The bright red colors stand out from other deciduous landscape trees that may be golden yellow or coppery-bronze. The Sourwood tree (Oxydendrum arboreum) is also known as the lily of the valley because of its beautiful flowers. Young sourwood trees with green and red leaves. Read our Commitment to Diversity | Read our Privacy Statement. Sourwood Oxydendrum arboreum. Once the tree is established you can taper the supplemental watering off and let nature take over. Just like the leaves, these flowers also have a fresh, acidic taste. Those panicles age into sweeping sprays of 1/3-inch oval, greenish-brown seed capsules which turn a silvery gray by . Common Name: sourwood Type: Tree Family: Ericaceae Native Range: Eastern and southern United States Zone: 5 to 9 Height: 20.00 to 50.00 feet Spread: 10.00 to 25.00 feet Bloom Time: June to July Bloom Description: White Sun: Full sun to part shade Water: Medium Maintenance: Low Suggested Use: Flowering Tree Flower: Showy, Fragrant Leaf: Good Fall Sourwood trees are co-sexual (both male and female parts within each flower) with very noticeable and unique flowering structures. Leaves contain oxalic acid and acidic to taste. Excellent fall color. Their trunk will grow as large as 50 cm in diameter. A native tree of North America, the sourwood is one of the few endemic trees that is not found in other continents unless planted and has no related species. They are similar to lily of the valley flowers, providing an alternate common name. Sourwood grows slowly, adapts to sun or shade, and prefers a slightly acid, peaty loam. Then make sure that the location is in full sun for best results. It is tolerant of shade and dry soils and moderately tolerant of salt. Also called the sorrel tree, a unique feature of the sourwood tree is that its the only species in the Oxydendrum genus. This specimen is located at a residence Prevent the problem with weekly watering during dry spells when its actively growing. Light requirement: tree grows in part shade/part sun; tree grows in full sunSoil tolerances: clay; loam; sand; acidic; well-drainedDrought tolerance: moderateAerosol salt tolerance: moderate, Sourwood grows slowly, adapts to sun or shade, and prefers a slightly acid, peaty loam. Profile Video: See this plant in the following landscape: Cultivars / Varieties: 'Chameleon' Colorful fall foliage display. Sourwood Trees have a reputation of being very difficult to grow in domestication. Is used by bees to produce highly prized honey. When fully grown, these products can reach 30-60 feet and prefer well-drained soils. In autumn, you can recognize the sourwood tree by the rows of brown fruit standing erect on curving stems. . Deer browse sourwood twigs and leaves. Branches are narrow, elongate, decurved then swept upright, and persist after leaves. The common name derives from the sour taste of the leaves, which are finely toothed and glossy. It grows to about 23 metres (75 feet) in height. The Arbor Day Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit conservation and education organization. The lack of cultivars is because the nursery trade has raised the breeding stock and found many significant mutations to breed. Full sun is the ideal condition for this tree, meaning it should get at least six hours of direct, unfiltered sunlight each day. The trees typically grow 25 feet (8 m.) tall in your backyard but can shoot up to 60 feet (18 m.) tall in the wild. Honey made from the nectar of these flowers is highly prized for its color and flavor. The botanical name means acidic tree. Sourwood is a beautiful decorative tree suitable for growing in full sun to partial shade in residential garden landscapes. Ewing is located in USDA Zone 6b. Sourwood Honey ~ Pure, Raw, Delicious. The leaves are used as a thirst-quencher by hikers and mountain climbers, and were once brewed to make a tonic. You may also appreciate sourwood tree information about the flowers, which are attractive to bees. These flowers also provide the nectar for bees and the very tasty and sought out sourwood honey. One of the most well-known products from the sourwood tree is the hard-to-find and incredibly delicious honey. Another reason why the sourwood is so valuable as an ornamental tree in the landscape is because it does get seriously damaged by any insects or diseases that take up residence. Sourwood usually grows as a pyramid or narrow oval with a more or less straight trunk at a height of 25 to 35 feet but can reach 50 to 60 feet tall with a spread of 25 to 30 feet. The Sourwood tree, also called the Oxydendrum arboreum in scientific terminology, is an aboriginal plant of North America. Sourwood has no serious disease or pest problems. Sourwood Care. He founded and runs Urban Loggers, LLC, a company offering residential tree services in the Midwest and Connecticut. Juice from its blooms is used to make sourwood jelly. Caterpillar damage usually results in leaf loss. A type of brown beetle (Oncideres cingulata) feeds on new bark, killing twigs. The circle should extend beyond the drip line by one-half the distance between the trunk and the ends of the branches. This tree grows to be 25-30 feet in height and has a spread of about 20 feet at full maturity. Mix peat, composted pine bark or other organic material into the removed soil and begin refilling the hole, stopping halfway to water the roots and let the tree settle. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! The ideal soil is moist and rich in organic content. Grow sourwood trees in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9. Sourwoods are notorious for bad transplanting, so it's vital that you adequately water the newly planted tree. Sourwood's shallow root system resents competition from nearby grass or plants. The bitter-tasting leaves are alternate, stalked, rather oblong, and 12-20 cm (5-8 inches) long. This plant blooms in early summer, and blooms up the axis. He describes himself as a "tree-hugging dirt worshipper" who is a member of multiple gardening societies and foundations. Sourwood is not too site-demanding and has very few insect or disease problems, making it a low maintenance landscape plant. Buy this plant from 2 Gardenality Business Profiles . Sourwood Tree Seedling gets its name from its sour-tasting leaves. Lumber is used for tool handles and was once used to make wagon sled runners. Leaf spot and twig blight infrequently occur on the Sourwood tree. Oxydendrum arboreum, or Sourwood, is a deciduous smalltree that may grow 20 to 30feet tall and a trunk 8 to 12 inches in diameter. To take care of sourwood trees, dont stint on water. Insects, Diseases, or Other Plant Problems: Fall webworm is an occasional problem. Planting sourwood next to black gum (Nyssa sylvatica) makes for a great fall color combination. Keep the fertilizer at least 1 foot away from a young trees trunk; expand the clear zone to 1 1/2 feet for an older sourwood. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful home and garden ever. Sourwood trees are hardy in USDA zones 5 through 9. Being a tree which is native to Georgia they are adapted to our soil and want to live here. This plant does not like to be transplanted so only do so with young plants. You should remove dead or decaying branches in early spring. Grow it as a specimen, with a layer of mulch protecting its root zone from volunteering competitors. Lets look in more detail at caring for a sourwood tree. Origin: US native - Virginia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee - grows along stream banks. The sourwood grows to a height of 2530' and a spread of around 20' at maturity. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Sourwood trees near structures? sourwood. Native to the rocky hills and understory of the Appalachians, the sourwood enjoys the cooler weather of the upland eastern seaboard but can also do well as far south as Louisiana. The dark, thick, furrowed bark is a major winter asset. In addition, its attractive summer green and white colors and excellent fall colors create a focal point throughout the growing seasons. Because of this, it is adaptable to various light conditions which makes it incredible versatile as invaluable in ornamental horticulture. last year. FORUMS. Because of its famous honey, sourwood is also called the honey tree. Prune out infected branch tips and fertilize. A sourwood tree's leaves can be chewed to help quench thirst, made into tea, or added to salads, soups, or stews. The best way to propagate sourwood trees is by collecting seeds, but even then, the seeds can be difficult to germinate. Called Lily-of-the-Valley and Sorreltree also. It is native to North Carolina and can be found throughout the state, although more rarely in the low, alluvial plain. The juice from these flowers is usually used to make sourwood jelly. After the danger of frost has passed in spring and the seedlings are at least 6 (15 cm) tall, place the seedling tray in a shaded area in your garden. They are dark green in color and have a sour, acidic taste. Techniques have been described for sourwood seed collection, storage, and germination (2,5,14). An interesting feature of sourwood tree bark is that twigs and branches emerge bright red before turning gray. . Below are common attributes associated to Sourwood Tree. Also known as sorrel-tree or lily-of-the-valley-tree, its flowers are an important source of honey in some areas but it is of little value as a timber species. The new growth that appears is a bronze color with large, dark-green leaves that turn orange and scarlet in color in the Fall. Sourwood Tree Seedlings for Planting | 1-2 Feet Tall Live Tree Plants - Stunning Red Leaves and White Flowers (2 Trees) $42.96 $ 42. This tree has a rounded top and branches that droop, making it appear graceful. Attributes This tree: Blooms from June to early July, with fragrant white flowers on drooping stalks that look very similar to lilies-of-the-valley. The best way to prevent leaf spot is to avoid overwatering a sourwood tree and ensure it gets plenty of sunlight. Flowers have a 5 lobed calyx and an urceolate corolla that is finely downy, white, 5-lobed, and minute. For an ornamental plant, the sourwood does not have huge levels of thirst. Green leaves in the summer in Moore County. Family The Sourwood Tree is a member of the Heath family of which there are 70 Genera and 1800 species distributed through the temperate portions of the planet. NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to If youve never heard of sourwood trees, you have missed out on one of the most beautiful native species. Sourwood Tree Seedlings produce white flowers during the Summer months. Bare root plants need to be planted within 2-3 days of receiving unless weather-related problems prohibit planting. Plant Clinic Manager. The sour-tasting leaves have short petioles and grow alternately on the trees stems. Fall webworm can defoliate portions of the tree in summer and fall but usually control is not needed. Irrigation is required during hot, dry weather to keep leaves on the tree. In the early summer, the Sourwood blooms white fragrant flowers. The Sourwood tree is renowned for its nectar, and for the honey which is produced from it. This type of natural fertilizer helps increase the soils acidic content, which is what sourwood trees prefer. If you encounter issues loading this site, please refresh the page by using Ctrl + F5 if on Windows or Cmd + Shift + R if on Mac. Capsules contrast well with the red fall color and provide continuing ornamental interest after leaf drop into winter. Sourwood Tree Facts: Learn About The Care Of Sourwood Trees By Teo Spengler Sourwood trees offer delight in every season. We offer 3 days to report any problems with your order. Sourwood has a deep and fibrous root system and has a reputation for being difficult to transplant or move. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Choose the sunniest part of your garden and ensure that the soil is loamy and well-draining. It is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree that grows to be 20-30 feet tall. Come discover lush, green landscapes, and find respite and inspiration in the shade of towering trees. It is not snobby like some ornamentals which require fussing and tending. This tree will not tolerate dry, compacted, alkaline soils or deicing salt, and is sensitive to root disturbance, so it is not ideal for urban areas. Webworms create web nests on the ends of branches and come out to feed on the tender leaves. . sourwood, also called sorrel, (species Oxydendrum arboreum ), deciduous ornamental tree, of the heath family (Ericaceae), native to southeastern North America. Catch up on Prairifire Flowering Crabapple: Rose of the Tree World. It wont perform well where other rapidly growing trees block the sun it loves. . Sourwood grows slowly to its mature, 25- to 50-foot height and 12- to 20-foot spread. Sourwood tree ( Oxydendrum arboreum) is a small deciduous tree that's native to eastern North America. Features of Sourwood Tree A well developed Sourwood tree is capable of attaining a height, ranging from 25 feet to 30 feet (7.6 to 9.1 cm), with widespread branches that have a maximum spread of 20 feet (6 cm). If you are thinking of planting sourwood trees, you'll want to learn more sourwood tree information. They hang on the tree after leaf drop and lend ornamental winter interest. To propagate a sourwood tree from seed, you need a seedling tray filled with a moist potting medium. Finally, backfill the hole using the amended native soil. Sourwood honey is very popular where this tree is found in abundance. This tree has vivid red autumn foliage and tiny, woody fruit that persists into fall. It actually is because of the leaves, which are edible and leave a very sour taste in your mouth. Terminal inflorescences resemble the elongated, bony fingers of a witch. Discover more about the small businesses partnering with Amazon and Amazon's . The tree transplants easily when young and from containers of any size. Why such a poor transplant survival rate? The name Sourwood is derived from the acrid taste of its leaves, but tea made from these leaves is widely used by mountain climbers as a thirst-quencher. It is home primarily in the woodlands and along the water. Occasionally young specimens have a more open spreading habit reminiscent of Redbud.Crown density: denseGrowth rate: slowTexture: medium, Plant Image Library / Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0, Trunk/bark/branches: droop as the tree grows, and will require pruning for vehicular or pedestrian clearance beneath the canopy; not particularly showy; should be grown with a single leader; no thornsPruning requirement: needs little pruning to develop a strong structureBreakage: resistantCurrent year twig color: green; reddishCurrent year twig thickness: medium; thin, Leaf arrangement: alternateLeaf type: simpleLeaf margin: entire; serrulate; undulateLeaf shape: lanceolate; oblongLeaf venation: banchidodrome; pinnateLeaf type and persistence: deciduousLeaf blade length: 4 to 8 inchesLeaf color: green Fall color: orange; red Fall characteristic: showy.