There are a few disadvantages of using a slice in tennis. The ball will naturally bounce less on grass, which plays terrifically with the slice serve, which also doesnt bounce high. If you look at a tennis shot side-on from the players right, a ball hit with topspin will appear to be rotating clockwise. However, it makes it challenging to get under the ball and apply maximum topspin for the kick serve. If well placed, the flat serve can be extremely challenging to . Copyright 2017-2023 Rookie Road Inc. All rights reserved. We both feel like tennis has given us opportunities that we would have never had otherwise, so we started myTennisHQ with the intent of helping more and more people become familiar with the sport. As you work to practice your serve, do so with confidence, and allow yourself the freedom to mess up while you establish the basic feel and rhythm to develop your serve. Slow pace and the flat trajectory give your opponent two big advantages: more time and an ideal height, at about a foot above the net, to smash away a winner. The forehand slice is a shot which is rarely taught or discussed in modern tennis. For most players, the kick serve has become the default second serve. You will have more time to return the ball, have a better stance, stronger strokes, more spin, and more confidence. Regardless of the type of serve you hit, relaxing through your service motion is essential. This can put the person slicing very much on the defensive and makes the game extremely hard work. Without some of Hi there! With the topspin, he forces Federer and other opponents to either be pushed too far backward or to take a risk and hit the ball extremely early.

Michael Kernicki is currently the Head Professional at the Indian Creek Country Club in Miami Beach.
