lmao!! Of course he does still get the multiple-voting fan awards run by JJ etc, and he did get a Saturn award, but some of them were a bit of a joke. Starz is going on a Scottish road trip with Outlander stars Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish. Now, shoo, your idiocy is annoying my calm Sunday. So hetero player it was. Being tacitly out as bi isn't necessarily an obstacle to that. Could do him some good - broadens his range a bit and the leads are great actors. Probably doesn't matter all that much at the moment, as he is still not all that well known outside OL. Ironic hero there, Heughan. (yeh, OK). I think Sam is doing the same thing with his following of trashy blondes on IG. Sam grew nearby Kenmure castle, where he and his brother played as children. But as he becomes better known and his career takes off, if it does of course, and gets a much wider fan range, if Purv keeps jabbering away, her hetero player selling contortions are going to look bizarre to newbies (The Magical Golden Dirk? But the strange Balfe marriage put a spanner in that. Guess who has a Brand New Beard! Moving goalposts to suit the narratives: "Its too bad it will never be for the Highlander and the Viking Goddess shes too old for his usual tastes, and given her multiple black belts, would likely kicks his ass. And who takes the pics, Duncan is posting on his IG? Wtf. It has been fascinating to watch. Staying far away, advise everyone to do the same. HEUGHAN: No, I dont think so. They seem to have been friends (that's friends) for quite some time - even the great Purv said 'nothing to see here' in June last year. r572. That's enough to keep the hetero image ticking over. And now it's Samiza, folks!! So snarky, sick and annoyed at the loss of cover and some possible damage to his all-important bank balance. Add younger homophobic stans to the list. But thank you for the compliment". [R188]Agree. "I know Ive got competition out there, so well see what happens. - you sure have, mate, and a lot of them have far more impressive CVs (so far of course), and probably far more developed networks. To quote The English Dictionary..Irony.A mode of speech which expresses a sense contrary to that conveyed by the wordsa subtle kind of sarcasm. Does not ring true. Throw in a few supposed sightings (no photos of course) where he was loving and cute with the female selection, add a bit of fan photoshopping/cropping, latergrams easy peasy. In the previous thread 4 one of the last comments was about whisky, yes I agree that Sam's whisky might do wel for a few years as long as OL is populair. But, one good thing - the roadkill is gone and a new wig has appeared!!! Heughan shilling his " Bottoms Up Whiskey " on IG this evening, sounds as if it's about to be released for sale. I know they are friends and business partners but they spend so much ' down time ' together I've often wondered if Norouzi is in the closet with Heughan. No surprise that Fand F 9 has been postponed for a year (Vin's real priority). Now the front runner? She needs a shorter haircut. And he adores Caitriona Balfe for her looks and being a women. But he is not looking manly. Hehe Sam doing some Daddy dancing. correction not a blog, a fan account. She might make a suitable beard;). then surly they couldn't resist giving it out. getting fed as Bloodshot and S5 OL premieres loom? Of course a lot of his worshippers WANT him to be their hot stud that they can sweat over and throw money at, and he has to protect his market. the bear carmy berzatto jeremy allen white episode 8 season one. And having People magazine pick the IG post up and run with it, adding the 'loving' banter from Balfe about his Saturn win, and throwing in a link to an old, old quiz video to underline that they don't know each other very well and are not together (he's finally given up on that innuendo although he slobbered on as long as he could - it was great cover). Of course he knows, he's Sam's longtime friend. I have said in the past if I feel threatened, I will take action. Didn't JJ get the memo about promoting the hetero stud? That and the question how OL production will be financed after Brexit and the lost of EU subsidy. Doesn't have to be Europe of course, but more time in the dunes that way. She looks rather like her. "You know, those of us who entertain the theory of him being gay have absolutely no problem with him being gay. [r508] I agree with you that Alex doesn't appear in the least bit gay yet every time I see them together I just think 'mmm'. 'The Spy Who Never Did Anything To Me ' - Love it !! Do you hear that?? Thank you. . And you can hide behind them. The pair both posted the photo of Camuso and Gabaldon smiling for the camera. Sam is an embarrassment. Did you catch that shes also a content creator? Heughan wants viewers to expect lots of drama in Season 5? No one has the right to infiltrate privacy and take it upon themselves to broadcast it at will. His private FB gone.. that was the most telling with the comments. Her outfit was gorgeous. No more closet and tbh I think when he stands for who he really is, he will be a better actor for it too. he must be dating her. It was like he was back on the battlefields of Culloden again in Outlander. {R534[ Imagine a lot of the female, non whiskey drinking fans, will buy it, perhaps have a sip but then keep it on display as a kind of trophy ,after all it does look like a rather pretty perfume bottle. I just can't see him as Bond. Where this will end or bringing him more attention to wider markets and audiences, sorry no idea. But then that's the point of the work by Wendy Kemp Forbes, the Outlander makeup artist whose job is to prepare Sam Heughan 's hair, makeup, and back. c'mon, Sam. I suppose that's the image his team tries to project..except Sam is C list and many people don't know who he is. ; He might be; No, Yes, Maybe; Not of course that it matters if he is (like hell), but hes not; Ah, hes just fucked up when it comes to women, doesnt mean hes gay! Should take you no time at all. are just a few.(none of the pictures are mine and do not . Says so himself after all. [quote]gotta love Cree. And not a closet supporter either. Thank you. Nothing to hide other than people living their lives. Wow! Hello, I make a query. bat-cat-reader: Hello, I make a query. The Explain the Gay Away game continues on tumblr: - Argument: Cree and Balfe wouldn't keep on teasing him with innuendo if he was really gay. Box office at the opening weekend 57.000 in Germany. Is it my imagination but are Heughans stick thin legs getting even thinner ?Would it not be possible to ' build up ' the lower half of his body to match the top half ? yourmassivedelusionstudent liked this. Imagine if the idea that you werent a part of a private blog kept you up at night, and tormented you. {R182]It will be interesting to see if Heughan can successfully transfer to the big screen,taking a leading role, not the "Cameo "performances he has done so far.. Or will he forever be perceived as the heart throb from a smaller screen. For a blend isn't this outrageously expensive or do I just not buy whisky often enough . Sam continues to be straight, regardless. We all know he knows. Your comments on Tumblr read like datalounge. As a matter of fact, Sam as Jimmy really creeped me out when he tried to make a pass at Eiza Gonzlez's character KT. WTF? On cue, the SpazPurvMuso troll is having another CAPS-LOCK hissy fit. Sam Heughan shares behind the scenes footage on set of season six. His PR people need to find a new way to change the gossip that he is gay!". How is it that the topic of Meokeob and Paul Camuso are the only blog posts that are getting leaked from a private blog, when all that new SamCait stuff is being posted? Madden is the glass closet - Sam is either the cast iron closet or the closet you get buried in? For the past 6 years Heughans magnificent butt, naked or otherwise, has been on general display to the whole world, It's possibly been the favourite subject of millions of pause button moments.But to have any realistic chance of coming within striking distance of the famous butt in question a fan would have to shell out for VIP tickets to a least 4 or 5 cons at a conservative estimate of well over $$ 8,000 !! One of the more popular seems to be this one in that article published in April 2016 - couldn't find the image separate without it being embedded in the puerile frat boy interview (including Shitner on the phone - how long can two brats drag out talking about farts?) He would like to find love but it's very difficult with his travelling and being in Scotland 10 months of the year (so there aren't any Scottish girls around?). Sam on Twitter: Happy Birthday to The Dude followed by the ASL emoji for love. So one of Heughan's fan clubs seriously thought that it should be registered as a real Scottish clan? He could always recycle Amy, or maybe there is someone else looming. Found this quote in an old Out Magazine article: "I think there are four kinds of gays in Hollywood, explains Howard Bragman, CEO of the PR firm Fifteen Minutes. This bearding is more clumsy than usual, even for him. Contrary to Extreme Shipper and Hater popular belief, I don't fake anything or "make up narratives," I don't need to or want to, I simply POST INFO SENT TO ME. Its called breaking and entering. It's a smart move - he doesn't have to bother so much with being 'seen' with a 'gf' (without photos of course, just a lot of innuendo, or with photoshopped hands, cropped images etc) - there doesn't seem to have been a Miss September, and October is passing fast. R60 That doesn't explain the hiding and do you really think that Sam doesn't have enough money to rent a suite??? Someone somewhere seems to be splashing around quite a bit of money to tweak the betting odds - for what these numbers are ever worth. It's not about the nationality, the hardcore Jamie fans are simply insane and obsessed. There are privacy laws to protect us from such violations. And in Scotland no one cares. r577 Yes, did no-one in the SH camp (pun not intended) bother to check out just what was out there on SM about her before the name was apparently fed from private FB sites to a number of blogger accounts? Yes, he is pretty and yes he pings, but there is so much more to it than that. Interesting to hear him talk about Sassenach Spirits, seems he's going for a very small niche market where he would be a small brand but with a big celebrity name. I feel really sorry for him. This whole series is very remarkable. Just sack him, Sam. He needs a dose of Cree snark. Trying way too hard. Or Whole Lotta Love by Led Zeppelin - "I wanna be your backdoor man". arriving together at an airport in Japan ] Luke's body language absolutely screams 'I love and am very proud of this man '. For the troll: yes, Sam pings to high heaven -and there's nothing wrong with that. Heughan channelling his libido into marathon weight lifting sessions again !! Of course, OL came up and we found the Tumblr, IG, Twitter sites etc. He has gone from an outsider, even though he is Scottish, to apparently the front runner betting-wise. It is an absolute crime that anyone should be homeless in first world countries. He could not just seat back in his chair and answering the questions relaxed. Irish actor Andrew Scott has a theatre background and has done Broadway. Purv is weird (but tolerably amusing) - how long did it take her to come up with that description of a guy's dick? Poor guy was out of the closet and had to go right back in when they cast him. He showed up at the LandCon in Paris in a disturbing unprofessional way with his three day worn jeans, his wtf uncleanless, not dressing well for the female! [249] While were at it, Sam, please refrain from wearing jeans with holes in the knees. Back in highschool I had a small group of nerdy (male) friends, we were around 17. [R537] Or should I have said Whiskying his fame for all it's worth !! Just came to f and f the foul fat nazi homophobic cunts. Erit will never be because of the pink elephant in the room. You can say all that on your own, you dont need some sicko catfishing you in order to do it. Why isnt that getting leaked? Fleecing them for every $ he can, while he can. He will need to get a move on with getting more movie roles, because OL seems to be deteriorating in quality, with some really poor writing, and some poor performers, particularly Skelton, and since mid Season 3 he has increasingly been an emasculated 'eye candy' side player. So no noms for SH for mainstream awards such as GGs and Emmys, and if he wasnt promoted for S1 or the first part of S3, his legit awards noms chances with OL seem to have vanished in the mist. I agree that it is about money or otherwise you wouldn't go into business but he did seem confident and honest for once in that interview when he said he wanted to not just lend his name to a brand. His irritation with a fans tweets may stem from the stress and emotional pressure he must be under due to lifestyle choices i.e. Not much help, I know, but hopefully someone else can give a better explanation. Meanwhile it's hetero image front and centre. Sam Heughan looks out for the manly men. Admire his work but just wondered. r283 I couldn't find much either, except that the character is a/the cybernetic villain, so he could get quite a bit of screen time. It, of course has been an economic decision. [quote]If Sam comes out while Outlander is still on - mobs of menopausal and post-menopausal women carrying pitchforks would suddenly appear in the streets. which tumblr blogs are worth a read? is spending a lot of money laying bets on him. Could be a bit of a headache for JA - push Hiddleston or Heughan? All good networking. Heughan and former Outlander cast member, Graham McTavish, who played Dougal MacKenzie, appeared on Good Morning America to announce their new show coming to Starz . To those guys Heughan's a milk cow. 00:17. At the time I had no idea about S, what he looked like, or that they were even doing a show about the books. What a guy for Heughan to fanboy. Still, she can be entertaining, . So maybe were wrong all the time and the fat guy must be here for a longer time we didnt know.". We accept that which we cant have, and we go on with our lives. I often wonder does he ever manage to reconnect with who he used to be? Heughan gives every impression of a man determined to take as much money as he can, in any way he can, from his legion of blindly worshipping fans..he'll be laughing all the way to the bank.