in an area exceeding six square inches (39 sq. Quadriplegia: Rate separately under diagnostic codes 5109 and 5110 and combine evaluations in accordance with, With incapacitating episodes having a total duration of at least 6 weeks during the past 12 months, With incapacitating episodes having a total duration of at least 4 weeks but less than 6 weeks during the past 12 months, With incapacitating episodes having a total duration of at least 2 weeks but less than 4 weeks during the past 12 months, With incapacitating episodes having a total duration of at least one week but less than 2 weeks during the past 12 months, Unfavorable, extremely unfavorable ankylosis, the foot not reaching ground, crutches necessitated, Favorable, in flexion at an angle between 20 and 40, and slight adduction or abduction, Limitation of abduction of, motion lost beyond 10, Limitation of adduction of, cannot cross legs, Limitation of rotation of, cannot toe-out more than 15, affected leg, With nonunion, with loose motion (spiral or oblique fracture), With nonunion, without loose motion, weight bearing preserved with aid of brace, Fracture of surgical neck of, with false joint. Degenerative arthritis, degenerative disc disease other than intervertebral disc syndrome (also, see either DC 5003 or 5010). 9403 Specific phobia; social anxiety disorder (social phobia). Added October 15, 1991; criterion January 12, 1998. 7615 Ovary, disease, injury, or adhesions of. In a given individual, symptoms may fluctuate in severity from day to day. Post void residuals greater than 150 cc. 9422 Other specified somatic symptom and related disorder. 6847 Sleep Apnea Syndromes (Obstructive, Central, Mixed): Chronic respiratory failure with carbon dioxide retention or cor pulmonale, or; requires tracheostomy, Requires use of breathing assistance device such as continuous airway pressure (CPAP) machine, Asymptomatic but with documented sleep disorder breathing. 7522 Erectile dysfunction, with or without penile deformity. 6209 Benign neoplasms of the ear (other than skin only): Swelling, dry and scaly or serous discharge, and itching requiring frequent and prolonged treatment. This is an examination that a VA-hired doctor conducts. Evaluate under the General Rating Formula for Diseases of the Eye, disfigurement (diagnostic code 7800), conjunctivitis (diagnostic code 6018), etc., depending on the particular findings, and combine in accordance with, Evaluate under the General Rating Formula for Diseases of the Eye. 6820 Neoplasms, benign, any specified part of respiratory system. Evaluate based on disfigurement (diagnostic code 7800). 5012 Bones, neoplasm, malignant, primary or secondary. Different examiners, at different times, will not describe the same disability in the same language. Evaluation July 6, 1950; evaluation September 22, 1978, evaluation January 12, 1998; criterion November 14, 2021. 7719 Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) (chronic myeloid leukemia or chronic granulocytic leukemia). Ratings for service-connected disabilities requiring hospital treatment or observation. Assign a 100-percent evaluation if total is the level of evaluation for one or more facets. Or rate on impairment of function of contiguous joint. 7525 Prostatitis, urethritis, epididymitis, orchitis (unilateral or bilateral), chronic only: For tubercular infections: Rate in accordance with. They will continue for a 12-month period following discharge from service. Criterion August 13, 1981; criterion June 9, 1996; criterion December 10, 2017. 6200 Chronic suppurative otitis media. Evaluate each condition separately, as long as the same signs and symptoms are not used to support more than one evaluation, and combine under, Consider the need for special monthly compensation for such problems as loss of use of an extremity, certain sensory impairments, erectile dysfunction, the need for aid and attendance (including for protection from hazards or dangers incident to the daily environment due to cognitive impairment), being housebound, etc. Evaluation October 23, 1995; title December 9, 2018; evaluation December 9, 2018. General Rating Formula For The Skin For DCs 7806, 7809, 7813-7816, 7820-7822, and 7824: Characteristic lesions involving more than 40 percent of the entire body or more than 40 percent of exposed areas affected; or, Constant or near-constant systemic therapy including, but not limited to, corticosteroids, phototherapy, retinoids, biologics, photochemotherapy, psoralen with long-wave ultraviolet-A light (PUVA), or other immunosuppressive drugs required over the past 12-month period, Characteristic lesions involving 20 to 40 percent of the entire body or 20 to 40 percent of exposed areas affected; or Systemic therapy including, but not limited to, corticosteroids, phototherapy, retinoids, biologics, photochemotherapy, PUVA, or other immunosuppressive drugs required for a total duration of 6 weeks or more, but not constantly, over the past 12-month period, Characteristic lesions involving at least 5 percent, but less than 20 percent, of the entire body affected; or, At least 5 percent, but less than 20 percent, of exposed areas affected; or, Intermittent systemic therapy including, but not limited to, corticosteroids, phototherapy, retinoids, biologics, photochemotherapy, PUVA, or other immunosuppressive drugs required for a total duration of less than 6 weeks over the past 12-month period, No more than topical therapy required over the past 12-month period and at least one of the following, Characteristic lesions involving less than 5 percent of the entire body affected; or, Characteristic lesions involving less than 5 percent of exposed areas affected, Or rate as disfigurement of the head, face, or neck (DC 7800) or scars (DCs 7801, 7802, 7804, or 7805), depending upon the predominant disability. If there is no replacement lens, evaluate based on aphakia (diagnostic code 6029). 6832 Pneumoconiosis (silicosis, anthracosis, etc.). (d) Special provisions for the application of evaluation criteria for diagnostic codes 6600, 6603, 6604, 6825-6833, and 6840-6845. (b) Where unemployable, the veteran has other disabilities innocently acquired which meet the percentage requirements of 4.16 and 4.17 and would render, in the judgment of the rating agency, the average person unable to secure or follow a substantially gainful occupation. 5111 Loss of use of one hand and one foot. Criterion September 9, 1975; removed March 10, 1976. 5173 Toes, three or more, without metatarsal involvement. Addison's disease (adrenocortical insufficiency). 11, 1969; 40 FR 42536, Sept. 15, 1975; 41 FR 11294, Mar. Application of the general rating formula for diseases of the heart. (a) For VA purposes, the diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome requires: (1) new onset of debilitating fatigue severe enough to reduce daily activity to less than 50 percent of the usual level for at least six months; and, (2) the exclusion, by history, physical examination, and laboratory tests, of all other clinical conditions that may produce similar symptoms; and. 4.89 Ratings for inactive nonpulmonary tuberculosis in effect on August 19, 1968. section 356 of title 38, United States Code. Note (3): This section is for evaluating Raynaud's disease (primary Raynaud's). 9901 Mandible, loss of, complete, between angles. 8410 Neuralgia, tenth cranial nerve. Always oriented to person, time, place, and situation. 9914 Maxilla, loss of more than half. Schedule of ratings - neurological conditions and convulsive disorders. Rating Knee Pain Webthe 10 percent rating, 2 or more episodes following the initial infection are required. However, disability resulting from a mental disorder that is superimposed upon intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder) or a personality disorder may be service-connected. 4.114 Schedule of ratings - digestive system. In view of the number of atypical instances it is not expected, especially with the more fully described grades of disabilities, that all cases will show all the findings specified. VA Rating for Knee Pain: VA Knee Rating Chart and - VA 11 to 20 mm of maximum unassisted vertical opening. 5272 Subastragalar or tarsal joint, ankylosis. Use the adjusted visual acuity for the poorer eye (or the affected eye, if disability of only one eye is service-connected), and the corrected visual acuity for the better eye (or visual acuity of 20/40 for the other eye, if only one eye is service-connected) to determine the percentage evaluation for visual impairment under diagnostic codes 6065 through 6066. Added September 9, 1975; criterion October 7, 1996. 5009 Other specified forms of arthropathy (excluding gout). Any change in evaluation based upon that or any subsequent examination will be subject to the provisions of. 6036 Status post corneal transplant. cm.) Whether the upper or lower extremities, the back or abdominal wall, the eyes or ears, or the cardiovascular, digestive, or other system, or psyche are affected, evaluations are based upon lack of usefulness, of these parts or systems, especially in self-support. Subscribe to: Changes in Title 38 :: Chapter I :: Part 4. but less than 72 square inches (465 sq. With diseases, preference is to be given to the number assigned to the disease itself; if the rating is determined on the basis of residual conditions, the number appropriate to the residual condition will be added, preceded by a hyphen. WebA total disability rating (100 percent) will be assigned without regard to other provisions of the rating schedule when it is established that a service-connected disability has required Mildly impaired judgment. Note (2): Trophic changes include, but are not limited to, skin changes (thinning, atrophy, fissuring, ulceration, scarring, absence of hair) as well as nail changes (clubbing, deformities). The rating, however, is based primarily upon the average impairment in earning capacity, that is, upon the economic or industrial handicap which must be overcome and not from individual success in overcoming it. Unfavorable, at an angle of less than 50 or with complete loss of supination or pronation, Intermediate, at an angle of more than 90, or between 70 and 50, Favorable, at an angle between 90 and 70. Once the signal reaches the visual cortex, it is interpreted by the brain so you can make sense of the environment. Apply the provisions of. Apply the provisions of. You may be able to get VA disability benefits for conditions such as:Chronic (long-lasting) back pain resulting in a current diagnosed back disabilityBreathing problems resulting from a current lung condition or lung diseaseSevere hearing lossScar tissueLoss of range of motion (problems moving your body)UlcersCancers caused by contact with toxic chemicals or other dangers (d) Amputation or resection of metacarpal bones (more than one-half the bone lost) in multiple fingers injuries will require a rating of 10 percent added to (not combined with) the ratings, multiple finger amputations, subject to the amputation rule applied to the forearm. 49 CFR 172.101 It is not an official legal edition of the CFR. VA Disability Rating for Rotator Cuff Repair and Shoulder The basis of disability evaluations is the ability of the body as a whole, or of the psyche, or of a system or organ of the body to function under the ordinary conditions of daily life including employment. For the purposes of this diagnostic code, chronic urticaria is defined as continuous urticaria at least twice per week, off treatment, for a period of six weeks or more, Chronic refractory urticaria that requires third line treatment for control (e.g., plasmapheresis, immunotherapy, immunosuppressives) due to ineffectiveness with first and second line treatments, Chronic urticaria that requires second line treatment (e.g., corticosteroids, sympathomimetics, leukotriene inhibitors, neutrophil inhibitors, thyroid hormone) for control, Chronic urticaria that requires first line treatment (antihistamines) for control, Persistent documented vasculitis episodes refractory to continuous immunosuppressive therapy, Recurrent documented vasculitic episodes occurring four or more times over the past 12-month period; and, Requiring intermittent systemic immunosuppressive therapy for control, Recurrent documented vasculitic episodes occurring one to three times over the past 12-month period, and requiring intermittent systemic immunosuppressive therapy for control; or, Without recurrent documented vasculitic episodes but requiring continuous systemic medication for control, Or rate as disfigurement of the head, face, or neck (DC 7800) or scars (DCs 7801, 7802, 7804, or 7805), depending upon the predominant disability. 5328 Muscle, neoplasm of, benign, postoperative. A complication of a number of diseases, including pernicious anemia. Prostate gland injuries, infections, hypertrophy, postoperative residuals, bladder outlet obstruction. The rating board will include a full statement as to the veteran's service-connected disabilities, employment history, educational and vocational attainment and all other factors having a bearing on the issue. Estimate your 2023 VA Rating & Compensation for FREE! 9903 Mandible, nonunion of, confirmed by diagnostic imaging studies: Displacement, causing severe anterior or posterior open bite, Displacement, causing moderate anterior or posterior open bite, Displacement, not causing anterior or posterior open bite. The maximum scheduler rating for severe bilateral pes planus (flat feet) is 50 percent. Disability of the musculoskeletal system is primarily the inability, due to damage or infection in parts of the system, to perform the normal working movements of the body with normal excursion, strength, speed, coordination and endurance. Note (1): Examples of supraventricular tachycardia include, but are not limited to: Atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, sinus tachycardia, sinoatrial nodal reentrant tachycardia, atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia, atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia, atrial tachycardia, junctional tachycardia, and multifocal atrial tachycardia. 5000 Osteomyelitis, acute, subacute, or chronic. Note (4): Following surgery or other treatment, evaluate chronic residuals, such as nephrolithiasis (kidney stones), decreased renal function, fractures, vision problems, and cardiovascular complications, under the appropriate diagnostic codes. The nervous system is divided into two parts: the central nervous system, and the peripheral nervous system. guide. View the most recent official publication: These links go to the official, published CFR, which is updated annually. Only one hand shall be considered dominant. The duration of the initial, and any subsequent, period of total incapacity, especially periods reflecting delayed union, inflammation, swelling, drainage, or operative intervention, should be given close attention. 29, 1994, as amended at 59 FR 46339, Sept. 8, 1994; 86 FR 54086, Sept. 30, 2021], [60 FR 19855, Apr. 7520 Penis, removal of half or more. 10, 2018; 83 FR 32600, July 13, 2018; 83 FR 54258, Oct. 29, 2018; 84 FR 28234, June 18, 2019; 85 FR 76466, Nov. 30, 2020; 86 FR 8143, Feb. 4, 2021; 86 FR 54088, 54097, Sept. 30, 2021], [72 FR 13003, Mar. In the absence of limitation of motion, rate as below: With X-ray evidence of involvement of 2 or more major joints or 2 or more minor joint groups, with occasional incapacitating exacerbations, With X-ray evidence of involvement of 2 or more major joints or 2 or more minor joint groups. 6006 Retinopathy or maculopathy not otherwise specified. With remaining field of 16 to 30 degrees: Or evaluate each affected eye as 20/100 (6/30). Criterion February 17, 1994; title and criterion November 14, 2021. 8522 Musculocutaneous nerve (superficial peroneal), paralysis. These parts all work together to keep the body in balance. 9423 Unspecified somatic symptom and related disorder. The Analogous diagnostic codes are used by the VA when a diagnosed condition is not directly listed in CFR Title 38, Part 4, the Schedule for Rating Disabilities. Signup to never miss a beat with special offers, blog updates, exclusive trainings, and more delivered right to your inbox! 7312 Cirrhosis of the liver, primary biliary cirrhosis, or cirrhotic phase of sclerosing cholangitis: Generalized weakness, substantial weight loss, and persistent jaundice, or; with one of the following refractory to treatment: ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, hemorrhage from varices or portal gastropathy (erosive gastritis), History of two or more episodes of ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, or hemorrhage from varices or portal gastropathy (erosive gastritis), but with periods of remission between attacks, History of one episode of ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, or hemorrhage from varices or portal gastropathy (erosive gastritis), Portal hypertension and splenomegaly, with weakness, anorexia, abdominal pain, malaise, and at least minor weight loss, Symptoms such as weakness, anorexia, abdominal pain, and malaise, Severe; frequent attacks of gall bladder colic, Moderate; gall bladder dyspepsia, confirmed by X-ray technique, and with infrequent attacks (not over two or three a year) of gall bladder colic, with or without jaundice. This 10 percent rating will not be combined with any other rating for a disability due to cerebral or generalized arteriosclerosis. Note (2): One MET (metabolic equivalent) is the energy cost of standing quietly at rest and represents an oxygen uptake of 3.5 milliliters per kilogram of body weight per minute. Occupational and social impairment with reduced reliability and productivity due to such symptoms as: flattened affect; circumstantial, circumlocutory, or stereotyped speech; panic attacks more than once a week; difficulty in understanding complex commands; impairment of short- and long-term memory (e.g., retention of only highly learned material, forgetting to complete tasks); impaired judgment; impaired abstract thinking; disturbances of motivation and mood; difficulty in establishing and maintaining effective work and social relationships. 7348 Vagotomy with pyloroplasty or gastroenterostomy: Followed by demonstrably confirmative postoperative complications of stricture or continuing gastric retention, With symptoms and confirmed diagnosis of alkaline gastritis, or of confirmed persisting diarrhea, For an indefinite period from the date of hospital admission for transplant surgery. Evaluation February 17, 1994; removed November 14, 2021. 6200 Chronic suppurative otitis media, mastoiditis, or cholesteatoma (or any combination): 6201 Chronic nonsuppurative otitis media with effusion (serous otitis media): 6205 Meniere's syndrome (endolymphatic hydrops): Hearing impairment with attacks of vertigo and cerebellar gait occurring more than once weekly, with or without tinnitus, Hearing impairment with attacks of vertigo and cerebellar gait occurring from one to four times a month, with or without tinnitus, Hearing impairment with vertigo less than once a month, with or without tinnitus, Deformity of one, with loss of one-third or more of the substance, 6208 Malignant neoplasm of the ear (other than skin only). The seizure manifestations of psychomotor epilepsy vary from patient to patient and in the same patient from seizure to seizure. The evaluation for visual impairment of one eye must not exceed 30 percent unless there is anatomical loss of the eye. 1. L. 90-493 should be mentioned in the discussion portion of all ratings in which these provisions are applied. Were here to help you receive the compensation and care you rightfully earned. The VA uses 38 CFR 4.71 to rate your musculoskeletal system and 38 CFR 4.73 to rate muscle injuries. Sciatic neuritis is not uncommonly caused by arthritis of the spine. One of the first questions that you might ask is this: Its a legitimate question rare is the Veteran that finds themselves sitting on the couch eating bon-bons Note (2): For the purposes of this diagnostic code, a treatment intervention occurs whenever a symptomatic patient requires intravenous pharmacologic adjustment, cardioversion, and/or ablation for symptom relief. The term inability to gain weight means that there has been substantial weight loss with inability to regain it despite appropriate therapy. WebInstability of the knee (if it dislocates regularly or has too much side to side motion) with ratings of 0%, 10%, 20%, or 30% Ankylosis (abnormal stiffening and immobility) with ratings of 30%, 40%, 50%, or 60% You can receive ratings for more than one aspect of your knee condition, if appropriate. Both the use of manifestations not resulting from service-connected disease or injury in establishing the service-connected evaluation, and the evaluation of the same manifestation under different diagnoses are to be avoided. Intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder) and personality disorders. 8622 Neuritis, musculocutaneous (superficial peroneal) nerve. With intermediate degrees of residual weakness, pain or limitation of motion rate by analogy to 5270 or 5271. (5) When evaluating based on PFT's, use post-bronchodilator results in applying the evaluation criteria in the rating schedule unless the post-bronchodilator results were poorer than the pre-bronchodilator results. Note (3): For this general formula, heart failure symptoms include, but are not limited to, breathlessness, fatigue, angina, dizziness, arrhythmia, palpitations, or syncope. 5314 Group XIV Function: Extension of knee. Submitting a claim for a VA rating for narcolepsy can be Thousands of veterans like you take medication to help improve their service-connected disabilities. The graduated ratings for nonpulmonary tuberculosis will not be combined with residuals of nonpulmonary tuberculosis unless the graduated rating and the rating for residual disability cover separate functional losses, e.g., graduated ratings for tuberculosis of the kidney and residuals of tuberculosis of the spine. (c) Service-connected visual impairment of only one eye. Rate as for disfigurement and impairment of function of mastication. Muscle atrophy must also be accurately measured and reported. Inquiry will be directed to these considerations: (a) Less movement than normal (due to ankylosis, limitation or blocking, adhesions, tendon-tie-up, contracted scars, etc.). Burn scar(s) of the head, face, or neck; scar(s) of the head, face, or neck due to other causes; or other disfigurement of the head, face, or neck. Liver disease, chronic, without cirrhosis. 5203 Clavicle or scapula, impairment. Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia). With any form of arthritis (except traumatic arthritis) it is essential that the examination for rating purposes cover all major joints, with especial reference to Heberden's or Haygarth's nodes. 7, 1994; 86 FR 54085, Sept. 30, 2021], [59 FR 2527, Jan. 18, 1994; 59 FR 14567, Mar. 0 to 10 millimeters (mm) of maximum unassisted vertical opening. Evaluate functional impairment as seventh (facial) cranial nerve neuropathy (diagnostic code 8207), disfiguring scar (diagnostic code 7800), etc. 6841 Spinal cord injury with respiratory insufficiency. Brian is a Distinguished Graduate of Management from theUnited States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO and he holds an MBA from Oklahoma State Universitys Spears School of Business, Stillwater, OK, where he was a National Honor Scholar (Top 1% of Graduate School class). Background and more details are available in the Record of consistent complaint of cardinal signs and symptoms of muscle disability as defined in paragraph (c) of this section, worse than those shown for moderately severe muscle injuries, and, if present, evidence of inability to keep up with work requirements. See Table III for the normal extent (in degrees) of the visual fields at the 8 principal meridians (45 degrees apart). Flexion elicits such manifestations. Nonunion in upper half, with false movement: With loss of bone substance (1 inch (2.5 cms.) 5054 Hip, resurfacing or replacement (prosthesis): For 4 months following implantation of prosthesis or resurfacing. Purely neurological disabilities, such as hemiplegia, cranial nerve paralysis, etc., due to cerebral arteriosclerosis will be rated under the diagnostic codes dealing with such specific disabilities, with citation of a hyphenated diagnostic code (e.g., 8046-8207). Examinations will be conducted without the use of hearing aids. How to Get a 100 Percent VA Rating (if deserved)! 7319 Colon, irritable syndrome(spastic colitis, mucous colitis, irritable bowel syndrome , Mucous colitis etc.). The nephrosclerotic type, originating in hypertension or arteriosclerosis, develops slowly, with minimum laboratory findings, and is associated with natural progress. 5160 Complete amputation, lower extremity. The central nervous system consists of the brain, the spinal cord, and thecranialnerves. Dear Veteran, Heres the brutal truth about VA disability claims: According to our data, 8/10 (80%) of veterans reading this message right now are underrated by the VA. (vii) headaches (of a type, severity, or pattern that is different from headaches in the pre-morbid state). If accepted into our ELITE membership program, youll get free up-front access and permission to use $13,119 worth of proprietary VA claim resources, including access to our network of independent medical professionals for medical examinations, disability evaluations, and credible Medical Nexus Letters, which could help you get a HIGHER VA rating in LESS time. [29 FR 6718, May 22, 1964, as amended at 41 FR 11294, Mar. General Rating Formula for DCs 7806, 7809, 7813-7816, 7820-7822, and 7824 added August 13, 2018. [59 FR 2527, Jan. 18, 1994; 59 FR 10676, Mar. 20, 2007; 72 FR 16728, Apr. If youre stuck, frustrated, underrated, and currently rated between 0%-90%, VA Claims Insider Elite is for you! (b) Rating protected tuberculosis cases. 8311 Neuritis, eleventh cranial nerve. LIST OF VA ANALOGOUS CONDITIONS AND DIAGNOSTIC CODES. 9326 Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to another medical condition or substance/medication-induced major or mild neurocognitive disorder. The common cause of disability in this region is arthritis, to be identified in the usual manner. If two or more skin conditions involve the same area of skin, then only the highest evaluation shall be used. Extremely unfavorable, in flexion at an angle of 45 or more, Favorable angle in full extension, or in slight flexion between 0 and 10, Unrepaired or failed repair of complete ligament tear causing persistent instability, and a medical provider prescribes both an assistive device (, (a) Sprain, incomplete ligament tear, or repaired complete ligament tear causing persistent instability, and a medical provider prescribes a brace and/or assistive device (, (b) Unrepaired or failed repair of complete ligament tear causing persistent instability, and a medical provider prescribes either an assistive device (, Sprain, incomplete ligament tear, or complete ligament tear (repaired, unrepaired, or failed repair) causing persistent instability, without a prescription from a medical provider for an assistive device (, A diagnosed condition involving the patellofemoral complex with recurrent instability after surgical repair that requires a prescription by a medical provider for a brace and either a cane or a walker, A diagnosed condition involving the patellofemoral complex with recurrent instability after surgical repair that requires a prescription by a medical provider for one of the following: A brace, cane, or walker, A diagnosed condition involving the patellofemoral complex with recurrent instability (with or without history of surgical repair) that does not require a prescription from a medical provider for a brace, cane, or walker, 5258 Cartilage, semilunar, dislocated, with frequent episodes of locking, pain, and effusion into the joint, 5259 Cartilage, semilunar, removal of, symptomatic, Nonunion of, with loose motion, requiring brace. Total disability ratings for pension based on unemployability and age of the individual. Memory, attention, concentration, executive functions. General Rating Formula for Sinusitis (DC's 6510 through 6514): Following radical surgery with chronic osteomyelitis, or; near constant sinusitis characterized by headaches, pain and tenderness of affected sinus, and purulent discharge or crusting after repeated surgeries, Three or more incapacitating episodes per year of sinusitis requiring prolonged (lasting four to six weeks) antibiotic treatment, or; more than six non-incapacitating episodes per year of sinusitis characterized by headaches, pain, and purulent discharge or crusting, One or two incapacitating episodes per year of sinusitis requiring prolonged (lasting four to six weeks) antibiotic treatment, or; three to six non-incapacitating episodes per year of sinusitis characterized by headaches, pain, and purulent discharge or crusting. 2. Ratings for Pulmonary Tuberculosis Initially Evaluated After August 19, 1968: 6819 Neoplasms, malignant, any specified part of respiratory system exclusive of skin growths. 5001 Bones and Joints, tuberculosis, active or inactive. 2 Also entitled to special monthly compensation. WebSocial Security Disability or SSI For Bursitis If your bursitis is severe enough, you may meet the requirements of Social Security's disability listing for joint dysfunction. Not improvable by prosthesis controlled by natural knee action, Toes, all, amputation of, without metatarsal loss or transmetatarsal, amputation of, with up to half of metatarsal loss, Toe, other than great, with removal metatarsal head, Toes, three or more, without metatarsal involvement.