The Department of Energy also suggests combining errands for fewer trips, looking into public transportation options, and avoiding driving at high speeds to save fuel. Self fulfilling prophecy youre hyper aware of your fuel mileage so your driving behavior is subtly altered. Energy.GOV has a list of helpful fuel-saving tips including combining trips, stripping your car of unnecessary weight, keeping your car in tip-top shape, and how to avoid aggressive driving. The prices are up WORLDWIDE. Do you really think this war in Ukraine would be taking place if T**** was still in office??? It worked, I havent bought gas for it since!! ***. 2. Per, "Idling can use a quarter to a half-gallon of fuel per hour, depending on engine size and air conditioner use, adding up to three cents of wasted fuel a minute.". The downfall of this country will be from a very thick layer of Duuhhhh starting at your address. The display is a series of green-to-red bars. . Just add this magnet to your fuel line. It is difficult with many of the devices available and would be extremely expensive. One unit of the EcoPlus can be purchased for $39.99, which is a discounted price from the original price of$79.98You save 50% on this purchase. Moores PSC nominee. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'tiremeetsroad_com-box-4','ezslot_2',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-box-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'tiremeetsroad_com-box-4','ezslot_3',109,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-box-4-0_1');.box-4-multi-109{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. EcoPlus is a chip tuning box that can be connected to the OBD2 connector of your car to minimize fuel consumption. Effuel ECO OBD2 is the new game-changer in the fuel consumption industry. So, does the Ecotune OBD2 fuel-saver actually work?if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'tiremeetsroad_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_5',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-medrectangle-4-0'); No, the Ecotune OBD2 plug-and-play fuel saver does not work, is programmed to play a convincing sequence of LED lights, and is a waste of your time and money. They work, have FDA approval, and Comirnaty is the same thing as Pfizers Covid Vaccine. House Minority Whip Jesse Pippy, R-Frederick, said Baltimore City has experienced over 300 homicides each year for the last eight consecutive years. There are legit OBD2 devices that re-flash your ECU for more power or better fuel consumption, but that type of programming is manufacturer and vehicle-specific that requires proprietary information and a first-hand knowledge of tuning cars for efficiency. EcoPlus fuel saver saves you a lot of money by helping your car use a lesser amount of fuel. THEN I was given a FREE Web TV 30 day trial. Per, the camshaft is essential for a car's engine to function. Think this is an AE86? Dave exposes the ECO (Nitro) OBD2 Fuel Saver as a complete SCAM! I believe amazon will sell some new underwire (with pads). I'm sure the same phenomenon is what's responsible for the actual fuel-economy increases reported by the thousands of people who are wasting money on bogus gadgets. Green Matters new book, Green Living, is the perfect guide to living an eco-friendly lifestyle for people at every stage of the process. Effuel ECO OBD2 is a small-sized performance enhancer chip that is added to the car at the ECU. Just drive to keep everything in the green, and you'll save gas. Walkin with Wildman 145 subscribers Subscribe 41 24K views 4 years ago Day with fuel chip Show more Show more Almost yours: 2 weeks, on us 100+ live. Wrong! Whoever created the EcoBox Eco OBD2 fuel saver is trying to take advantage of this news, advertising a device that delivers 30% fuel savings (which is 15% more than the devices in the videos above. The ScanGauge is even hackable, so you can customize the readout and monitor virtually anything that's available on the vehicle's data bus. How about returning to light commuter rail and trolleys vs driving huge SUVs and do the needful on future suburban sprawl actually create towns and link with light rail. Youre an idiot. By simply installing this chip tuning box to one's OBD2 connector, one is able to provide the EcoPlus device with a wide array of information and details about one's vehicle . Heres a handful of generic ones you can buy from popular Chinese wholesale site Click here to see for yourself.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tiremeetsroad_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); These devices, like this Ecotune, are being pushed extra-hard to consumers right now because fuel prices are at historic highs. This device is a load of c**p! Highest regard sirMichael John Ferreira. Also known as an EcoOBD2 plug, Effuel and similar devices claim to potentially save you hundreds of dollars per year on gas. But what stands out is that the EcoPlus does this without tampering with any of the settings of your car. Not to mention if it worked it would alter the emission check. Upon inquiring of numerous sources we were told that the master chip installed in that vehicle was factory set for 24 MPG, and that no matter what we did that is what it was going to experience under normal driving conditions. Simply Health ACV Keto Gummies Reviews Is It Really Fake Or Trusted? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This eco tune does not work on either two of our vehicles. Then COVID hit. Effuel ECO OBD2 is a new performance chip recently introduced into the automobile industry that carries the potential to revolutionize the way automobiles utilize fuel. Wow! Increasing gas mileage for just about any vehicle. And for all of the anti-***** geniuses who are now screaming about how its *****s base who are the anti-vaccination people, I would like to take you back to a time where B**** and ****** were both talking **** about the v****** saying they would never take it cuz T*** had something to do with it are now pushing it like heroin dealers. The EcoPlus only works when the cars engine is on. Who knew governments were so clever. But we have to do this America!! It has the potential to improve the car's OBD2 socket (electric control unit), enabling it to move with much more efficiency as well. Install it in any vehicle and you once the engine stops, you will be using ZERO fuel. Its always ready to blame everything on Biden or on Trump. 2. Update: 8/24/2022 Im getting a lot of traffic to this blog post from people searching for EcoVeco. Advertisementif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tiremeetsroad_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Just like the Ecobox fuel saver, EcoVeco is also a scam OBD 2 device. 15 MIN INSTALL. A mechanic plugs his scanner tool into this port to check the trouble codes that make the Check Engine light come on. trump used you people like a cheap violin, right after he was elected, trump started the BIG LIE, saying the only way I cant get re-elected is if the election is rigged, and he kept saying it. Its worth noting that these recent spikes in gas prices are mostly a short-term affect of demand outpacing supply. That's how OBD-II devices improve fuel . Check out Wish.coms search results by clicking here. Correction: Contrary to the original version of this opinion piece, the library director is appointed by the library board, and not the county executive, though he does appoint the board. One of the benefits of the EcoPlus is its ability to save fuel consumption by up to 55%. Although theyre sold under different names, with unique packaging and have fancy websites, these style of OBD2 fuel savers are pretty much all scams and should be avoided at all costs. Just sayin. There must be some way to improve our mileage, right? You can buy the EcoPlus directly on the EcoPlus official website. ?Get that snake oil out of here.Stick with the OG. No doubt you were gullible enough to vote for Sleepy Joe Biden, who has really messed up the economy! Offers may be subject to change without notice. p.s. First, they suggest turning off your engine when your car is parked for more than 10 seconds. trump is a liar, bigot, racist criminal and the biggest waste of humanity ever. (Do not start the car) 4. After opening Ecotune Plug & Drive OBD2 unit, taking a quick look at this unit very Inspection it Continue Reading 95 8 Bob Faestel The General Assemblys Joint Republican Caucus Thursday shared details about their priority crime package, emphasizing what they said is a continuing rise in juvenile crime. Does the Ecotune OBD2 Fuel-Saver actually work? If this device or others like it actually worked, themanufacturers would use independent testing companies to test them. You should have placed a link put it in a real car he blew a fuse and didnt do further testing, and in the comments there are multiple users that claim it works Both the videos here do not test functions one dude goes to the conclusion that data pins are connected but he doesnt know if it works meaning totally a waste of time to watch it the other guy proves that it gives no data out to the fake random generating values engine, within the first few minutes of operations, while the device claims that analyzed data and after many miles starts tuning the engine. Moore pushes for accelerated minimum wage hike tied to inflation, concerning state delegates; anti-abortion activists rally against legislation to protect procedure. The producers of the EcoPlus have made them readily available for almost anyone by placing them at an affordable price. what a f****n sham. A fuel saver can be very effective for your car and the EcoPlus is the best in terms of how efficient it is when compared to others in the market. Bill would protect reproductive health care providers, patients through records security; 800,000 Marylanders could be impacted by Supreme Court student debt decision; BWI concession agreement extended as new vendor is sought. I did the mileage with and without. A generous gift in any amount helps us continue to bring you this service. These re-branded OBD2 Fuel Savers and their websites are created solely to rip off nave internet window shoppers. Unfortunately, the reviews for EcoChip are mixed at best. Herpesyl Pills Shocking Facts Revealed. What these sites do is buy hundreds (if not thousands) of generic OBD2 fuel savers from China for $3 a piece (or less,) design their own packaging, and re-sell it to you for $40 a piece. The EcoPLus adjusts itself to your car, after about 150 miles (200 km) of driving (road total), and it keeps remapping the engines control unit to reduce fuel consumption. In addition to cutting down on fuel consumption, Ecoplus fuel saver saves fuel without changing anything, unlike other fuel-saving devices that tamper with your cars settings. Only what is connected is Power for this flasher to flash., This Plug & Drive OBD2 is just a very simple flasher for probably 50 bucks. YOU MUST BE EXTREMELY IGNORANT AND FOOL ENOUGH TO PAY FOR THIS SCAM IF IT ACTUALLY WORKED THE OIL COMPANYS WOULD BE BANKRUPT BY NOW DUMMY. To do what these companies claim, you would have to redesign the car. but not from the vaccine. Totally loved how you explain that makes 100% sense cant believe so many people are scared sheep we just have to keep putting the truth out there and hopefully those v***d will leave us un****d folks alone! Much more appropriately ask those that voted for the puppet that brought you the fuel prices that spark these scams. Biden DOES have the ability to seriously impair US oil production, which removed us from NET ENERGY EXPORTING, which had driven global oil prices down. Pour this additive into your tank and double your mileage. RAN TWO WEEKS WITH IT OFF, RESET COMPUTER (DISCONNECT BATTERY)- MILEAGE DROPPED IMMEDIATELY, AND NOTICEABLE LOWER RESPONSIVENESS. 2. I installed one about 2 months ago and I havent put any fuel in my car since. The ScanGauge works like a scan tool, giving you trouble codes and letting you turn off the CE light. MARYLAND REPUBLICANS PUSH CRIME BILLS: Sparked by concerns over an increase in violent crime, Maryland Republican lawmakers on Thursday rallied behind a package of gun crime bills days after Democratic Gov. Just to see if it makes a difference, It is a perfect example of complete and tota gullibility to try something like this just to see if it makes a difference. People like you that will repeat that nonsense are just Dipshit sheep following the herd narrative instead of having any kind of ability to have an individual or original thought. For whatever you purchase this for but, its a scam. The EcoOBD2 Plug and Drive EcoOBD2 chip are very effective and beneficial for Benzine fuel saving.Effuel will not only help you save fuel and money, but it has also other benefits such as: You can notice that the car will save fuel up to 15% to 35% easily. No physics textbook needed. For smthg I have never used, and will not. Very useful for anyone looking to reduce fuel consumption and save some cash as well, I highly recommend, Cars with lots of horsepower are my favorite but it is not really economical to drive one around, say to work. Ecoplus reduces fuel consumption to about 55% depending on how you drive and it also increases the performance of your car. (Or pretended to?) The steps to which one can install and enable the normal function of the Eco fuel. Effuel ECO OBD2 is a new performance chip recently introduced into the automobile industry that carries the potential to revolutionize the way automobiles utilize fuel. Millions of people are looking for every possible way to cut costs and save money. However, allow me to throw my change at the conversation. You save 70% on this purchase. Now your car is ready for action.. Nope, puts a giant target on our back for someone who wants to gain control in an industry that will have become astronomical in value due to shortage and limited supply indefinitely m, which in turn will have history repeat itself with a world war because with all the hate America had learned to express, we will no longer be the superpower of the world. It just now comes in digital form. No doubt. So the gas company raised the price of gas 8 cents a gallon in the end everyone was happy. These can be inaccurate. No one ever disputed Tom Ogles invention, and it certainly inspired a bunch of patent stifling lawsuits from big Oil. FUEL BOSS MAGNETIC FUEL SAVER $23.99 ( Claim: "When gasoline remains in your tank over time, the fuel molecules start to cluster.The molecules on the inside of these . Hmm, I wonder why your comments look like that? Step 5 Let go of your hand and wait for another 30-60 seconds. Hey presto! Then trump caused hate and discord, leading to Jan 6th, after that, republican state legislators, want to insure the the ass wipe donald can win in 2024 by voting in state election laws, state attorney generals and secretary of states to control elections in the states that cost trump the election ( Nevada, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, N Carolina and more ) trump will, do anything to get re-elected because he can use executive privilege to keep him and his family out of jail. Even before Trump took office, the United States had been projected to become a net energy exporter in the 2020s because favorable geology and technological developments result in the production of oil and natural gas at lower costs, according to the EIA. EcoPlus is a chip tuning box that can be connected to the OBD2 connector of your car to minimize fuel consumption. If you are someone who has used different types of cars, you will know that fuel consumption differs from car to car. I got the EcoPlus fuel saver to cut down on fuel consumption. But before I tell you about it let me describe what my 03 Dodge Ram 1500 reg cab with 8 ft bed and a 4.7 l had been doing. Effuel is also called an Eco-OBD2 connector because it goes in your OBD2 interface of the car. The major parts of how much fuel any car uses are vehicle weight, tire size, rolling resistance, friction in moving parts, number of moving parts in the driveline, etc. And asi watch a few other nations make strides to do their part turning green America isnt.Now as far as me liking Biden Ill refrain from comment because its irrelevant i share on that. As opposed to paying our ENEMIES for our fuel at crazy inflated prices. By themselves, each tip might not seem like a lot but, combined over time, the fuel-savings make a difference. Lmao maybe they can hook it up to their on board diagnostic sarcasmometer. Wheres the science behind you people saying it does not work? I dont normally reply to peoples comments on these types of sites but yours I simply cant resist, and all I can really say is this YOU ****I*G A ARE 100 AND 10% CORRECT. I would give anything in the world to see your statement become a reality and if you ever decide to run for president then know this, you have at least one guaranteed vote from me. Eco typically reduces throttle response, for milder acceleration, while shifting earlier, keeping the engine rpm lower to conserve fuel. Not a chance. Doing actual research (like the 5 seconds it took me to google it) is too much work. Sites like eBay are rife with people shilling gadgets and potions, asking you to spend as little as 10 bucks or as much as thousands. I dont care what fancy words you are using Mike, but the truth is 90% of the covid deaths are those not vaccinated. Green Matters is a registered trademark. Most people are worried about ever-rising monthly expenses. The ad this time tries to tell that narrative that the creator was kicked out of Harvard days after refusing to sell his invention to The Big Oil Companies. After that, you need to find the OBD2 port of your car. Thanks for your comment, Deb. Got 300 miles.Plugged this device in and got remarkable 279 miles. Despite the convincing video with proof and website testimonials praising the Ecotune OBD2 fuel saver, I can confidently say that this Ecotune OBD2 fuel saver is just like all the others and is likely a scam. At the end of the summer plenty of gas at the low price of 44 cents a gallon not the 77 cents a gallon during the summer or the pre summer price of 36 cents a gallon. Thinking that Spike Protein isnt harmful is whats stupid. I bought the one that came with a $10 certificate good for gas at any Mobile station. Dude, you need to log off Facebook and your Truth Social app for a minute. Also the oil companies are trying to regain their profit loss during the pandemic when a barrel of oil in April 2020 -$36.98 yes I wrote -$36.98. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. 6 Super Bowl Commercials That Highlighted Sustainability, The USPS Proposes New Vehicles With Worse Gas Mileage Than Hummers. WAS 45 BUCKS AND CAME WITH EXTENDED BOLTS. Just to see if it makes a difference. The EcoPlus fuel saver is safe to use and there is no known harm associated with using the device; this can be confirmed from reviews given by users. The fact that any company can defraud consumers is a testament to the moral decay in our society and business community. Benzene is slang for gas. The product does not require any maintenance and coupled with the discounts offered on purchase, you also save money as well. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'tiremeetsroad_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_4',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-medrectangle-3-0'); PSA for car sites, in light of high gas prices theres a recent push from these scam OBD2 fuel saver makers to buy ad space. Since there have been all sorts of comments here and none are much more than bad-mouthing or even off-topic, that is the best anyone can do, short of really knowing how to dissect and professionally test these eco chips. EcoPlus is designed to influence the amount of fuel a car intakes, no matter the kind of fuel used. Capable to use on turbo petrol as well as diesel cars, the Nitro OBD2 works based on the remapping of the vehicle's computer ECU through highly specialized OBD2 protocols. The results may vary depending on the case but fuel consumption is optimized to a minimum level. LOL! But then I was automatically shunted into monthly payments of $19.97 USD!!!!! So if you want things to change vote out any member of congress that doesnt back more fuel efficient cars or is backed by mysterious pacs or doesnt support term limits for congress or has been in office before you were born!Now to fuel efficiency as I said before my 1960 36 hp VW Bug got 40 mpg. What these scam companies do is buy a bunch of generic OBD2 dongles, come up with a name like EcoTune, OptiFuel, EcoMax. Stop thinking youre educated because you watch the mainstream news channels and really educate yourselves. Like #T*****rT***p said, I love the uneducated. M***n. Well like the rest of you I too was very unbelieving in this Ecotune OBD. I personally think the prices are far too low and should be ABOVE 6.00 USD/gallon to drive better consumer behavior and buying choices. Some are just wacky, like the "ectoplasm trap" that promised to double your fuel economy with psychic energy. The EcoPlus fuel saver enhances the ECU system of your vehicle. And yeah, the EcoBox is b****t. I plugged the fuel saving device up my bum. The only way to know for sure from a consumer standpoint is to actually obtain one or more of these and try them out for oneself, although there plenty of derogatory and disparaging comments all over the net, but even these are opinionated probably because these products come from China. Simply put, do not buy the EcoBox Eco OBD2 fuel saver or any similar looking type of device. The EcoPlus makes a new mapping in the cars computer ECU according to your driving habits to increase the performance of your car. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tiremeetsroad_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_10',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tiremeetsroad_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_11',113,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1');.large-leaderboard-2-multi-113{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Here, I have a schematic that I draw from this unit. Its easy for anyone to install, works within minutes, and can significantly improve the performance of your vehicle.7 May 2021. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Paulo Acoba is the person who pays the hosting & writes the words. Read Also: Chill Well Portable AC for summer compared to an Air Conditioner. Ecoplus fuel saver is a plug-and-play device, once plugged in, you simply turn on the ignition and the fuel-saving process begins, depending on your driving habit and style. But still has a half of tank but has close to 170 miles on it since fill-up. The Ecoplus fuel saver does not require maintenance, Ecoplus reduces fuel consumption to nearly 55% depending on how you drive. We also compared it to other similar fuel savers in the market and listened to what many people were saying about it. The EcoPlus is easy to use. The engine's intake manifold is under negative pressure almost all the time when the engine is turning. Unlikely. You are the exact type of person trump and the republicans want, mindless idiots who get their news from hannity, tucker carlson, laura ingraham, britrebart news; then they vote for real nut jobs to be in congress like, lauren bobert, matt gaetz, marjorie taylor green. It makes fuel consumption more efficient, allowing for better savings by reducing gas consumption. OK, whatever. Thats a promise. It smells like a scam as soon as you read the headline because if there were a way to get even 15% fuel savings, the car company that found it would use it to sell more cars. This Ecomax Fuel Saver is a lie. For many who believe in the vehicles to find these to work day-after-day, this is a question one appears time to time. Using a tuner it is possible to increase gasoline or diesel engine performance up to 99 horsepower and 88 lb-ft of torque on a gas truck, and 120 horsepower and 240 lb-ft of torque on a diesel truck depending upon the model. Actually 100% voted for the moderate smartest man to ever run for President with extensive legisilative experience. From plugging into your OBD-2 port to sliding into your cars cigarette lighter, all these devices promise remarkable fuel savings as the electronic device learns and optimizes your cars engine for maximum efficiency. Its quite sad that you actually believe what you write. Once I plugged it in my car turned into a Space Rocket! Switch on the ignition but do not start the car. YouTube needs to take responsibility for scamming people. Everyone here needs something to do that might be considered constructive. Life insurance actuaries paid out 40% more death claims in 2021 than in 2020 for people between the age of 18 to 64. Good lord thats an inane comment. Analysts predict gas prices will return to Pre-Pandemic levels by early 2022. Effuel will not damage your vehicles engine, nor will it affect your cars ECU in any significant way.