Or their own apps in the Windows Store. The high brass at MSFT has to be replaced. I think abandoning Windows 10 mobile was a mistake, I realised when I was looking at the AR headsets they just released and I thought "but maybe they will abandon it in a year or two". Satya Nadella and his leadership team impressively executed the significant cultural change efforts. Satya Nadella, Buddhism and Modern Leadership. They develop for Windows and they get mobile, IOT, Desktop, tablet etc. Right now the average Joe might see AI as Siri, Google now, and Alexa. Finally, he admitted that he made a FUBAR! Bill Gates will spend a portion of his time at the company assisting with product choices. The elder Nadella announced the news of his son's . Def agree with the comments about verizon.and little doubt that played a big part in the lack of window phone sales Good he's admitted that is a huge issue. It appears that Microsoft has forgotten how to be successful, please your customers. This has been the stated direction of MS since Bill Gates annouced his vision 20+ years ago. That doesnt appear to be the case. And, given that Stephen Elop was tipped as a leading CEO candidate, some could be unhappy that their guy did not win. According to Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study, Nadella Satya can use this trend to expand in adjacent areas Leadership, Organizational culture. However, with OneCore/CShell, where Windows 10 can scale up or down, depending on form factor, a developer, developing UWP apps for Windows 10 desktops/laptops, simply will add the extra lines of code necessary for Windows 10 to scale down to a smaller form factor, such as might be presented by a phablet/voice enabled device (or even the rumoured Andromeda device). My #1 'Forever Dividend' Stock [sponsor] I honestly dont think there was anything MS could have done to get back in the game. By India Today Tech: Most companies, regardless of their sector, are calling employees back to the office now that COVID cases have dropped significantly. The general consensus seems to be mobile is an essential component to any future. WP gained decent marketshare in several TINY markets due to selling cheap (aka low or no margin) phones like Lumia 520, 640 etc. Weaknesses. Examining the Leadership Style of Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella whenever I can I'll leave my L950 and I'll move to Android. Nadella Satya is struggling to restructure processes in light of developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Atleast MS will not have to worry about the app gap and the OS can be customized as per MS specific needs. Because Gates has moved to Android and Belfiore to an iOS they will soon see what the benefits and disadvantages are. Buy This Stock on Any Weakness - Trades Of The Day This puts Nadella in the helm partway through two key and coinciding changes to the company. WebOS was a great OS on very underpowered hardware. And theres progress in the cloud as well. Satya was just the guy that had to make the decision to pull the plug, but WP had been brain dead for a while already. This whole "cloud first or nothing" push will eventually backfire and they will float into abyss. One of Nadellas first major tasks was overseeing the completion of Microsofts $7.2 billion acquisition of Nokia Corp.s mobile-device business, a transaction that had been announced in 2013 despite the reservations of various Microsoft executives, one of whom reportedly was Nadella. Why even would they drop the already established product? I can honestly say, I would go back to my windows phone in a heartbeat if it had the same apps and a future. So, you know, keep the Surface division growing at triple digit percentages for the next few years. I just know that I have very little faith or trust in Microsoft keeping their word anymore. I see autistics as a gifted people to humanity. I will never understand how a software GIANT can be so damn bad as software. If you didn't have MS Office you'd be nothing be an ancient memory in anals of computer history. It is not going to matter what they come up with in the future. When MS failed to do anything to keep me as a customer, I finally switched to Apple (after resisting for years). Why doesn't Microsoft modify Windows 10 to allow you to make phone calls? So here's my planI'm going to get Panos to build the best goddam phone he can, and I'm going to make sure we upgrade it every year. SINGAPORE November 17, 2022 Microsoft Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella visited Singapore today to experience first-hand how innovative technologies and insights are supporting the region's technology ecosystem of developers, startups and companies across every industry. - he made stock holders some money. Users wanted small things like transparent icons for Skype, office apps landscape mode for start screen. So it comes to the cut from the sold apps, which is for the last year around 10 billion and then also for paying to promote your services (currently Google pays Apple 3 billions, but as it doesn't pay to itself let's say it is something like up to 10 billions). Edge is complete rubbish, Bing doesn't compare to Google for search. I started with Windows CE 1.0 and went through all of the different iterations of mobile software that Microsoft shipped. As an end-user, I was frequently frustrated by the lack of a Windows Phone/Windows Mobile version for an app specialized to our industry. James. Andoroid's dominance as the most prevalent OS on the market was built on that, and the "App Gap" grew as a result of that. Six challenges for Microsoft as the Satya Nadella era begins His CEO speech: Reading between the software lines Those are gentle, highly sanitized code words, of course. The company can pursue horizontal integration to consolidate and bring efficiencies but I believe it will be a short term relief. Now, years later, we hear how much the people in charge hated it. Calm down the "unlock shareholder value" crowd. Mobile phones are not phones. Nadella Satya can use two approaches - building on present strengths, or analyze the trend and build processes to two pronged market penetration approach. Once, IBM was known for their computers, but then they changed focus from the individual to the corporation. Too late. Maybe, but 'Enterprise' is ultimately collective of consumers. What is Nadella going to do about this apparent lack of caring about consumers? Satya Nadella replaced billionaire Steve Ballmer as Microsoft CEO in 2014. While 100 million phones sounds impressive, that is over what time span? The windows phone works well for integration to server based sytems, whether they are corporate or personal enterprises. What unlock shareholder value really means is sell off or spin off assets andgive the cash to shareholders. Which might be at odds with the long-term strategy of the company itself. Its an encouraging development that Scott Guthrie, famous for his red shirts and a love for developers that is more real (if less boisterous) than Ballmers, will be acting head of the server and enterprise group, reporting to Nadella. But this never happened at MS because too many people who were supposed to be shaping technology of the future would rather see iOS and Android be successful rather than their own product. In addition, HP footed the bill and GOT the HP Elite x3 "modified and certified" TO RUN ON VERIZON for a fall release!!! Look I'm a fan, I was there, through it all, but this last one. is the last one. Awesome 20mp camera And windows 10 is finally usable with creators update :)) The iphone 4 with the old Os it has still has more apps than your 950xl. Silverlight, WindowsRT, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Microsoft Band, Skype (Consumer End), Windows Phone, Nokia, Windows 10 Mobile, and now Groove and we could probably read the tea leaves to see what's next. Nadella said it's cloud first. That's more than just fanboys. Satya Nadella Height, Weight, Age, Body Statistics - Healthy Celeb Good-bye MS. Good-bye Edge, Bing, Cortana, Groove, Office, Outlook, Photos, OneDrive, Skype, Store, etc., etc. Professionally I have already been seeing a shift away from business even requesting MS products just for that reason and less interest in MS products when I propose them to clients. So let's market a phone that is not a phone for the fear of recalling the big fiasco made out of 10% of mobile market share they made out of Windows Phone/windows 10 mobile. Plus many government agencies were selecting windows phones for security reasons. I hope Nadella has jotted down a note to himself: Do not attempt to re-create Ballmer developers video. If the current Windows users can use their MS stuff on either mobile platforms, they will be ok. What is taking shape now is that consumers are finally catching on that Microsoft within a short period of time gives up on hardware,for example Zune, Windows RT, Micosoft Band, and now Windows Phone. "The future of work is not just about technology and tools," he said. Apple has tried for decades to crack Enterprise and their desktop share hasn't moved. In this (WinPhone) case, hitting refresh is a good thing imo. ITS A VERY BIIIIIIIGGGGG MISTAKE!!! Massive announcements regarding things like this being dribbled out, half way, in Tweets -- and by someone who is not the head of the company? On the immediate, serious side though - without mobile, their hopes for growing the end user - UWP - developer ecosystem is now down to, what - low to middle end Windows "S" devices? Folks Microsoft is a company that gets most of it's income from selling software and services to Enterprrise/Business customers.and to people who sell or and use Desktop PC's. Mobile payment was the "next big thing" five years ago. Opportunities and Threats are factors that are analyzed in view of the prevalent market forces and other factors such as economic , social, health & safety, technological, legal & environmental, and political. Even IF they ship another new phone device with real windows 10 then WHY in earth should the current fan base care? It seems you have the guts to take on things others don't. Nhu Tran February 10, 2023 Satya Nadella at Microsoft Case Study 1. Since taking the top job, he doubled down on artificial intelligence (A), social networking and cloud computing, while pushing the firm to become more collaborative, innovative and customer focused. Not even Chinese. W10/S/ARM will allcome up short becausethewhole damCORE idea depends on UWP to move forward. I think we will see the opposite now that mobile is king. The 920,1020 were some of the most talked about sp(smartphone) on themarket during that time. There has been a presumption that XP users would make the switch. Updates? I don't really have any other smartphone experience to compare it to, but I do know how a phone looks is part of what catches my eye and I have, to this day, have not seen one phone that is as eye-catching as Window Phone's transparent tiles and what you can do with them to create an awesome home screen. it seems to me that not only does the company have contempt for users, it can no longer write programmes that work with its own operating syustem. Most infrastructure people do not get transitional stages or phases. The main problem here is that people can actually find free substitutes for those. Threats are macro environment factors and developments that can derail business model of Nadella Satya. Even in AR and AI MS is posed to fail! When you fail to tell the truth to your employees the organization begins to corrode from the inside. The Surface Phone has been promised for YEARS! However, I also now have other devices I thought I'd look to MS to full fill. The only thing I can see is them forking Android apps to work natively on the PC. That is just plain the stupidest business decision I have ever seen, I just hope Microsoft can dig themselves out of the hole that the CEO and VP has put them in before it is too late. Again and again, I ran into the same brick wall -- the developers had no confidence that Microsoft would continue to support the platform. And because of e-sim technology, OneCore etc. It doesn't have to compete against companies that make a lot of gadgets. Nuttela's Puffer-in-Chief LOL. I feel angry and betrayed for ever having stuck up for Windows Phone against the people around me with iPhones and Android phones. Google doesit. It limits the ability of the firm to build a sustainable competitive advantage. Satya Narayana Nadella has been the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Microsoft by succeeding Steve Ballmer in 2014 and under him, the company had witnessed considerable growth. So I shall party ans rock hard on with my beloved Lumia 950 XL until then at least. Thank you, Brett. Bing is much more than just a website - it's the search infrastructure and tech at the heart of MS Cloud computing. Tried like hell to get SO Many people to jump on this bandwagon and ride it. For all his many faults, at least Balmer had some inkling of the need to maintain a foothold in the consumer space, even though he did it WRONG by trying to BUY marketshare via the Nokia purchase as opposed to building a MS-owned vertical manufacturing base. That works out to 35M discounted (to free) phones. How will Microsoft stay relevant? Time to focus, man. I will say I diddefend the guy from time to time but now, after buying into the hardware and software game from Microsoft and then finding out later, they scrap it anyways. Microsoft Chairman and CEO Satya Nadella Visits Singapore, encourages Android is not all that great, even though it was either that or an expensive iPhone with no way to use the MS apps by default. Anyway, Jason, I enjoy your articles, quixotic as they are at times :). BS! People hanging about in a burning house while walls fell down around them and ash filled their lungs, smh. Again all available in people's pockets. The only thing he could have done at that point was to discount hardware, but after the billion dollar Surface RT write-off he would have been crucified if Microsoft had to undertake what basically would have been another write off to discount hardware (i.e. - Inventory Management Based on the details provided in the Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study, we can conclude that Nadella Satya is not efficiently managing the inventory and cash cycle. But what was the point while Microsoft was sending contrary and mixed signals all the long. Lets see what happens. "We didn't get networks," he said. I mean, he could have used the comment section/forums of Windows Central and got all the feedback he needed. My step sister's husband works for Microsoft, and he was stunned to hear I still owned a WP! I was going to buy a new Surface Laptop. Instead they killed it with their lack of interest. (Like gmail instead of outlook mail and calendar).