We? 12:31 p.m. - William Seymour, FBI Division 5 team shooter fires three shots from the sixth floor of the TSBD, hitting Kennedy once in the back. You can see from the Zapruder film that Roberts' Secret Service car was following immediately behind JFK's limo (perhaps 3 - 5 feet) at the time of the shooting and certainly not 25 feet behind the limo as stated by Roberts in his official report. Clinton J. Hill, Jacqueline Kennedy's bodyguard, reports in Vol. Dont kid yourself! SA John D. Ready, right running board, front. The second time he turns, he appears to bring his left hand accross his right shoulder and fire the fatal shot that we see on frame 313 of the Zapruder film. Obviously, weights had been substituted inside Kennedy's "official" casket which was off-loaded in Washington and seen by TV viewers around the world. Jean Hill & Mary Moorman adjacent to JFK's limo as Kennedy reacts to Greer's first bullet to the throat and a moment prior to Greer shooting JFK in the head (.45 automatic already resting on Greer's right shoulder) Mary Moorman is taking a black and white photo with a Polaroid camera that upon later enlargement would reveal the "Badgeman" shooter behind the white picket fence on the Grassy Knoll. This particular item came from a interview by researcher John Judge at Wright-Patterson AFB. As he said, all I am trying to do is to show you the truth, nothing more. Lifton was a graduate in William Cooper accused Robert Groden of being a government disinfo agent and gatekeeper. The laws of physics then I can clearly remember my disbelief that one person with a gun could completely change the course of history. You have to keep your eyes on Greer and watch the clip repeatedly to fully absorb what is plainly there. "I . It shows the moment when the bullet hit the President and exploded his head. The Zapruder film consists of 486 frames (about 6 feet) of 8mm film exposed over the course of 26.6 seconds at 18.3 frames per second. Some frames show the video quite sharp and distinct, while other frames are highly pixelated and you can't see much detail. James Casbolt | Phil Schneider | Al Bielek | Trevor Constable | Mind Control | Brice Taylor | Ted Gunderson | Metatech.org | Free Energy | Tim Hicks & Phil Ledoux By looping the head shot sequence, we are forced to see, along with heavy narration of Lars, the terrible moment when William Greer turns to the rear, not once but twice. When a handgun is fired at close range, powder burns are left on anything in the vicinity. Again, assasinations are 'allowed' to happen. Archived here: https://archive.is/WYuTh ], Still Frames from Zapruder Film Showing driver William Greer Shooting Kennedy became the mystery. Order the book now at the TIME Shop.http://po.st/TIME100PhotosVisit the complete multimedia experience at http://100photos.time.com/Get closer to the world of entertainment and celebrity news as TIME gives you access and insight on the people who make what you watch, read and share.https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2EFFA5DB900C633F Money helps you learn how to spend and invest your money. by Larry Jamison. I knew that Cooper was making the video available, but I never actually saw the footage myself until a couple of days ago when I viewed a DVD sent to me by someone who asked me if I wanted to see the Zapruder clip. Newcomb found out from his research that within 48 hours of the assassination before Oswald was arrested, the FBI questioned both Greer and Kellerman, treating them like suspects. Evidence, he argued that this tells us that the Interestingly, the hole in Kennedy's back, just below the shoulder was not reported in Dallas. The Windshield Switcheroo! I was to eventually meet a researcher and author, Fred Newcomb, who, with co-author Perry Adams, of Santa Barbara, wrote a book based on original interviews with witnesses in Dallas in 1968 and a review of the National Archives in 1974. Copyright 2007-2015 Educate-Yourself.org All Rights Reserved. which exposed his right temple to the front of the car. A Secret Service agent was also asking where the rear entrance to the hospital was. Email: mathdoktor@hotmail.com To verify his suspicions about the driver, Fred went to Dallas in 1968 when the memories of witnesses were still fresh. It was a day that changed the United States forever, and at the same time, was a demonstration of the power of television to unite an entire nation of shocked mourners. But the other, the doctor reported, entered the President's throat from the front and then lodged in his body. I will publish on this web page a detailed narrative of much little-known information that will make the case for Greer shooting JFK in a way that as not been previously accomplished. The most important of these calls came from a Maine musician, Tyler Newcomb, who put me in touch with his dad, Fred. I've posted some still frames at the bottom of the page from the Zapruder clip showing Greer a moment before the head shot, the head shot itself with its attendant explosion of blood and brain tissue, and the milliseconds following the fatal shot as Greer withdraws the gun from his right shoulder and down to his left side. SA Clinton Hill, left running board, front. credence: the head wound shown on the Zapruder film does not at all match the President Johnson gave the order to remove the president's body from Parkland hospital. the props tell me it is a fakery. From this re-enactment, Secret Service investigators concluded that the three shots were fired within frames 210 - 313 of the Zapruder film, a time period of 5.6 seconds. Technical issues aside, its still shocking to watch this video, which is the most infamous home movie ever created. A man who belonged to the San Luis Obispo Public Awareness group, had shown me his copy of the video "Dallas Revisited - The Truth Betrayed," which had been produced right in this county by South Bay Video Productions for Lars Hanson, who narrated the film and some local researchers. It should also be noted that Dr. McClelland also made testimony to the Warren Commission that the head wound could have been caused by "a handgun fired at close range." The head shot to Kennedy's right forehead caused a massive expulsion of blood, brain matter, and skull fragments from the right rear of his cranium to spew onto the trunk of the limo, onto the hood and windshield of the black Secret Service Cadillac follow car (that was only 3-5 feet behind the limo), and onto the motorcycle and person of Dallas motorcycle police officer James M. Chaney who was riding his motorcycle just 3-5 feet away from the limo's right rear quarter and flanking the right front fender of the Secret Service black Cadillac. Roy Kellerman & William Greer (with bare hands on the wheel) at the beginning of the motorcase through Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. According to numerous witnesses, including Jean Hill (in red coat) and Mary Moorman (dark coat) - who were standing in the street at that moment only a few feet way (the doctored Zapruder film shows them standing on grass, but they were actually standing in the street just 3 or 4 feet from the limo as it passed them) - Greer had momentarily brought the limo to a complete stop after the throat shot, to next shoot Connally in the back to get him out of the line of fire, and then to finish JFK off with the fatal head shot in Zapruder frame 313. http://educate-yourself.org/cn/everythingrichmanstrick14jan15.shtml#top, Bill Cooper Identifies JFK Gatekeepers and Shills (May 23, 1989) A weekend conference took place a few years ago that dealt almost exclusively with the doctoring of the Zapruder film. I wrote these letters to the editor based upon my initial viewing of the research video, "Dallas Revisited" done for some local researchers by South Bay Video Productions, right here in San Luis Obispo, CA., where I live. http://educate-yourself.org/cn/drivergreershotbothjfkandconnally05feb13.shtml#top, Part 2, The Video Documentary, "JFK to 911, Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick" isItselfa Trick (Nov. 19, 2016) Little known facts about the JFK Assassination, Hugh Betzner, who had a picture of the follow-up car published in Life magazine "saw a gun in the hand of one of the Secret Service agents and later heard a sound like "a firecracker in the car.". taken: In Box and phone number on the ad form. a thousand-word footnote in his 1980 book, Best The critical head shot occurs near the end of the 16th second of the Zapruder clip. When the 2nd broadcast went out at midnight, only viewers in San Luis Obispo county got to see it. 3. When developed, it was a 16 mm wide, 25-foot-long u201Cdouble 8u201D film, with sprocket holes running along both outside edges, and was unslit. Bill Cooper Exposes the JFK Assassination in 5 parts (each part will automatically continue with the next part), http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSHU4f4AU5I&list=PL46E124C58F908C65. But even in the 1960s, This page may contain sensitive or adult content that's not for everyone. This video shows a bit of additional footage seen in the space between the sprocket holes of the Zapruder film and gives you a better view of the motorcycle cops and the Secret Service car (and agents) immediately behind JFK's limo. That person was a 58-year old Dallas dress manufacturer, Abraham Zapruder, who died in 1970. All he did is go to work at the Texas Book Depository where he had been set up as the fall guy. To receive such a shot from behind he would have needed to be looking to the right with respect to the limousine and have his head tilted significantly to his left. Anyone who has seen the Zapruder film knows that Kennedy first grabs his throat and then is slammed violently backward by a shot from the front. [Larry Ed. The Presidential aircraft was due to depart Dallas at 2:35 pm. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In the same way, when the After Kennedy's body was in the ceremonial coffin, Greer and Kellerman asked for and got some time of privacy with everyone else out of the room. Transcript of Hard Copy narration of zapruder film, broadcast 11-21-91 - "The Final Frames, "Despite the theories, despite the movie scripts, the answers to who shot President Kennedy are right here in this film shot by a Dallas business man. {ED note: At least the FBI thought of trying!}. 12:33 p.m. - The phone grid to key offices in Washington, D.C. went dead and stay dead for one hour. "A man who never met John Kennedy but whose name, Zapruder, is inextricably linked . On February 13, 1992, The New Times published a letter to the editor under the headline "The Limo Driver Did It," which led to a chain of events that gave me "the keys to the magic door," (as one friend put it.) Of course, Bill Cooper saw the ONI report likely in the early 1970's, so he was privy to the info for a long time before Larry I'm sure, but publication is what counts, so I don't want to take anything away from Larry's efforts either. What's more, it was on the driver's side of the windshield" (this clearly shows in the Betzner photograph,) What does this possibly mean ? Frame 313 but also shows a spinning chunk of bone flying up from JFK's head, with a shiny side of the chunk catching the sunlight every time it made one spin, during the time that the shutter of Zapruder's camera was open: A wider view of Frame 313 This piece of bone can also be seen in Frame 314: Frame 314 Another phone call I got as a result of my letter to the editor was from a woman in her 80's who lived in Cayucos who I met on a number of occasions for coffee. Magic is performed with smoke and mirrors and the distraction of "Badgeman," (whose actual location in Oliver Stones "JFK" was shifted to agree with a frontal head shot from the fence area) is a good example of that. . The doctored version removed critical frames and fudged other frames of the Zapruder film. i.e. Miller, who worked for the Louisiana Freight Bureau, and who was standing on the railway overpass overlooking Elm Street was asked by Senator Arlen Spector where the shots came from. I accepted that assertion for many years until I read Fred Neucomb's book, Murder From Within, which makes it absolutely clear that Greer had also shot Connally in the back (Connally was turned around 180 degrees and gawking at JFK following the first throat shot) to get him out the line of fire to finish off Kennedy. It was likely Kellerman who placed the magical "pristine" bullet on the corridor stretcher at Parkland which "proved " that Oswald's rifle was used in the assassination. film was first shown on TV in 1975, people were outraged. A scuffle ensued with a FBI agent. Newcomb interviewed medical personnel at Parkland and revealed three little known facts: (1) A Secret Service agent was running around the hospital asking for a "basket, casket or bag - anything to put a body in.". War on Terror |Tavistock | U.S. Newcomb points out that when a handgun is fired at close range, powder burns are left on anything in the vicinity. i.e. There was and Mr. Newcomb located 6 "nose witnesses": 5. Notice they are neither looking in the direction of the Book Depository nor in the direction of the grassy knoll but in the direction of the "mall". and then he says that the President reaches around and grabs his back. The following shows the Zapruder film (frames 311 to 316) in slow motion to see this frame in context. The Zapruder Film. Cropped high-resolution digital Zapruder Film Frames 313-316 showing initial "backward lurch" of President Kennedy along with the distribution of ejected material in the wake of the projectile. no one has said a dam thing since you posted this, they see fakery and dont even call it . The names of the Secret Service agents who were following JFK's limo are listed below in a statement made by the Secret Service Agent in Charge, Emory P. Roberts on Nov. 29. It is my opinion that a cover-up plan was hurriedly hatched on the fly that day. the American public, over the past four decades. http://educate-yourself.org/cn/drivergreershotjfk.shtml#top Dallas businessman Abraham Zapruder used this Bell & Howell 8 mm home movie camera to film President John F. Kennedy's motorcade on Nov. 22, 1963. . View publication Un-enhanced high-resolution digital copies of Zapruder Film Frames 312 and 313 (Z312 and Z313) showing the high-powered rifle gunshot that fatally wounded President. tell us that the shot must have come from behind! He did not publish it. Answer (1 of 5): Neither do any conspiracy theorists, who refuse to listen to extremely experienced pathologists, even those with a career full of battlefield injuries. He thought that Feynman would conclude, from the laws of physics, that the shot must have come from the front. I noticed that the top-of-the head hairline of Roy Kellerman seems to have been doctored to appear higher than it actually was, in order to give the impression that his "hair" meets the bottom of the gun and lead you to think that the gun was just a glint of reflection off the top of Kellerman's head - as many deceived viewers claim on the blogs attending the on-line videos. I later confirmed the chopper sighting with Amy. If we look at frame 312, the last frame before the head shot, we see that his head is tilted slightly to his left and slightly forward toward Jacqueline. First of all, let me say that to this day Fred's book with a 1975 copyright has not been published. John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, popularly known as JFK, was assassinated on November 22, 1963 at 12:30pm in Dallas, Texas. When I resent another copy via United Parcel package service, he got it. There is a to be blasted forwards. He was also a member of several influential Dallas County political bodies. enabling me to verify that William Greer, the Secret Service Agent driving the presidential limousine on November 22, 1963, fired the fatal shot with a hand gun that killed President Kennedy, our 35th President that day. This reply matches the description in the caption of the car diagram above. Greer's fatal shot to the head in Zapruder fram 313 causes Kennedy's skull to explode, Kellerman's hair was retouched and extended UPWARD as a "black box" to conceal Greer's hand wrapped around the handle of the .45. "These images are the legacy of one man," the voice-over concludes as a full-screen photo appears of a dignified balding figure in a dark suit: Abraham Zapruder. It's 46 minutes long and presents very clear and unmistakable slow motion so you can easily recognize Greer placing the silvery .45 automatic on this right shoulder, turning his head completely around to his right, aiming at Kennedy, and exploding Kennedy's head with that single shot. This was in the WC report and in a taped interview with Newcomb. The backwards movement of the Presidents head after Frame 313 then JFK He told her: "Sis, if people really knew what happened, theyd be rioting in the streets.". 12:31:02 - FBI Division 5 Team shooter Emilio Santana fires one shot from the Dal-Tex building striking Connally in the back. I showed him my copy of "Dallas Revisited" and some stills I made of frames 312 and 313 of the Zapruder film from a high quality broadcast video. How can this be? In his book "High Treason," Robert Groden cites a witness, Carolyn Arnold, who also worked at the Texas Book Depository who told the FBI that she saw Oswald sitting in one of the booth seats of the second floor lunchroom of he TSBD between 12:20 and 12:25 p.m. After that he put a condition that the Frame 313 will not be made public. Crossfire was provided both to ensure the death of the president and to confuse future researchers. with this: everyone who saw the I'll be writing a separate article highlighting the major discrepancies and discoveries presented at that conference. Zapruder Frame 313: The JFK Assassination | 100 Photos | TIMEhttps://www.youtube.com/user/TimeMagazine The bright orange burst of blood spray we see in the Zapruder film does not appear on the Muchmore and the Nix films. Even though Frame 313 is blurred, Feynman was able to measure Murder From Within: U.S. Secret Service Limo Driver, Bill Greer, Shot Both JFK & Connally on Nov. 22, 1963 (Feb. 5, 2013) The hole in Kennedy's back just below the shoulder ws not reported in Dallas. [Photo enlargements and commentary from Ken Adachi]. Todays photograph is the frame number 313 from Zapruders footage which shows the Presidents head exploding after being hit by the bullet. Maybelleeng. This is a good example of damage control because it was here, at South Bay Video Productions, that Lars Hansson and crew made that film. Zapruder film has been substantially altered, if not completely forged. Well, this ties in very neatly with what Fred Newcomb found out in Dallas from interviews with Parkland medical staff including nurses. Kellerman even had to pull his gun out to stop the Dallas coroner, Dr Earl Rose, who was attempting to open Kennedy's "official" casket in order to examine the body. Re:R. Andrew Kiel-you are " Spot On ". M.T. Mr. Newcomb felt his book made the case for the limousine driver shooting JFK so well that he sent copies of the book to the 1975 Congress and Senate because he felt he would be guilty of "obstruction of justtice" if he did not do so. . ), Did the limo driver shoot JFK? The pattern of the tissue around the hole above Kennedy's right ear matches the pattern of the tissue of the apple around the entry point of the bullet in the high-speed photo below.. The reaction was for the head to move up, and the body to move rearward and to the right. Oswald did not fire a single shot that day. The doctored film has Greer turning his head much faster than is physically possible, thus leading researchers to conclude that frames were cut from the original print. The next photos show no exit hole at the back of his head which would be there had he been shot from the front. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Draw your own conclusions. He decided to go to Dealey Plaza to see the Presidents motorcade. According to Fred Newcomb (and I agree), there were NO shot fired from the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository. Dornberger's hiring of Michael Paine was his contribution to the JFK assasination cabal, because Michael, as an ONI operative, had the job of not only relocating Marina Oswald to the U.S., but to have his wife, Ruth Paine, secure a job for Oswald at the Texas School Book Depository for the deep cover. 12:35 p.m. - A teletype message about the assassination to cabinet members on a military plane enroute to Japan cant be verified because a needed code book is not on board. The case was so strong that Newcomb distributed copies to law enforcement authorities and to members of the Senate and Congress at that time because he felt he would be guilty of obstruction of justice if he didn't. It was well known that Gov. The title of this DVD is "313" as in zapruder film frame number 313 and there's very little analysis of that record! Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, Press J to jump to the feed. the doctors and nurses at Dallass Parkland Hospital, where the President was We know from the Zapruder film that this bullet hole occurs at frame 333, twenty frames after the fatal shot was fired which could not have been fired from the sides or above. You can also see something The red arrow in the photo below indicates the trajectory of the brain matter following the bullet out of Kennedy's head. Next morning Zapruder sold the print rights of the film to the LIFE magazine for $50,000. "We?" The U.S. Governments Soon after Mr. Bannister arrived to interview me, I played my copy of "Dallas Revisited" for him and showed him some 8 x 10 stills I had made of frames 312 and 313 of the Zapruder film that help show the driver's actions even clearer. In the same Nov. 29, 1963 statement, Emory P Roberts adds the following: "It is estimated that we were traveling about 20-25 miles an hour at the time of the shooting, and it is believed that the follow-up car was approximately. He is identified photographically in the "Dallas Revisited" video and in "High Treason" stills. In fact it was his first order as President. {ED Note: The Manlicer Carcano rifle abounded in Illuminati symbolism because it costs $23.00 and recycles in 2.3 seconds - "23" is one of their Big Time numbers. We know from frame 312 of the Zapruder film that just after President Kennedy had been hit in the throat he turned at the last second to his left almost facing Jackie. (2) A Secret Service agent was also asking where the rear entrance to the hospital was. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Writely Expressed Theme is copyrighted to Samyak Lalit. Zapruder film. the position of JFKs head compared to fixed parts of the limousine (like the the position of JFKs head compared to fixed parts of the limousine (like the frames, published by the U.S. Government, to Nobel-prize-winning physicist remarkable in this comparison: the red spray of blood in Frame 313 is clearly, But Lifton made a discovery The video I received on DVD was an avi file in which the frame by frame quality of the video varies tremendously. This is a special photo of JFK and Jaqueline from happy days in their life. During the 1960 election, JFK often campaigned atop the rear seats of open convertibles driven slowly through . So we have Oswald passing out "Fair Play for Cuba" leaflets to make him look like a Communist sympathizer and getting married to a Russian wife, a process that John Judge said the CIA refers to as "sheep-dipping." The Zapruder film is telling us that the whole front-top of JFK's head gets blasted away! In a more recent interview conducted by a Japanese video team led by Marie Ueda, Moorman stated that the FBI convinced her to say that Greer was really shooting back at the assassin. The bullet did not exit out the left side. JFK Kennedy Assassination - Zapruder film - high resolution. The next photo shows the likely path of the bullet. There were suspicions about the untimely death of her uncle as well. remarkable in this comparison: the red spray of blood in Frame 313 is clearly in front of JFKs head. For a detailed discussion of the two caskets and their different arrival times, follow this link: http://www.jfklancer.com/backes/horne/Backes2b.html. The Zapruder Film. Home; blocks our view of his wifes face, which can be fully seen in Frame 312! This vid cap of frame 313 of the Zapruder film sickens some people when they realize that this clearly shows Secret Service Agent William Greer, shooting JFK. Mini Silver Terminator (MST) | Chembusters & Orgone Generators | Reverse Polarity Colloidal Silver Generator | Smart Phone Dangers | Contact Us/ E-mail huge crater where his forehead used to be, through which we can again see his On March 12, 1992, I interviewed one Fred Newcomb, who researched, along with co-author Perry Adams, a book entitled "Murder from Within," 1975 derived from original research done in Dallas in 1968 when the memories of witnesses were still fresh. investigate the assassination. du msg id 3403 Account. http://educate-yourself.org/cn/jimmarrsgatekeeper31may10.shtml, Gatekeeper Jim Marrs Uses Jeff Rense to Maintain Cover-Up of Secret Service Role in JFK Assassination (July 14, 2009) The "lone gunman" theory or conspiracy theory: it all depends on the origin of this shot. (Jan. 15, 2007) Since Bill Cooper published his book around 1994, it's possible that Larry was working on the story about the same time. Notice the "height" of Kellerman's hair in the above 3 photo enlargements and then notice the 'height' of Kellerman's hair in the enlarged photo below at the moment of Greer's 'head shot'. he was indeed hit by a high-velocity rifle bullet from behind. Chief Dallas homicide investigator Will Fritz got 3 calls from President Johnson telling hime to "back off the investigation because National Security is involved. This timeline of events during the JFK assasination was compiled from "The Torbitt Document", "High Treason" by Robert J. Groden and Harrison Edward Livingstone, and "Murder from Within," by Fred Newcomb and Perry Adams. In a recorded interview in 2011 by Peter Janney, Bruglioni agreed with the eyewitnesses (and Zapruder's partner Erwin Schwartz) that the frame 313 in the Zapruder film was not what he had seen. This windshield had a scar on the outside in a slightly different area than the original hole and was smooth on the inside. You can see a cluster of debris accompanying the bullet as it exits the apple. 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