1. The hospital team will monitor several metrics to determine the best time to discharge you. In reply to @jenniferhunter. Re: ACDF surgery 6 months after! I see him on Monday to go over the images. No evidence of hardware complication. Any insight regarding the CT scan image I attached and/or the summary of the shoulder MRI is greatly appreciated! Cervical Radiculopathy The .gov means its official. over a year ago, vicdar68302 My neuro has advised that he has fixed the cervical herniations and is at a loss as to what to do for my chronic pain/muscle spasms. I HAVE STABBING PAIN BETWEEN MY SHOULDER BLADES AND SEVERE MUSCLE SPASMS AND PAIN FROM THE BASE OF MY SKULL THROUGH MY SHOULDER AND DOWN INTO MY RIGHT ARM TO MY ELBOW. The most common symptoms of nerve damage after surgery are usually numbness, tingling, burning, muscle weakness or atrophy. Severe Leg Pain After Spinal Fusion If I don't get satisfactory answers with the neurosurgeon I am either going to go back to the shoulder doc ("if" the surgeon thinks it's a shoulder issue) or make an appointment with Mayo. pain It's been almost a year since my surgery. The hospital team will monitor several metrics to determine the best time to discharge you. After ACDF Surgery Late infection after an interval of time after ACDF may present with various symptoms and signs including neck pain, dysphagia, and fever accompanied with laboratory abnormalities such as elevated white blood cell count, ESR, and CRP [ 7, 17 ]. Pain After I HAVE STABBING PAIN BETWEEN MY SHOULDER BLADES AND SEVERE MUSCLE SPASMS AND PAIN FROM THE BASE OF MY SKULL THROUGH MY SHOULDER AND DOWN INTO MY RIGHT ARM TO MY ELBOW. The screw can be inserted incorrectly and advanced into a nerve or facet joint causing pain and weakness. 2. If a doctor misses something, others associated with that facility don't want to challenge the current opinion. Welcome to the board. Pain after Blood Clots. I had ACDF on C5 C6 about three weeks ago. However, nearly all cases resolve spontaneously within 2 years, thus identifying patients who require more detailed or invasive work-up is a challenging task for clinicians. Even the hubby said I might just need to go to Mayo. Core strength in the entire spine supports everything in the body including the neck. Do not know if that is what is causing the pain or not. She is now working the pec area and the arm. If the cervical facets are causing pain, it is possible that they are referring to the mid thoracic spine but less likely. Answer: C4-C5 bilateral facet joint injection temporarily alleviated the patients pain, confirming the source of the pain as the hypermobility at C4-C5, rather than pseudoarthrosis. Blood Clots. I had a MRI with contrast on the left shoulder in January to see if it might show something noteworthy and different than the one I had in August. After several rounds of facet joints injections, constant NSAIDS and muscle relaxers, my symptoms in my original post have persisted. THE PAIN RETURNED ABOUT 6 WKS AFTER SURGERY. The most common post-operative neural disorder is C5 nerve palsy. WebThe ACDF helps to relieve symptoms such as neck pain, numbness and tingling in the arms, shoulders, or hand, shooting pain in the arms, weakness of hands, or lower extremities. https://sharing.mayoclinic.org/2019/01/09/using-the-art-of-medicine-to-overcome-fear-of-surgery/. over a year ago, Pain in the Neck68921 Me shoulder snaps and pops all the time. According to the parameters studied 50 - 78% of those who at the 6-month follow-up were without deficit were still healthy at the 3-year follow-up. pain THE LORD IS GIVING ME THE ONLY STRENGHTH I HAVE. The second week after surgery I started to get headaches, not extremely intense, not a migraine, just a pressure headache. The thoracic spinal cord demonstrates normal signal and caliber w/o syrinx. Rejection of a graft or other structures. It was from C4-C6 with two spacers and a plate with six screws. I had no hardware and had to be really careful not to do anything until I fused, but it was at the 4 month mark that I was beginning to fuse and was cleared to begin PT and myofascial release again. Blood Clots. My original symptoms were bilateral, symmetrical muscle aches/burning in my arms (wrists, forearms, deltoids). 1998-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. It's been almost a year since my surgery. ACDF surgery 6 months after Results of the prospective, randomized, controlled multicenter Food and Drug Administration investigational device exemption study of the ProDisc-C total disc replacement versus anterior discectomy and fusion for the treatment of 1-level symptomatic cervical disc disease. infection after Thank you for choosing Dr. Corenman as your healthcare provider. It is very common to have some pain after the surgery, but when pain persists for months there are several possibilities. Now, 6 months later, Im told my by my surgeon my fusion is healing perfectly and xray confirms this. I had ACDF on C5 C6 about three weeks ago. WebDysphagia after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) is common, with a prevalence ranging between 28% and 57% of cases. -Left long head of the biceps tendon is intact. Delayed Presentation of Pharyngeal Erosion after Anterior Cervical There is straightened cervical spine lordosis with preserved alignment, normal marrow signal, and no prevertebral soft tissue swelling. Anterior Cervical Decompression and Fusion (ACDF) Recovery Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Recovery My testing and consults were completed in a few days, and I had an answer and an offer of help. Go to the Spine Health Support Group. No large paralabral cyst is seen. The new device, by contrast, is much less invasive, requiring only a small incisionless than an inchon either side of the neck and takes less than 30 minutes. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. I feel great. The more I open that up and release the tightness, the better my arm feels and I breathe better too. These usually get better over the next few weeks. Posts: 9,238. This one was landed me on my behind. It is not a sharp pain but a steady dull ache like you would get from over exercising. Incorrect Screw Placement Screws and plates are utilized to stabilize the neck during Cervical Fusion Surgery. ACDF surgery 6 months after Almost 5 months post op acdf surgery Tagged:Shoulder supraprinitus tear after ACDF and increasing thoractic pain. Spinal fusion is a common form of back surgery used to treat several kinds of back problems, including scoliosis, vertebral weakness, and herniated discs. pain If you want to get notified by every reply to your post, please register. It generally presents with deltoid and/or I feel unworthy to even type in this post because I have not had anything done yet and I am not in that type of pain that you, "ctmom," are experiencing. As a healthy (except for this) 28 year old, it seems concerning my spine is falling apart. If I do something that stresses my neck, like lifting something heavy, I tend to cheat and use my neck muscles to help, then I will get a neck spasm. This inflammation can impact the nerves and cause some numbness. As others have mentions, drs seemed stumped by the pain issue. After ACDF, youll want to return to your favorite activities as soon as possible, and while the recovery time might be lengthy, a recent study showed that the procedure reduced arm pain in 93-100% and neck pain in 73-87% of standard patients. The cervical spinal cord demonstrates normal caliber and signal without syrinx. After ACDF Surgery Typically it takes at least 12 months or longer to completely heal from this surgery. 2019 Feb 19;9(2):e027387. I didn't want possible hardware complications and I knew my body didn't like metals because of reactions I had with pierced earrings. Life After Three Level Cervical Fusion Surgery I have to agree with you on the nerve burning..that just even sounds bad. I had my surgeries, back 2 back in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005. i am 30 years old and have the same exact problem, i had c4, c5, c6 done in february 06. the only thing that got better for me was the numbness in my left hand. After ACDF, youll want to return to your favorite activities as soon as possible, and while the recovery time might be lengthy, a recent study showed that the procedure reduced arm pain in 93-100% and neck pain in 73-87% of standard patients. Hope you are", "@jenniferhunter thanks for your insight. Pain after Thank you. My neck is bad too, but so far PT had helped. I called me surgen and they told me to stop the exercises they had me doing. If you have pain early on, that can actually just be part of the operation. I didn't take one muscle relaxer or pain pill after the surgery. The second week after surgery I started to get headaches, not extremely intense, not a migraine, just a pressure headache. Connect with thousands of patients and caregivers for support, practical information, and answers. It's going to be tough at home, but at least I will have pain pills. After surgery, patients should eat soft foods and liquids until their first follow-up appointment. I really haven't had many problems since the surgery, other than my neck being stiff. good luck to all and hope we all feel better soon. I have to have a fusion from T10 to my pelvis it is a big surgery. 8600 Rockville Pike No lumbar pain). Galbraith JG, Butler JS, Dolan AM, O'Byrne JM. My pain was immediately gone, and my arm feels great. I've asked my surgeon if that same procedure can be performed along my shoulder blades, sides of my neck and other shoulder as I have the same symptoms as you describe in these areas. Some patients can to return to their daily activities within a week after the ACDF surgery. Epub 2019 Oct 30. The recovery time following ACDF varies. There may be a herniation at a level above or below and an MRI would reveal this possibility. The cervical spinal canal is diminutive in caliberon a congenital basis. I did the bouncing back and forth between these two specialists prior to surgery and don't want to do it again. Three months after undergoing C5-T1 anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF), an active 60-year-old man from Florida began to experience recurrent neck and left shoulder pain. WHEN I STRETCH, IT FEELS LIKE I AM SEPERATING MY SPINE AND I HAVE INTENSE PAIN WHEN RETRACTING FROM THE STRETCH. I can get sciatic pain because of my pelvis alignment shifting and do stretches for that, but after this last ride, it feels fine. You are also at 4 months spine surgery post op and when I was at that stage, that is when my muscles really tightened up. Measurements have earlier been obtained before and 6 and 12 months after ACDF. Cervical fusion is generally considered safe, however, it is major surgery. @lindyflock Thank you for asking. The recovery time following ACDF varies. Before THE ONLY THING MRI SHOWS IS A BOOMERANG SHAPE IN MY NECK WHERE THE TITANIUM PLATE IS. I've gone through 6 lower back surgeries culminating in L4-S1 fusion and more recently two cervical procedures which have combined to fusion from C2 - T2. 6 months after That is bad for spine and shoulder alignment and I want to prevent any future problems that could be caused by wear and tear with poor ergonomics. Recovery after ACDF Surgery The patient's pain did not improve with 6 months of conservative treatment that included physical therapy and epidural injections. Cervical Radiculopathy I take Klonapin at night.What are we supposed to do?Become drug addicts.I just suffer in pain.My husband thinks I sound like I'm 90 when I'm 53.he also thinks I should be thankful I don't have cancer.I'm out of work on disability and praying for an answer. Neck Pain 3 Months After Acdf Surgery WebAlthough relatively rare, post-operative nerve injuries may occur after cervical spine procedures. WebDysphagia after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) is common, with a prevalence ranging between 28% and 57% of cases. I know I have posted before here but just wondered if anyone else feels like this. In an attempt to resolve the pain and return to his daily activities, he tried physical therapy, over-the-counter medications, muscle relaxants, steroids, and epidural injections, but his pain persisted. Cervical Spondylosis (Arthritis Of The Neck): Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Complications Of Anterior Cervical Discectomy And Fusion Surgery, What to Expect After Surgery to the Cervical Spine, Possible Complaints After Neck Fusion Surgery. Rotator cuff tear (supraspinatus mainly) was the predominant finding in MRI in those who didnt improve after ACDF (n=18, 25.7%, p-value: 0.001). Ice, electrical stimulation, massage, and other treatments may be used to make the patient more comfortable. One image did stand out. Rejection of a graft or other structures. There may be a separate shoulder problem (less likely but possible) and a well done physical examination would sort this out. an ACDF Surgery Scar: Advice From a Spine Surgeon I have to also say that the physical therapy and myofascial release I did before spine surgery prepared me well for a great recovery, and I had an excellent surgeon. I am still having issues. Almost 5 months post op acdf surgery Take any medications that your doctor prescribes for pain and constipation. I think we need to come together and figure this thing out. C7-T1: No abnormality. WebPain in the back of the neck and between the shoulder blades is common after ACDF surgery. Three or four level fusion may require additional days. I stumbled across these postings this am and I was like WOW I am not alone.. and I am NOT crazy! In younger and/or more physically fit individuals, recovery time can range anywhere from 46 weeks. I didn't take one muscle relaxer or pain pill after the surgery. Doctors generally say that nerve pain can take up to a year to resolve, sometimes as long as 18 months depending on how long the nerve was compressed. 2008 May-Jun;8(3):436-42. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2007.06.006. Thoracic / Shoulder Blade pain after ACDF Both herniations were central (pushing into the cord, right up the middle) and I never had numbness or tingling, just pain/tightness. If you don't get a satisfactory answer from your doctors, you may want to see a neurologist for another opinion who is not associated with the medical centers of your current doctors. Both of them, along with two physical therapists, said my issues were cervical spine which is why I had surgery. Case Description:A 45-year-old male initially underwent a C3-4 and C5-6 anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF).At age 49, 4 years later, he presented with worsening dysphagia accompanied by neck and right upper extremity pain. 2012;2012:919153. doi: 10.1155/2012/919153. For someone like me who does more than 300 ACDFs a year, being able to have this in my armamentarium to avoid having to do bigger posterior fusions or big anterior removal of plates is a huge value added.. Hello. Case Description:A 45-year-old male initially underwent a C3-4 and C5-6 anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF).At age 49, 4 years later, he presented with worsening dysphagia accompanied by neck and right upper extremity pain. In an attempt to bring these individuals back into their full-speed lives again, doctors and other spine treatment providers focus on mitigating pain. I have had some shoulder issues too, a SLAP tear in the capsule in one, and a frozen shoulder in the other caused by the contrast that they injected during an MRI for shoulder instability. So many things hurt now when I move the arm that didn't before. Late infection after an interval of time after ACDF may present with various symptoms and signs including neck pain, dysphagia, and fever accompanied with laboratory abnormalities such as elevated white blood cell count, ESR, and CRP [ 7, 17 ]. Much thanks. Trained as both a Medical Doctor and Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Corenman earned academic appointments as Clinical Assistant Professor and Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, and his research on spine surgery and rehabilitation has resulted in the publication of multiple peer-reviewed articles and two books. I was always treated with respect and explained everything throughly, that made it easy for everyone to understand. Join Date: Sep 2004. Coronado RA, Devin CJ, Pennings JS, Aaronson OS, Haug CM, Van Hoy EE, Vanston SW, Archer KR. The average recovery time is 4 to 6 weeks. I think it keeps it aligned instead of allowing it to rotate and shift at that point. I seemed to bounce back fairly quickly with the first one. months Rotator cuff tear (supraspinatus mainly) was the predominant finding in MRI in those who didnt improve after ACDF (n=18, 25.7%, p-value: 0.001). Cervical fusion is generally considered safe, however, it is major surgery. I AM TRYING TO KEEP MY HEAD UP AND A SMILE ON MY FACE. Pain After My pain was immediately gone, and my arm feels great. Long-Distance Consults & Medical Legal: 888-888-5310, Request a Diagnostic or Surgical Second Opinion, Thoracic / Shoulder Blade pain after ACDF 6 months post op, Shoulder supraprinitus tear after ACDF and increasing thoractic pain. ACDF after My spine has been corrected, and I'm still working on the TOS and making progress. I don't feel like I had spine surgery, and I feel much younger than when I was living with the pain from the spine problem. Pain Pain after Pain Questions about background data, pain, numbness, neck specific disability, distress, sick leave, health, symptom satisfaction and effect of and satisfaction with surgery were asked 28 patients 3 years after ACDF. Neither of the shoulder issues was the source of my ongoing pain, it was caused by my spine (cervical stenosis) and TOS. Neck pain again a year after acdf surgery. The second was c4-7. During the surgery, the spine surgeon accesses the cervical vertebrae from the front of the neck. March 26, 2018 Three months after undergoing C5-T1 anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF), an active 60-year-old man from Florida began to experience recurrent neck and left shoulder pain.