177 Followers, 218 Following, 2 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Nini Usuga (@niniusuga) Suscrbete y disfruta de mltiples beneficios Nini Johana Usuga David alias 'La Negra' hermana de Dairo Antonio suga, alias 'Otoniel' y quien se haba fugado de la carcel El Pedregal en Medelln,. Recuerda que para ver tus temas en todos tus dispositivos, debes actualizar la App de El Tiempo. Aqu tambin puedes encontrar "Mis Noticias" y seguir los temas que elegiste en la APP. [14] Currently, the Clan is likely the single largest distributor of cocaine in the world having formed direct, highly-lucrative partnerships with drug cartels in Mexico as well as European crime groups such as 'Ndrangheta and the Albanian mafia who split their billions made in profit from the illegal cocaine trade with the Clan. SIC fall a favor de una pasajera afectada por el cese de operaciones de Viva Air, Animales silvestres emblemticos ms amenazados en Colombia, Gustavo Petro respetar decisin que le niega tener control de servicios, pero insistir, Liberan a las 84 personas retenidas en San Vicente del Cagun, ONU report aumento de la violencia en Colombia en 2022. Corte Suprema revoca orden de arresto contra el presidente Ivn Duque. Hay vacantes de trabajo para profesores oficiales, Aprovecha! Fue extraditada a #EEUU Nini Johana suga David, alias 'la Negra', hermana de alias 'Otoniel'. En medio de la diligencia, alias la Negra detall que se hizo cargo del mantenimiento de bienes inmuebles adquiridos con dineros ilcitos. Los campos obligatorios estn marcados con *. INICIAR SESIN Colombian National Police/Handout via REUTERS. Sanciones hasta de 900.000 pesos por no usar el tapabocas en TransMilenio, Trasplantes de rganos en Colombia aument en 2022, Reforma salud: 25 congresistas piden que sea tramitada por ley estatutaria, Germn Vargas Lleras radic contrarreforma a la salud propuesta por Cambio Radical. BOGOT Las autoridades colombianas confirmaron el mircoles que fue encontrado sin vida uno de los principales cabecillas que quedaron al mando del crtel Clan del Golfo, luego de la captura y extradicin a Estados Unidos del que fuera su mximo jefe Dairo Antonio suga David, alias "Otoniel". [53] On June 12, 2020, Urab police arrested alleged Clan del Golfo member Alexander Asprilla, alias "Perea. [17], On September 19, 2020, The Economist described the Clan del Golfo as now a group "composed of demobilized right-wing paramilitaries. 2, he was more of a regional leader in the Colombian areas of Riosucio, Jurad, Ungua and Acand than an international trafficker, extending only as far as the Panama border, and is the leader of close to 1,000 members of the cartel's Colombian armed forces. The ACC is one of the oldest vigilante groups in Colombia, headed by Hctor Germn Buitrago Parada, alias Martn Llanos. ELTIEMPO.com todas las noticias principales de Colombia y el Mundo, Haz clic aqu para ver todas las noticias, El correo electrnico de verificacin se enviar a, Seleccione el creador del articulo en configuracion del este modulo, El artculo no pudo ser guardado, intente nuevamente, 'La Negra', hermana de 'Otoniel', acept cargos en EE. motor.com.co - novedades del sector automotriz, abcdelbebe.com - toda la informacin para padres, loencontraste.com - consulte antes de comprar, citytv.com.co - videos de entretenimiento, guiaacademica.com - carreras profesionales, 'Alto, soy 'Otoniel', no me maten': detalles inditos de su captura), 'Ivn Mrquez': se conocen nuevos detalles de su situacin en Venezuela), Extraditan a EE. Machete, who was wanted by the Colombian government since 2017 and who was captured shortly before he was scheduled to get married, was not only the coordinator of security, logistics and criminal activities of other Clan del Golfo leaders stationed in western Antioquia but was also regarded as "leader of the largest criminal gang in Colombia. La manera ms rapida para ponerte al da. The Gulf Clan will buy coca base from the FARC, but the two groups will not collaborate much further than that. Regstrate o inicia sesin para seguir Nini Johana suga, alias 'La Negra', la hermana del narcotraficante alias 'Otoniel', fue extraditada este viernes a Estados Unidos, anunci el Gobierno colombiano. However, Meza, who served as third-in-command, was during a shootout with police on March 28, 2018. (DEA) menangkap saudara perempuan Otoniel, Nini Johana Usuga, yang diekstradisi ke Amerika Serikat untuk menghadapi tuduhan terkait . UU. [42], In March 2020, Marihuano was revealed to be living in the Darin Jungle in cabins he built himself. De acuerdo con la informacin conocida desde La Florida, 'la Negra' acept en especifco el cargo deconspiracin para distribuir cocana, considerado un delito federal. [63] In December 2020, the U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned Zapata Garzn "for materially assisting the international narcotics trafficking activities of the Clan del Golfo. Fue capturado en octubre de 2021. En medio de la investigacin presentada por la Fiscala de los Estados Unidos, el ente investigador precis que Nini suga estuvo involucrada en el envo de, por lo menos, 400 kilogramos de cocana al pas norteamericano. (Foto: Agencias) . Nini Johana Usuga David (C), from the Clan del Golfo, has been extradited to the US Credit: EPA. En esta lista se encuentra tambin Alexnder Serna Giraldo, alias el Loco, sealado como uno de los capos ocultos del norte del Valle del Cauca, excandidato a la Alcalda de Obando, piloto y excontrolador areo del aeropuerto de Santa Ana de Cartago. Dairo Antonio suga David Colombia don capture Otoniel, di most wanted drug trafficker and leader of di kontri largest criminal gang. Colombia's government accuses the group of threatening and killing local activists - known as social leaders - in the country. Con Infobae, repasa su rica historia y se refiere al susto relacionado a su salud que debi atravesar en 2021, El primo del narcotraficante y paramilitar Don Mario se entreg a la justicia, La historia criminal de alias Siopas: de guerrillero raso de las Farc a cabecilla del clan del Golfo, Ministerio de Educacin promocion becas de postgrado en Estados Unidos, Indepaz: pese a las acciones del Gobierno nacional, el asesinato de lderes sociales no se detiene, Segunda gran derrota del gobierno Petro en el Congreso: Cmara tumba artculo vital de la reforma poltica, Informalidad en Colombia se redujo en octubre, pero sigue cerca del 60 % del total de la poblacin nacional. "Fue extraditada a EEUU Nini Johana suga David, alias 'la Negra', hermana de alias 'Otoniel' y encargada de las finanzas del Clan del Golfo a partir del lavado de activos y los enlaces con carteles internacionales para el envo de cocana a distintos pases", indic la Polica Nacional por medio de un tuit, en el que adems se podan ver [1][2] However, by the time she was re-arrested on March 17, 2021, Nini Johana was once again managing the Clan del Golfo's illicit finances resulting from narco-trafficking and money laundering. Colombian police accuse Nini Johana Usaga, 39, of being responsible for laundering drug money for the Clan del Golfo and handling international relations with cartels in other countries like. [67], In 2012 the Gulf Clan also got into conflict with The Office of Envigado over the drug trade in Medelln. Nini Johana suga David, alias la Negra, fue extraditada el 1. an hour ago Italy has arrested three people who they believe trafficked up to. Rendn's men soon began clashing with the Paisas, then a rural, armed wing of the Oficina. [16] However, the Clan del Golfo has also been distracted by a direct conflict with FARC dissidents. [41] The cartel was also estimated to have been reduced to having only 1,500 armed men. El proceso de extradicin empez pasadas las 8:00 de la maana. Tena la capacidad de enviar a travs de avionetas 10 toneladas de cocana al mes con destino a Mxico y Guatemala. A la hermana del capo 'Otoniel' la sealan de manejar las finanzas de la familia suga David y del 'clan del Golfo'.De hecho, la primera vez que la capturaron, en 2013,llevaba 23.000 millones de pesos en efectivo, al parecer para pagar la nmina de los integrantes de la red criminal.En 2014 se fug pero fue recapturada y condenada a 9 aos de crcel por concierto para delinquir agravado, lavado de activos; fabricacin, trfico, porte o tenencia de armas de fuego, accesorios, partes o municiones; enriquecimiento ilcito de particulares; fuga de presos; falsedad material en documento pblico; uso de documento pblico falso y fraude procesal. She also is alleged to have served as a liaison who coordinated the shipment of drugs from Colombia to other countries. Colombian National Police officers escort Nini Johana Usuga, alias 'La Negra', sister of 'Otoniel', top leader of the organized armed group Clan del Golfo, before being extradited to the United States, at the Military Transport Air Command (CATAM) in Bogota, Colombia July 1, 2022. They include Carlos Mario Usuga David, brother of Otoniel and the then-finance chief of the Clan del Golfo; and three of the gang leaders cousins: Luis Angel Usuga Murillo, Alexander Montoya Usuga and Harlison Usuga Usuga. A esta hora se adelantan los trmites en el. He recruited many of the fighters once under Freddy's command, as well as ex-members from the defunct AUC. Rendn attempted to expand his empire, moving into southern Crdoba, the Lower Cauca region in northern Antioquia and even venturing into Medellin, long controlled by the feared Oficina de Envigado. Le puede interesar: Extincin de dominio a red delictiva al servicio del Clan del Golfo. [69], In April and May of 2022, the Gulf Clan held an armed strike in much of rural Northern Colombia after their leader Dairo Antonio suga was extradited to the United States.[70]. [25] In a surprising display of strength, the Gulf Clan organized a series of coordinated strikes protesting his deaths in northern Antioquia, handing out fliers which referred to the group's former name, the Gaitanista Self-Defense Forces. [7] The British program Living with the Cartels takes four admitted middle class cocaine users from the U.K. to Colombia where they meet low-ranking members of the Clan to witness the purported origins of "where their cocaine comes from". [62][65], In March 2021, the Clan del Golfo's structures suffered major blows with arrests of 25 more members. Con sus 50 aos ha sido mas conocido por los alias de Otoniel, Mauricio y Mao. Otoniel had been the target of an intense manhunt since 2015 in the northwestern Colombian region of Uraba, a two-phase operation known as Agamenon that involved thousands of police and soldiers and led to the deaths or arrests of dozens of men under his command and the seizure of tons of cocaine. Last year, Nini Johana Usuga David, also known as 'la Negra,' was released from prison along with a number of other inmates. tus temas favoritos. Una seccin exclusiva donde podras seguir tus temas. El Dorado Cr. He then founded Los Urabeos a neo-paramilitary group that would come to be known as Clan del Golfo following the AUCs demobilization. EFE, Last Update on: March 4, 2023 at 10:59 pm, Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved | Mendelson and Associates, LLC, Colombia extradites sister of Clan del Golfo leader to US, Cubas first woman rum master reflects on her path, UN nuclear agency reaches accord with Iran on monitoring, Hundreds of thousands of Israelis join anti-government protests, Atletico Madrid go 3rd in LaLiga with 6-1 rout of Sevilla, Arsenal come from behind to stay 5 clear of Manchester City, Verstappen takes pole at Bahrain Grand Prix, Russia tightens grip on Bakhmut as Ukrainian troops hold out, Frontex did not alert Italy to migrant emergency: Meloni, At least 17 killed in Indonesia fuel depot fire, Dozens of Iranian schoolgirls hospitalized in new poisoning cases, Indian trans women struggle to secure police jobs in quest for respect, Young Hispanics are Formally Charged With The Murder Of A Pastor, Colombias Petro: Salvadoran prison for gang members is concentration camp, FEDEX Pilot Hit By A Bullet While Sleeping. Se trata de Nini Johana suga David, hermana de Otoniel y conocida por el alias de La Negra. By 2004, the fierce war between the ACC and the Centauros had left an estimated 3,000 people dead. It is based in the Urab region of Antioquia, and is involved in the Colombian armed conflict. Under Rendn's supervision, the Centauros became one of the wealthiest factions within the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombian (Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia AUC). En 2019 capturado Carlos Mario Usuga, hermano de Otoniel y jefe de finanzas del Clan del Golfo. REUTERS/Luisa GonzalezReuters. UU. Suramrica, Cdigo Postal: 111321. The Clan del Golfo, which has more than 1,200 combatants according to security forces, launched a so-called "armed strike" to protest Otoniel's extradition, paralyzing swathes of Colombia in the process. [46][47][48] On May 27, 2020, the leader of the cartel's Carlos Vazquez fraction, identified as "Fabian," and seven of his associates were arrested. Six other people were extradited alongside Nini Johana Usaga to also face drug trafficking charges. BOGOT Las autoridades colombianas confirmaron el mircoles que fue encontrado sin vida uno de los principales cabecillas que quedaron al mando del crtel Luego nuevamente la capturaron y condenaron a . Informaciones recaudadas por la Polica Nacional indican que Nini Johana suga David, alias La Negra, hermana del mximo cabecilla del Clan del Golfo, Otoniel, era la encargada de manejar las finanzas ilcitas producto del narcotrfico y una de las integrantes de la agrupacin criminal de su mayor confianza. The 39-year-old woman, known by the alias 'La Negra,' had been . Shortly afterward, Arroyave was ambushed and killed by his former allies, including Pedro Oliveiro Guerrero, alias Cuchillo.. Her brother, accused head of the Clan del Golfo, was extradited to face drug trafficking charges in the United States in early May. Authorities seize Dairo Antonio suga David, wey also dey. Colombia Extradites Accused Drug Cartel Leader's Sister to U.S, Colombian National Police officers escort Nini Johana Usuga, alias 'La Negra', sister of 'Otoniel', top leader of the organized armed group Clan del Golfo, before being extradited to the United States, at the Military Transport Air Command (CATAM) in Bogota, Colombia July 1, 2022. BOGOT - Colombian authorities confirmed on Wednesday that one of the main leaders of the Clan del Golfo cartel was found dead, after the capture and extradition to the United States of its head boss Dairo Antonio suga David, alias "Othniel". The Clan del Golfo (English: The Gulf Clan), also known as Gaitanist Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia - AGC) and formerly called Los Urabeos and Clan suga, is a prominent Colombian neo-paramilitary group and currently the country's largest drug cartel. [43] He is wanted for not only drug trafficking, but also numerous atrocities in the departments of Crdoba, Antioquia and Choc and has a bounty of up to 580 million pesos for his capture. (Por contexto, lo invitamos a leer:'Alto, soy 'Otoniel', no me maten': detalles inditos de su captura). Otoniel, who was captured last October, was extradited in May to New York City, where he faces charges that include participating in an international conspiracy to manufacture and distribute cocaine, knowing and intending that the narcotics would be illegally imported into the United States.. Their base is near and around the Urab gulf, including the Tierralta and Valencia municipalities in Cordoba and the eleven municipalities in the Urab sub-region in Antioquia. These include zones with natural seaports along the Caribbean coast, or areas where coca base must be bought, like Caucasia or Taraz in Antioquia (InSight has also heard reports of an Urabeo cell in Medelln). Informaciones recaudadas por la Polica Nacional indican que Nini Johana suga David, alias La Negra, hermana del mximo cabecilla del Clan del Golfo, 'Otoniel', era la encargada de manejar las finanzas ilcitas producto del narcotrfico y una de las integrantes de la agrupacin criminal de su mayor confianza. Nini Johana suga David, alias la Negra, alcanz un preacuerdo con la justicia de EEUU, aceptando cargos por narcotrfico y comprometindose a colaborar en distintas investigaciones que siguen abiertas. Nini Johana Usuga, alias "La Negra", es esposada por agentes de Interpol al ser extraditada a Estados Unidos desde Bogot, Colombia, el viernes 1 de julio de 2022. La extradicin de Dairo (De seguro le interesa leer:'Ivn Mrquez': se conocen nuevos detalles de su situacin en Venezuela)Los abogados sealaron que suga, en un "acuerdo de entendimiento", acord que el tribunal decidiera su condena con base en atenuantes como la entrega de propiedades e informacin sobre la ubicacin de otros bienes e inmuebles del 'clan del Golfo'.La mujer podra recibir una condena de 10 aos por colaboracin, "desechando la posibilidad de una condena a cadena perpetua porque la misma no se contempla en los acuerdos de extradicin y no es una pena que se imponga en Colombia", seal la defensa. View the profiles of people named Nini Johana Usuga. The Gulf Clan also signaled their intention to respond aggressively to their leader's death when they publicly offered a $1,000 reward for each police officer killed in Antioquia, a public relations strategy best associated with kingpin Pablo Escobar. Lnea gratuita nacional: 018000 123 414 [16] At the time of this revelation, the Clan del Golfo reduced its drug trafficking route to the Caribbean region and also named a Cinaga native with the alias "Diana" as the new head trafficker. Este artculo etiquetado en: Colombia Clan del Golfo [39] He is a brother of Otenial and was reported to have taken over the cartel's financial operations following the arrest of their sister Nini Johana in December 2013. View the profiles of people named Nini Johana. He pleaded not guilty to the charges in federal court in New York. The group's power base is currently in the Antioquia, Sucre and Crdoba departments, with a presence in various other departments and regions in the country including major cities such as Medelln and Bogot. Hay becas para estudios en el exterior. Cuando quieras, cambia los temas que elegiste. La DIAN abre 4.700 vacantes de trabajo, Atencin! The former vice president has become the Democratic front-runner with primary victories across the country. La inteligencia artificial podra mejorar el sistema de salud en Colombia? Otoniel Dairo Antonio Usuga Wikipedia; Otoniel doesn't have a Wikipedia page, but because of his criminal record, he's been the subject of numerous pieces on the web and in social media. Colombia had offered a reward of up to 3 billion pesos (about $800,000) for information concerning Otoniel's whereabouts, while the U.S. government had put up a reward of $5 million for help locating him.