brown was declared the race leader as a final . Different cars choose to run different lines on the track. An example of the banking on a racetrack, the steep banks at Talladega. A driver with a tight race car will have to step out of the throttle to get the car to the bottom of the track or getting out of turns, losing speed in the process. In NASCAR, the flag waves when the race reaches its pre-scheduled distance (e.g., 500 laps) or is declared over; in some other forms of racing it is waved when the race reaches its pre-scheduled time (e.g., 24 hours of LeMans). One is the track bar, which crews can adjust with a wrench that goes in the back windshield and drivers sometimes will adjust with a rod in the car (although some feel they only screw things up more when handling it themselves). It features souped-up pickup trucks with engines that produce about 750 horsepower. Do pack food if you dont want to spend money on concessions. What the flags mean in NASCAR - NASCAR 101 A driver with a tight race car will have to turn the wheel further and harder to get the car to turn left. ","description":"If you're a newcomer to NASCAR, learning some basics like the differences between the NASCAR series and what the flags signal during a race will have you talking like a race pro in no time. Drafting in racing is an aerodynamic technique in which two cars align closely together, reducing the overall drag by making use of the lead car's slipstream. You wouldn’t believe the number of fans who are taken to the hospital with heat stroke or exhaustion on a hot Sunday race day.

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    Do pack food if you don’t want to spend money on concessions.

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    Don’t bring any glass containers into the grandstands.

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    Don’t bring any coolers that are bigger than 14 x 14 x 14 inches.

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